Allen shot hundreds of bullets out of the air in an instant, and seeing that almost every shot hit the legs and feet of these armed forces around them without breaking the law, and did not hurt the point.

“It’s really awesome, if I become a mutant, can I be as good as you?”

Wade was talking excitedly as his body was hit by Ajax from afar, and he fell to the ground, blood spreading around.

“Death Gatling Ammunition Storm!”

Summoning the Destroyer Robot with its arms assembled by eight heavy Gatlins, Alan sees Wade injured and can only kill the killer.

Countless flames appeared at the muzzle of the gun, as if hundreds of armed soldiers were firing ammunition in a row, and under the fierce bombardment of the guns and bullets, Allen directly rushed to the thousands of armed forces to suppress the fire.

Carrying Wade to open the space tunnel, Alan went straight to the New York Temple, where he was teleported to Strange who was squatting on the toilet.

“Oh no! You 09 this damn guy, hurry up and replace the space gem back, even if you want to use it, you must look at the time and place, right? ”

Alan was very innocent of this, who knew that the world’s number one Supreme Mage actually needed to pull the mountain and take Wade out first.

Wade’s injuries were severe, almost hitting the heart and lungs, and miraculously, he remained badly injured and could not die anyway.

I vaguely remember that Deadpool seemed to be cursed by Thanos not to die before being teleported back, I thought it was a good ability, but I didn’t expect it to be such an “immortal”

According to the current situation, Wade can survive the injury like this, but if he wants to recover without mutation, he still needs normal treatment.

Strange lifted his pants and walked with a dissatisfied look: “It’s really warm-hearted, when did you start to be interested in men?” ”

Without any more nonsense, Alan took the Eye of Agomoto directly and used the power of time to allow Wade to recover from his injuries.

Unexpectedly, there was a mistake in the process, and he directly restored his physical state to the way it was before being teleported back to reality by Thanos.

“Oh! That damn old thing, I share the love of the goddess… Forehead… Where is this place in Fark? ”

Deadpool shook his head, feeling like a dream, and his consciousness actually crossed the limits of emptiness into his current body.

“It seems that there is still no way to change your destiny.”

Looking at the red and black uniform, still with a face, Alan sighed that there was still no way to get rid of the push of fate.

However, Deadpool didn’t care about this, and directly jumped up and scolded a guy, eager to greet the other party’s eighteen-generation ancestors.

“Thanos… You actually know the existence of Thanos, who is this guy? ”

Doctor Strange has the Eye of Agomoto, and is also a strong person who knows the past and the future, and when he hears the words of Thanos, he also faintly sees what will happen in the future.

“It’s a love enemy…”

Alan knew that Strange seemed to know something, and said to Wade, “Soon Thanos will invade Earth, and I believe there will be a time when you will show your skills.” ”

Hearing the news, Deadpool’s anger dissipated quite a bit, and even though the timelines were different, he vowed to cut off the guy’s chicks. See how he still robs women with himself.

After briefly understanding the world pattern at this time, Deadpool Wade plans to go to his wife Vanessa first and relive his previous love life.

Deadpool is in love with the goddess of death, and it really happened after he broke up with his current wife, and these two are not all the women he likes.

“Yuck! Beasts like the opposite sex from humans, gods, to mutants, aliens… It’s really heavy enough to taste. ”

After struggling to bring Deadpool back to life, before Alan could say anything, he was rejected by the other party for his request to become an avenger.

“Unless Black Widow and Wanda and I are dragged, I won’t join the Avengers of the Big Bosses.”

Deadpool listened to this very badly, but it still means that when Thanos arrives, he will definitely deal with this guy.

Doctor 963 Strange actually thinks that in the future, these mutants may be able to become a good combat force.

“Explain in advance, don’t bother me with anything in the future, and when I strengthen the boundary here, if you want to come in, save it.”

In order to avoid being randomly broken into the toilet in the future, Dr. Strange solemnly warned with a serious face.

Strange was relieved to see Alan turn away, in fact, he said this to prevent getting involved in one of their civil wars.

“Just fight… Shouldn’t friends be joking? That is, when the time comes, the mage will remain neutral, and no one will want to invite himself into the pit. ”

Alan crosses the enchantment to the street, where he receives a call from Tony that a group of rioters in a town near Wakanda are stealing serum and need all the Avengers to go out and capture the target.

“Just finished working and have a task, is this trying to exhaust my rhythm?” _

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