“This bastard!”

Watching the triumphant Samuel walk out of the conference room, the Doctor couldn’t contain the anger in his heart and slapped the table hard.

Lizard scales faintly covered the back of the hand, and countless tiny cracks immediately appeared on the battered walnut tabletop.

“Why be angry about this kind of guy.” Ross comforted. “The higher the cat climbs, the worse it falls, I will pay enough insurance for the new company, and maybe soon we will receive a large amount of compensation.”

“It’s best that way.” Connors’ face was livid.

For a Doctor who has been tricked into losing his arm by a colleague, there is nothing more abhorrent than a cold arrow from a friend, especially when he has been unleashing kindness, and the damage of this deliberate fooling is multiplied.

“He won’t reveal our secrets, will he?” Holding back his anger, the doctor calmed himself down and thought about it carefully, feeling that Samuel’s project team should not have directly touched mutant cells and other things, and the research group he led was more inclined to applied research, belonging to downstream branch projects, and did not involve parts that required special confidentiality.

The research of real secrets has always been the responsibility of the doctor and Maya, and compared with Samuel, Maya’s personality is more stable, and her life background is relatively simple, so the level of secrecy is higher.

But Samuel is a fairly powerful biologist after all, and has the convenience of a laboratory, and his vision is broader than that of ordinary researchers, and if he really finds something special in his research, it may not be impossible.

Connors was very worried that during the formation of the new company, this guy would leak the secrets of the laboratory to outsiders.

Ross shook his head disapprovingly: “What harm can leakage cause us.” Say that we use mutants to do experiments, do cross-species research, don’t other companies have similar experiments, and the government does not have similar plans? Even if our competitors knew that our main product used mutant human cells, they would have to find an industrial production model before they could reduce costs and compete with us for the market, and our position would have been consolidated long ago. ”

The doctor is still a little worried: “It’s still too dangerous, and if we pin our hopes on outside inaction, there will always be people who will be suspicious of our abnormality.” ”

“Didn’t anyone doubt it before?”

Ross shrugged his shoulders, stared brightly into the Doctor’s eyes, and raised his voice to ask again. “Didn’t anyone want to know our secrets before?”

Connors silently thought about it, and couldn’t help but let out a long breath, his stiff body gradually relaxed, and the scales on the back of his hand retracted.

“If when we first launched Phoenix Pharmacy, the outside world joined forces to boycott our sales, prevent us from obtaining funds, and use fishing vessels to discredit us, then no matter how good our products are, it will be difficult to develop rapidly; If when Watsonton Pharmaceuticals attacks us, other organizations do not make trouble behind our backs and do not distract Watsonton, it will be difficult for us to completely defeat it; If it weren’t for the military’s desire to develop biological weapons and its willingness to support all arms dealers who could provide them with advanced equipment, we would not be so easy to become guests at the Pentagon. ”

Ross looked around the conference room and reached out to point out the various awards that the lab had received in the honor display case in the past six months, with an indescribable irony in his smile.

“Now that Watsons Pharmaceuticals has gone bankrupt, the organization behind Malik has been cut off from the palm, and other opponents can only rely on the stock solution we provide to maintain production, although the beneficiaries of these events are all us, some people may suspect, but the generals of the Department of Defense still have to send congratulatory letters to the laboratory, inviting us to guide research—- our rise is already unstoppable.”

“Yes, there are many people who want to dig up our secrets, many people are not willing to let the market be exclusive to us, but more people want to benefit from our development, as long as these people cannot unite, they will not be able to knock us down, they can only hope that we will make mistakes, and finally find that they have to rely on us deeper.”

Ross stared into Connors’ eyes and asked, “Will their hopes come true?” ”

“No, it won’t.” Connors couldn’t help but straighten up. “They can’t wait for that day.”

“That’s right.”

Ross pursed her lips and smiled, turning her gaze to the window of the conference hall.

The scenery outside the window is endless.


Coming out of the conference hall, Ross returned to his room.

Opening the secret door, a secret passage opened, and then he walked inside.

After a rigorous security testing procedure, he came to a secret room.

The glass case at the edge of the secret room displays a piece of worn equipment, from the earliest spider silk stretch boots to the later genetically modified creature clothing, all kinds of equipment for various purposes and models are properly preserved here. In the center of the chamber is a large glass incubator, where the Extreme Type III combat suit, which was badly damaged in the confrontation with Magneto a few days ago, is being placed in the incubator for repair.

