“I couldn’t imagine that I was so valuable that I could attract competition from many forces.”

Watching the distant laser eyes, Wolverine, Storm Girl and Toad, Wonder Woman, Saber-toothed Tiger and others fight fiercely, the battle between the two sides is fierce, and the ability to collide.

The spirit in Dr. Doom’s eyes flickered, directly absorbing the aftermath of the battle overflow into his body, making the super power in his body become more and more powerful.

No matter which side of the force, there is no qualification to put himself in the eye, but he is a man who wants to pursue the ultimate power of the universe, how can he set his eyes on a small planet.

Until he heard that Allen had returned from the alien higher civilization “963”, it also strengthened Victor’s ambition to absorb all the resources that could be used.


After absorbing enough energy, Dr. Destruction releases enough electricity to destroy a town, destroying all the locks and escorts on his body.

“Listen… I don’t care who you are dictating to, it’s impossible for me to condescend to others, go and die, bunch of garbage! ”

With that, several lightning beams were suddenly released towards the Brotherhood and the Hydra group of mutants, and turned around and flew in the direction of Eastern Europe.

When Ellen and Tony felt the scene, they felt a headache watching the mutants, and they had all been fighting each other in another corner of the world.

Now, as the power of the mutants has become stronger and stronger, the cohesive forces have become more and more uncontrollable, reaching a point where they can threaten world peace.

“I can’t imagine that there are such super-powerful humans in this world, so it is imperative to develop a plan for Ultron to assist these mutants.”

Thinking of this, Tony Stark decided to create Ultron as the strongest means of subduing mutants.

“These people naturally have X police to fight against, + the Red Queen and the White Queen have found out where the evil god Loki is, why don’t you just find a chance to go out?”

Not long ago, Wanda and Pete received news that the abilities given to them by the Hydra were already in their initial control, and that this was the best chance to destroy each other in one fell swoop.

The escape of the Doctor of Destruction is an inevitable result, and the great strength of the people who sacrificed their appearance in exchange for it cannot be underestimated.

If you can’t do it, let the Fantastic Four deal with this guy, and the combination of their superpowers in the original book can also hit this guy the spot.

Avengers Headquarters.

Black Widow, Captain America, Banner, and Hawkeye all come together in an operation to capture the Loki Scepter lost in the last New York War.

But anything that involves the Infinity Stones, if it falls into the hands of someone with ill intentions, will pose a great threat to the world.

What’s more, this is what was originally Asgard, and now it has fallen into the hands of Baron Hydra, and according to intelligence, it has been used to create a number of human tests.

Among the nearly tens of thousands of experimental subjects, only Wanda and Pete’s twin siblings survived, and the degree of misery can be imagined.

“Since the opponent is a Hydra, there is nothing to say, so let’s eliminate these remnants of forces in one fell swoop this time.”

Captain America said, taking the lead in boarding the armed fighter, and then Tony and Allen each put on a steel suit and an anti-gravity wing, respectively, and flew to their destination.

Hydra Base, Central Hall 0…

Baron Stark was grappling to decipher the mystery of the “Loki Scepter” when several scouting soldiers hurried in.

“The chief is not good! The damn Avengers are rushing to this side, and the soldiers are fighting fiercely. ”

When Alan flew to the outskirts of the base, he directly took out his heavy guns and was about to shoot at a hundred troops, but was quickly hit by a shovel.

A side flip stood up, put on the battle analysis eyes, and the ball behind had scanned the entire base.

“Start the thermal imaging aiming system and don’t let go of any corner.”

As Alan’s words rang out, all the enemies suddenly appeared in the single lens of his right eye.

Tony Stark was in charge of dealing with Hydra’s air force, and the palm energy cannon kept firing, incidentally destroying the anti-aircraft missiles in the castle.

Hawkeye piloted the battlefield of armed fighters, saw that the fierce fight below had begun, and smiled: “Everyone go down and join the battle, otherwise all the heads will be preempted by these two guys 4.4.” ”

Rogers and Natasha, Hawkeye jumped straight to the ground, Dr. Banner also roared, and his body rose and swelled into a Hulk form.

Just as Hydra’s tanks and armored forces arrived in large numbers, they immediately attracted the attention of the Hulk and rushed directly to tear them apart on the spot.

“The fighter in the air is handed over to me, and Tony hurry up to find out the whereabouts of Loki’s Scepter.”

General Roddy, dressed in a war machine with a small machine gun sticking out from his back, drew the fire of all the fighters directly and alone.

“Then please, I can’t wait to clean up this mess.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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