With the arrival of representatives of high-tech companies and members of the scientific community, the meeting began promptly at two o’clock in the afternoon, and Ross noticed that in addition to the main attendees, there were also some powerful financial and intelligence officials who would provide some opinions from the side, and the real theme was hidden in these opinions.

In fact, there is nothing to guess, danger always coexists with opportunity, most of the population only saw the terrifying power of aliens, frightened by the reckless Asgardian interloper, while a few calm people were keenly aware of each other’s living environment.

You know, for the crowded and unusually crowded earth, hosting seven billion people to multiply has become an increasingly difficult task, and the home of alien invaders is so empty and beautiful, which is irresistible to the | of far-sighted people. So far, the closest planet to human homeland, Planet Wolf1061, is also far beyond the solar system, 14 light-years from Earth, there may be water on it, the temperature is suitable for human habitation, and it is the closest planet astronomers have found to be close to humans outside the solar system.

Although the two planets seem to be close in the literal sense of the word, anyone who knows a little about the current state of technology knows that astronauts will be on the planet in ten to twenty years, and maybe fifty years from now. Even if it could be done, the huge |cost and unknown risks of developing the planet’s surface would be enough to bankrupt the world’s most powerful countries, but without long-term | exploration and a large amount of resources, it is impossible for humans to claim such a planet.

In the past, alien colonization was regarded as an impossible project, but some intentional people through the expeditionary coalition privately leaked video, accidentally found the living environment of the Asgardians, human beings can even accept, whether the invader came to the earth, or the earth coalition army entered |the god domain, there is no difficult to adapt to each other, indicating that atmospheric pressure, air composition and surface temperature and other necessary survival indicators are not much apart, which makes some people pay special attention to the invader’s hometown. In any case, a land that can survive normally and has undergone basic development is worth far more than the wild and exotic land, so many big people are eager to learn more.

It is precisely in order to eliminate the threat and further explore the |territory of the other side that the White House convened this meeting, hoping to promote greater investment in the business community through a series of preferential policies, so that guys like Ross and Stark can give full play to their talents to produce more sophisticated weapons and equipment, and at the same time provide the necessary conditions for a new round of alien exploration |.

“I think many of your friends have seen Hollywood disaster movies, which often depict the tragic situation that the earth has been destroyed and is no longer uninhabitable, or it has become extremely cold because of the climate, or because plants cannot grow under the cover of volcanic ash, which may be far away, but it is by no means impossible.”

“So when I saw these videos, I couldn’t help but think about how great | wealth this new home would bring to our fellow planetaries if that land were owned by us.” Think about it, with more resources, more business opportunities, and more jobs, all the serious social problems we face now will automatically diminish to the point of insignificance, because we are about to have a new space to live. ”

“I know that we are facing a strong opponent, they have quite a lot of weaknesses, but they also have exceptionally sophisticated technology in some places, just like the Mayan Empire conquered by Pizarro, it is a lame civilization, but here I want to point out that since hundreds of mutants are united and can cross the interstellar expedition to the so-called God Domain, then we humans can also do it, we have more powerful weapons, more professional logistics equipment systems, we should summon up the courage to step into the field that human beings have never stepped on, Expand our excellent civilization into the vast universe, and let the ignorant and aggressive alien nation like Asgard bask in the glory of freedom together. ”

Senator Kelly, who also sponsored the meeting, waved his arm and roared from the podium. In the past, the senator had a tough attitude towards mutants, even if he provoked a war to implement his registration bill, but since being replaced by the witch, the senator who has always appeared as a hawk has undergone a very subtle transformation, and after this Asgard invasion, he finally managed to turn around, quietly removed the spearhead from the previous enemy, and aimed directly at the new invaders.

This is of course a shameless politician trick to the outside world, only the Brotherhood senior and Ross know what happened to Kelly’s changes, Ross and the witch have reached a private agreement, the laboratory helps her play the role of a good senator, funds her to stand firm, and in turn, the witch will give Ross something in return.

Today is a premeditated opportunity.

Listening to Kelly’s encouragement, there was a lot of discussion below, and some people soon expressed support.

“I fully agree with the senator.” Trask the dwarf stood up first, nodding to the witch pretending to be Kelly.

“I am much older than all of you here, and as a scientist, perhaps I am old, but I still remember when I was young, the toll of the Vietnam War, the daily casualties, the young people being drafted into the army in droves and then sent by their superiors into the rainforest to endure the heat, mud and death, I always believed that they died worthlessly, that their lives should be sacrificed for all mankind, not consumed in endless civil wars, and this was the best opportunity, We can make sacrifice and investment more meaningful. ”

“Thank you Dr. Trask, what help do you need us provide?” With a smile on his face and a twinkle in his eyes, Kelly asked immediately following Trask’s words.

