The Avengers were founded not long ago, and now is the time when people are most needed, and it happens that the Fantastic Four and Allen have a fairly good relationship.

So they naturally became members of the Avengers, and their strength was higher than that of Hawkeye and Black Widow.

“Hey guy look at your big look, do you want to fight with me?”

Ben’s awakened superpower is a stone man who has turned into orange skin, and his flesh is not only as strong as a rock, but also endowed with great power.

Just as Banner appeared today and became the appearance of the invincible Hulk, he had the idea of going forward to compare.

I have to say that this kind of thinking is quite courageous.

“If you want to go to a special fighting room, don’t smash the electronic equipment here, can’t you save some money for S.H.I.E.L.D.?”

Commissioner Fury walked in and kicked Ben and Hulk out of the office.

Both of these are heavyweight superheroes, and it is their own offices that really want to fight.

Soon Ben was heard screaming as he was ravaged by the Hulk in the fighting room, after all, the two were still far apart in strength.

Dr. Banner, who has undergone gamma radiation mutations, is still slightly superior in strength.

“It’s really enviable, a random space trip to awaken superpowers, really missed.”

Hawkeye and Black Widow are the only combat strength in the S.H.I.E.L.D. alliance that relies on extraordinary physical fitness and super combat experience.

Captain America has broken through the limits of the human body, but they still belong to the normal category of human beings, using high-tech melee weapons as an aid.

Knowing that they should have participated in the aviation experiment program in the first place, Hawkeye began to ask when the next space storm would be.

“According to the data, there will be a cosmic storm in about five hundred years, and if you live like that guy like Thor, you may be able to wait until that day.”

Alan sat down on the couch and answered Hawkeye’s question with a calm face.

Seeing that Hawkeye had to die, normal people would not live that day anyway.

Usually, Alan and Tony will also share high-tech weapons equipped by people, which can also exert great lethality in their hands.

If not, let Tony Stark fight to the death to give them a few steels.

After many soft and hard bubbles, Tony Stark directly carried the anti-gravity curved wing back to the underground research room of the villa, and had to make this alien technology research transparent.

In fact, it is undoubtedly a huge project to be able to be made by Iago, something that has lived for millions of years, and to understand it.

However, this is not difficult for Tony, who has a genius brain, but it will take a little longer.

The programming code of the alien civilization is another brand new language, and Tony sometimes needs to successfully parse it with Jarvis before he can continue to conquer another technology.

“It looks like I’m not going to want to fly with that guy anytime soon.”

Alan knew that the other party was always a science maniac, anyway, there had been no major movement recently, and S.H.I.E.L.D. had enough manpower, so he tossed and turned with this guy.

In order to solve the embarrassing situation that Susan needs to take off her clothes when she is invisible, Allen tailors a combat suit for them based on the original costume.

The good villain is also his wife, even if he is invisible all day long outside with his bare ass, so that Alan can feel that he is too bad.

“Didi! A first-level alert was launched, and the official application for the Avengers to join the riot operation. ”

Casually turning on the projection screen, Rogers also heard the movement coming.

In the picture, a guy in a black trench coat covers his cheeks, wreaking havoc on the nearby thriving streets, flashing lightning bolts that can unleash electronic rays to destroy the buildings next to them.

Seeing the figure of Dr. Destruction manipulating lightning, he almost didn’t take a Thor’s hammer, and each attack could cause many casualties.

“Who is calling my name?”

A rainbow beam of light lit up outside the window, and soon the guy from Thor, Thor, had come here, and seemed to have been idle in Asgard and had recently come to Earth to see.

Compared with life in the God Domain, Thor, the god of thunder, feels that (King No’s Good) is more interesting on Earth, and there is nothing to do to go to a nightclub to pick up a girl or something.

Seeing the figure of Dr. Destruction in the video, Thor felt disdainful, but it was just a power to absorb electricity for attack.

He can directly control the power of nature’s thunder and lightning.

“Although an opponent of this level is very disdainful, you can try to play with him.”

Thor has always been a guy who can’t stand it, and if there is a battle that can relieve his boredom, it is also a good choice.

“This is interesting, the showdown between lightning powers, let’s wait to see a good show.”

Alan smiled expectantly. _

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