“At nine o’clock this evening, the giant wasp man in battle clothes openly attacked Mr. Allen at the St. Peter’s Hotel, and it is reported that this conflict occurred because of a dispute of interest.”

At Dr. Hank’s house, Scott saw the news reports on television and was stunned on the spot, seemingly shocked by the power of the Ultimate Wasp suit.

In particular, the power of the Pym ray seemed to be more practical than his own size boomerang, and it could actually change the size of the living creature.

“It seems that I need to go to the scene to support me, after all, Mr. Allen has a kind heart for himself.”

Scott turned and put on the Ant-Man suit, particles filled around his waist, and drove quickly to the scene on his motorcycle.

“This guy… Leave it to the Avengers to solve it, you have to insert a foot, it seems that you can’t stop him. ”

Dr. Hank looked at the report on TV and accidentally saw the figure of Dr. Destruction, and felt a little sadness between his eyebrows.

For those who take their own scientific research results as miscreants, he feels very jealous, the technology of Pym particle can be thoroughly studied in a short period of time, and the character of Qing 963 out of the blue, the future achievements are not under themselves.

It is a pity that the other side has embarked on the path of evil, otherwise it may be an extremely reliable force for world peace.

Hotel in St. Peter, parking nearby.

Hawkeye, Mr. Fantastic, Stone Man and others deal with those mutated animals, and Tony and Alan, Roddy, Falcon and Giant Wasp continue to fight fiercely together.

“I really can’t free my hands here, just change the venue.”

Alan, who continuously jumped on the ground and shot at the rear, directly summoned the power of the Space Gem to teleport the people on the battlefield to an empty jungle hundreds of kilometers away.

The sudden change of the venue stunned everyone for a moment, and then the battle continued, destroying the surrounding woods.

“Hahaha! It’s really looking for death, and here I am more able to let go of my hands and feet and trample you to death on the spot as a reptile. ”

Darren stepped on the ground, the force of his huge body made the ground shake constantly, and he used the broken tall trees around him as a melee weapon.

“Are you sure the battlefield here is right for you?”

Alan shuttled back and forth between the branches of the trees, greeted the thunderbolt fire, took out the flame launcher and set the nearby forest on fire with him.

“Set fire to the mountain is a guy who is going to jail!”

General Roddy reminded, disapprovingly, to Tony, but said that it was okay not to recruit people to replant the area after the battle.

Even the woods within a hundred miles of it don’t matter, Stark Industries and Hammer Industries have the money and means to restore the environment here.

“What about the Thor Thor guy?”

The U.S. team was fighting a mutant wolfhound in close combat, but did not see Thor’s figure and asked if the guy was there, a few lightning bolts could kill the monsters.

“Don’t expect that guy to fall asleep at the feast and probably haven’t woken up yet.”

In fact, Alan can clean up the guy himself, but since the little friend wants to come to help, why not ajee?

The guy Thor didn’t think it was interesting when he came, but he was just a guy who was overwhelmed by interests, and he couldn’t afford to use so much high-end combat power.

Under the efforts of the thunderbolt fire and Alan, the surrounding woods have turned into a sea of fire, and the burning smoke has soared into the sky, attracting the attention of nearby residents.

After learning that it was the Avengers and the enemy who were fighting, they immediately asked the fire brigade to rush to the scene to prepare for the time to support each other.

“Damn you guys are so cunning!”

Darren felt the flames around him grow higher and higher, and the heat generated directly drove the outside of the wasp suit to a scorched black, dodging back and forth in pain.


At this time, Alan’s hand-laid mine array came into play, and the trackers and self-detonators poured out in large numbers to ambush around the giant Wasp.

The strong explosion had traumatized Darren all over his body, and he had no choice but to shrink his body to the size of an ant, just enough to hide in the soil to avoid the flames.

“This is troublesome, the air battle storm machines carpet bombed me…”

For Ant-Man’s ability to change his size, even Alan felt very tricky, who allowed the other party to continue to go deep into the ground to avoid most of the damage.

“It seems that I can only trouble the friends here to help.”

A magic array of light spin in Alan’s hand and begins to use his psychic powers to communicate with nearby colonies and insects to find Darren, in return for leaving a large packet of chocolate and bread.

These are the ants’ favorite food.


Somewhere, Alan heard the sound of gunfire firing somewhere, and stepped forward to pluck the soil away and lift the miniature wasp man directly.

“Damn! Let go of me…”

Directly knocking the opponent unconscious with his fingers, Alan threw him in a glass jar and sprayed cold air to freeze the opponent.

“Now it’s time to settle accounts with some guy.” _

Feilu reminds you: three things to read – collect,

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