“I need more information, the information you sent only mentions that their body density is different from ours, and the organs are roughly similar, but I know too little about the specific situation of the Asgardians, I need some skin, enough body fluids, hair, and preferably spinal cord specimens, of course, it is better if there are live Asgardians.” Trasker replied imperceptibly.

“You’ll get it.” Kelly, played by the witch, held back the disgust in her heart and said. She fell into Trask’s grasp when she was young, was subjected to inhumane research, and later escaped under the rescue of the professor and Magneto, and she still hasn’t let go of her bitter hatred for Trask, but now is not the time to reckon.

She must first fulfill her promise to Ross.

“Is there anyone else who has the same needs as Dr. Trask?” You know, we need to contact Magneto, the aliens are under his control and Speed, and we have to negotiate with mutants to get the samples. ”

The witch shouted to the audience, and soon every company made the same request, even companies such as Pym Technology and Hammer Industries that had nothing to do with the biological field were unwilling to easily give up the opportunity to learn about aliens.

After returning from Asgard, Ross and Magneto divided the Asgard warriors stranded on Earth as the last spoils, leaving not even a single prisoner of war to save face for the host, Ross took Sif and Thor’s three friends, while Magneto sent all the remaining warriors back to Latvia, although the US government wanted to stop it, but because of the prestige and strength of the coalition, it failed to stop people in time, which can only blame them for not exerting their strength.

So now when it comes to understanding the Asgardians, the U.S. government must make formal representations to Latvia through diplomatic channels and offer equal benefits in exchange, which further guarantees Magneto’s national security.

The senator’s proposal opened a window to the demands of industry representatives and scholars in the room, everyone wanted to know more and get more resources allocated.

In the midst of a noisy discussion, former S.H.I.E.L.D. director Pierce quietly came to Ross’s seat.

“Mr. Byrne, I have seen the excellent performance of the Watcher and Damage Control Corporation in this combat operation, they are one of the very few forces that can fight against aliens, and I envy you for having such a great strong team.” After a brief introduction, Pierce praised intentionally or unintentionally, and Ross politely thanked him.

“However, are your team members a little too strong, their performance has even overshadowed the elite military units, and I have noticed that the number of Watchmen is still growing, and some people believe that the unfettered deployment of such a private army force on the East Coast poses a threat to our domestic order, and they should be included in the supervision of S.H.I.E.L.D.” Pierce narrowed his eyes and directly made a long-planned request.

“Watchmen is a legally established corporation, I think we are enough to comply with federal and state laws, can S.H.I.E.L.D. already preside over legislative action in place of Congress?” Ross raised his eyebrows sarcastically.

“In any case, the job of S.H.I.E.L.D. is to deal with all kinds of supernatural events, and it is also one of our powers to regulate those with known superpowers.” Unmoved, Pierce insisted that the Watchmen be placed under scrutiny.

“It makes sense, why not ask Mr. Pierce to ask the opinion of Magneto and the Asgardians, I think they are very willing to give you a clear answer.” Ross smiled slightly, ignoring the other party’s temptation.

“Pierce, the Army and Watchmen have always had personnel exchanges, and I think S.H.I.E.L.D. can shift its energy to a more noteworthy direction instead of interfering with the freedom of business.” The general came over just in time and interrupted Pierce’s debate.

The military is underfunded, but the general is ambitious and wants to do something, so Ross’s Watchmen Company has become his biggest help, and he can’t watch S.H.I.E.L.D. step in and affect his future plans.

Pierce was noncommittal, this time it was just to test Ross’s attitude, and then he had other means, always to force Ross to bow his head, so that he could smoothly extend Hydra’s tentacles to all aspects of the cutting-edge laboratory.

At this time, the discussion of others happened to mention how to |enter Asgard, they did not have a rainbow bridge, they had no idea where the invaders came from, let alone how they could set foot on each other’s land.

“Wasn’t that bridge blown up?” Someone asked rashly.

“Since it can be built, of course, it can also be repaired, and it also determines how much time we have to prepare.” The others shook their heads in reply.

“It’s a pity that we didn’t get some material samples such as fragments, otherwise our research could be more targeted now, not so blind, maybe we can find some items with similar characteristics, I believe we can also get inspiration from them.” Ross raised his voice and said, his eyes touching the witch on the stage.

“I happen to know one thing like this.” The senator dressed as the witch made a thoughtful expression and slowly turned her gaze to the former director of S.H.I.E.L.D.

The entrepreneurs and high-ranking government officials present followed his gaze, and Pierce’s face suddenly twitched.

He originally wanted to get something from Ross, but he didn’t expect that he would also become the prey targeted by others.

There is only one S.H.I.E.L.D. of that kind of thing.

Its name is called the Cosmic Cube.

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