After Allen returned to the umbrella company, he backed up the data of the currently manufactured artificial intelligence Red Queen, White Queen, and Ball Ball, and stored it in a special chip.

At the moment, it is impossible to prevent Tony from making Ultron, it is impossible to let them fight for this matter, and it is obviously not advisable to hurt feelings.

Instead of this, it is better to seize the backup of the artificial intelligence system in the home, so as not to be attacked by Ultron and completely collapse when the time comes.

Not only that, but he also had to personally participate in the plan created by Ultron to see if he could use the technology at his disposal to plant a large number of holes in the other party’s program.

Even if the effect is minimal, at least it can make them less passive.

Insert the chip into the three high-end smart phones that you carry with you, and the mobile phone case is made of wireless material that isolates the signal from the signal.

In this way, the 963 can effectively prevent Ultron from intruding into its own network at that time.

Stark Building, the top research room.

When Dr. Banner first heard of Tony’s plan, he was mad at what he thought, after all, the power of the Infinity Stones could not be easily controlled even by the Gods.

“The consequences of AI having self-awareness, have you really thought about it?”

Alan raised the doubts in his heart, but seeing Tony’s determined look, he knew how the other party would answer.

It seems that this guy will not let Tony see the horror of Ultron with his own eyes, and this guy will not easily take it.

The Psychic Gem from Loki’s Scepter was extracted, specifically simulating the opponent’s brain stereogram, and it seemed that the performance and calculation speed were far more powerful than Jarvis.

“Since that’s the case, let’s try implanting a few mini programs.”

Without Tony and Banner noticing, (ajee) Allen sneaks the written virus program into Ultron’s core brain.

These are the more well-known virus source codes in the past life, and after a sublimation and transformation of the Red Queen and the White Queen, it can cause large-scale damage to the program carrier in minutes.

Of course, this requires practical operation to see the expected effect, busy for three days and three nights without rest, Allen spread on the sofa suddenly did not want to move.

After sleeping at home for a few days, Tony had just called for a Saturday night party to celebrate the recent elimination of the Hydra Remnant.

“Going to party? Don’t be counted out when the time comes…”

Stark Building, Penthouse Research Room.

A speedy figure like the wind sneaked in. It’s easy to find out where Ultron’s body is.

“Where exactly is the Mind Gem?” If you can master this power and meet the Fantastic Four, you can have a great chance of winning. ”

It was Dr. Destruction who sensed the powerful energy unleashed from Loki’s Staff and intended to use it for his own purposes.

“A guy who gave up his human identity and came here in pursuit of power, maybe we can join forces and work together.”

Dr. Destruction was looking around when he suddenly heard Ultron’s voice, and it seemed that his consciousness had gradually become complete.

I just didn’t expect that an artificial intelligence could have its own independent consciousness, and actually wanted to deal with Tony Stark who made it in turn.

“Unless it’s to explore the mystery of the ultimate power of the universe, you won’t be able to give me what I want.”

Dr. Destruction could not deny this, and did not take the other person’s words to heart at all, but saw the information from Ultron.

Six Infinity Stones that can end the absolute power of the universe.

Seeing that the Doctor of Destruction was already speechless with excitement, one of the gods so against the heavens was the orange stone on the table.

“Such a treasure is still inhabited by a virtuous person, and it would be a pity to be snatched away by the guy named Thanos.”

Regarding Thanos’ collection of Infinity Stones throughout the universe, word had spread throughout the nearby galaxy, and everyone was shocked by his status as the overlord of the universe.

Ultron’s purpose was to destroy all mankind anyway, and if the plan failed, at least there was a guarantee of Dr. Destruction.

With the existence of the Infinity Stones, they will still be able to make a wish for humanity to perish and create a new world without any strife.

So the two supervillains agreed that before they could eliminate the Avengers, the stumbling blocks.

In particular, Allen, the guy, as the strongest fighting force in the Avengers, will pose an unimaginable threat to their plans.

There are also Thor, the invincible Hulk, these guys, are one of the main great combat forces.

Banquet parties, leisure halls.

“You’re such a strange guy, are you here to fight or party?” Is it actually a space organizer that you are going to fight with? ”

Almost everyone was dressed in formal attire, except for Alan, still wearing a tan leather trench coat, sitting at the bar and drinking alone.

“Didi! A large number of flying objects are detected that they are rapidly approaching, and the owner is advised to take safety measures. ”

“No… Let the Destroyer and the Terminator intercept each other, it would be a pity if such a beautiful party were destroyed. “_

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