Walking through the glass walls and transparent nutrient solution, Ross saw his own equipment.

At this time, the creature suit has been basically repaired, except for a few of the most severely injured places that are slowly growing pink cell tissue, other parts have returned to normal.

However, after the last battle, Ross has a new inspiration, and soon the Speed IV will replace this old equipment, and it will be stored in the display case like the previous models.

In fact, before the battle, he already had a plan, and this battle only accelerated the determination to renew.

In Ross’s vision, compared with the light and thin Type III equipment, the new Type IV equipment will emphasize the conversion of energy to further speed up.

Compared with the earlier Extreme Speed Type 1 Type II, the success of the Extreme Speed III is that it greatly reduces air resistance.

People who really experience too high speed will know that after the speed exceeds 20 miles per hour, 80% of the physical strength is used to overcome air resistance, at this time the use of superb physical strength and | materials has reached the limit, even if the physical strength is strong, the weight is light, the equipment precision is high, and the parts and technology are excellent, there can be no significant progress.

At this time, an extra kilogram of weight on the equipment causes an increase in resistance, which is almost equivalent to a negligible wind resistance, so weight becomes a secondary factor, and negative effects can be avoided in other ways.

And the increase in wind resistance is proportional to the square of the speed, the faster the speed, the rapid increase in air resistance.

In order to overcome air resistance, Ross borrowed the spoiler design on the surface of the supercar when developing the Speed III.

The dynamically adjustable spoiler is usually invisible, sticks to the surface of the body, and only automatically pops up when the speed reaches a fairly high speed. When fully opened, they look as terrifying as a sharp bone blade or the exoskeleton of some kind of bug, but this special structure allows the wearer to achieve perfection in the balance of power and resistance. This design makes the speed of Type III much faster than Type II, and makes the human body more stable in complex environments.

But to this extent, which is the limit of the Type III, to maintain a stable speed above the speed of sound or even higher, it is impossible to do it with external designs such as spoilers. In the battle of the Babbitt Building, the moment of breaking out of the encirclement is an extremely profound lesson, if not Ross has rushed to the | end of the building before the battle suit is scrapped, then he will face serious scalds next, and his blood will also boil, just like a meteorite that fell from space | into the atmosphere, and there would be serious bumps all over his body.

This is all a phenomenon caused by air resistance.

To avoid this, Ross must look beyond his previous experience and develop new and better ideas.

He already has some ideas for this.

“Pallas! Give me data. ”

Ross gave a command, and the artificial intelligence system automatically released the projection.

On the holographic simulation screen, the image of a middle-aged white man slowly turns, this person is brown-haired and blue-eyed, handsome, and selects the small frame next to it, showing the full picture of his cell structure microscopic analysis.

This is the body of Sebastian Shaw, the trophies that Ross captured from the Stryker base.

In the world of mutants, Shaw is a famous and dangerous figure, who single-handedly created Magneto, and later in the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962, he played a third-party force other than the two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union, trying to provoke a big war between ordinary humans, almost pushing the whole world to the brink of nuclear war.

If it weren’t for the joint efforts of the young Professor X and Magneto and others to resist, perhaps all humans are struggling under the cloud shrouded in nuclear dust at this moment.

This man’s experience bears some resemblance to Ross’s.

Shaw was originally a Nazi scientist, an ordinary person without any superpowers, and later managed to transform himself into one of the strongest mutants through the study of young mutants such as Magneto. Ross’s earliest booty, the prototype of Magneto’s helmet used to isolate psychic abilities, came from this person. Although Magneto has a deep hatred for Xiao and personally kills him with the help of Professor X to avenge his mother, he has always agreed with Xiao’s views and pursued Xiao’s theories, so he fought with the more moderate Professor X for many years.

In addition to Shaw’s personal background, his abilities are also interesting. As far as Ross knows, Xiao has the talent to absorb most forms of energy, transform it into his own power, and can also release stored energy or use it to restore youth.

Ross has always been very interested in this man’s abilities.

As far as he knew, there was a substance that worked very similarly to Shaw’s abilities, and that was vibranium used to make Captain America’s shield, and Ross sent John and Crowe to Africa precisely to obtain samples of this substance for comparison.

If this energy-absorbing property can be replicated on new equipment, the emergence of the Extreme Speed IV is not far away.

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