Cutting-edge laboratories, Northeast New York.

Todd, the security chief, walked into the secret quarantine area, walked through a winding, narrow dark corridor, and then strode toward Ross’s private research room. Along the way, you can see some heavily armed guards stationed at their posts, these people are not under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Security, and their only allegiance is to the real owner of the laboratory. The guards wore black combat suits, fully enclosed helmets, and through the lenses made of special craftsmanship, their vigilant eyes could see through most of the invisibility devices. In this top-secret place where outsiders are strictly forbidden to enter and exit, any creature that moves illegally will be reduced to ashes by the flashing blue weapons in their hands.

When Todd passed the verification process and came to the door, a guard stretched out his | arm and opened the crimson door for him.

The inside of the research room is darker than the outside, except for the necessary ventilation system, there are no windows and other entrances, sunlight cannot pass through the solid walls, only ultraviolet lamps emit a light blue fluorescence.

This high-intensity electromagnetic radiation will cause great harm to ordinary people, even if Todd is a mutant will be affected somewhat, he can only endure the discomfort, quietly come to the only desk in the room, and then the door is closed by the guards outside, and the dim room is silent.

Ross sat motionless behind the desk, closed his eyes and didn’t know what he was thinking, on the table in front of him, there was an open box, the white and flawless silk cotton cushion in the box was filled with a whole row of glass test tubes, except for two test tubes that had been evacuated, the remaining eight test tubes stored not the medicinal liquid developed by the laboratory, but some kind of strange energy, like a cloud like a mist slowly circling, in the transparent tube overflowing with a dazzling orange halo |.

Todd didn’t know what this thing was, he glanced at it curiously, and was secretly guessing in his heart, and suddenly found a black beast lying at his feet, its body size like a cheetah, the color of the fur is thicker than the deepest night, if it is not for a pair of golden | eyes reflecting green phosphorescence, even if the eyes are as sharp as Todd is difficult to find.

The safety supervisor knew that this was a genetically modulated hunting dog, and its combat power was stronger than the giant dog that Samuel had concocted privately with Hulk cells before, and being coldly stared at by this kind of thing next to him, even he couldn’t help but feel a little hairy in his heart.

Fortunately, Ross did not ponder for a long time, and I don’t know when he opened his eyes, and Todd quickly stood up straight and waited for orders.

“How is the military operation in Wakanda going?” Ross asked slowly, his deep voice slowly echoing in the sealed space.

At this time, a full six weeks had passed since the first battle personally commanded by General Thaddeus, and the unique advantage of the Wakandians was offset by the super soldiers who were put into battle in groups, leaving them with less and less home advantage, no matter how tough the royal attitude was before, as long as the king still had a glimmer of sanity in his head, it should have been decided by this time.

The facts were basically the same as he expected.

“The operation has been successfully concluded. King Tichaka of Wakanda was seriously wounded in the defense of the capital and declared defeat before his death, the name of Black Panther passed to Prince Tichara, and the royal family gave up all power and disbanded the current government and the kingdom army; In exchange, NATO countries promised to waive post-war trials and claims, and the new Panther Tichara and other members of the royal family could go into exile with their private property, but could never enter | into the former Kingdom of Wakanda without the permission of the UN General Assembly. Todd stood up straight and reported meticulously.

At this time, the major consortiums have mastered the behind-the-scenes power of Wakanda, and one agent after another has been cultivated, who will form a new republican government under the guidance of the coalition forces, and by the way, sell the country’s most valuable vibranium resources to foreign invaders cheaply; And the greatest contributors of the war, the General’s Thunder Commando and Ross’s Watchers, who have received enough honors and trophies, are waiting to return home on Air Force planes.

Ross nodded, no longer focusing on the operations far away in Africa, and turned to another mission that had been laid out for a long time.

This mission is related to Stark’s new energy revolution.

While the cutting-edge laboratory remains low-key, the great Iron Man is vigorously promoting his new energy revolution around the world, he built many new Ark reactors at any cost, and then generously sent them to countries around the world, almost every country has established new energy demonstration projects in the most prosperous urban centers, with the slogan of protecting the environment, many world-famous landmarks have been transformed into demonstration buildings, and now the genius Mr. Tony Stark is talking about everywhere, thank him for sending cheap and abundant energy to mankind.

“In France, he chose the Eiffel Tower; In the UK, it’s Big Ben; In Russia, it’s the Moscow Federal Building, less than 2.5 miles from the Kremlin; in Japan, Stark bought the world’s tallest new Tokyo TV Tower…”

“Each one is a building of considerable height and recognition, and people can look up at the light from Stark as soon as they look up, which is very much in line with his character.” Ross whispered, then nodded, motioning for the security chief to continue reporting.

In these demonstration projects, in addition to Stark Industries’ own resources, but also from the assistance of other companies and groups, Tony will never know how much of the donations he received came from Ross’s gifts, and what the new energy buildings that Stark Industries transformed will bring to the world.

“Next, I want you to put these things in the demonstration project and place them at the very | end of the building, but not be discovered by anyone.” Ross said slowly, taking a suitcase from the drawer, placing it on the table, and gently pushing it in front of Todd.

Todd opened the box, and a brilliant blue light rose with it, and a dreamy light immediately enveloped the entire hall.

Illuminated by pale yellow | velvet, six sea-blue gemstone fragments emit a bright glow.

“Boss, what is this?” Todd blinked, holding back his curiosity and forcing his gaze to avoid these seemingly magical gem fragments.

He had seen many rare treasures under Ross, American, European; Earth’s, or other star domains in the Nine Realms… But there seems to be only one piece that can be compared with these fragments.

That’s the Cosmic Cube that has been handed over to S.H.I.E.L.D…

“This is the Cosmic Cube.” Ross confirmed his subordinates’ conjectures in a light tone.

“This can’t be!” The head of security instinctively denied that Todd himself was on the scene when the handover was made, and he couldn’t have mistaken something so wonderful, unless Ross personally went to the base of the Adirondack Mountains again and took the cube back from Fury.

Of course, things will not go as he thought, if Ross wants to do that, why did he hand over the Cosmic Cube to the other party in the first place?

“These fragments are derivatives of the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube, and you can think of them as solidified energy that originates from the core of the cube, appears in the form of particles, and continues to form and disappear on a tiny scale. Under normal circumstances, the space is filled with almost all kinds of wavelength particles, but when the core of the cube is in a static environment, the longer wavelength will be excluded, and then the particles of other wavelengths will produce a force that makes them gather together, the stronger the attraction between the particles, the more stable the energy structure, and finally form a cube that we can see outside the core, and these fragments are the energy aggregates that escape from the core. ”

“…… So what does its core look like, does S.H.I.E.L.D. know these secrets? Todd was a little | dry | his tongue was |, he couldn’t understand Ross’s theoretical explanation, but with the keen instincts of mutants, he could sense the incredible energy fluctuations contained in these fragments.

Ross didn’t answer, just raised his right hand, and on the golden glove, a 4-inch blue oval gemstone with a smooth surface was inlaid with it.

This is the core of the Cosmic Cube, the essence of the space gem.

Fury thought that the Cosmic Cube he had recaptured was just the shell of its sojourn.

And Stark’s new Ark reactor is just a subtle result of Howard’s imitation of the operation laws of the Rubik’s Cube.

Although S.H.I.E.L.D. has only counterfeits, with their level of observation, they may never be discovered, and they can indeed exercise some of the power of the Rubik’s Cube.

“This is the best energy that human beings can use, but don’t simply understand it as an engine and a weapon, all matter in the universe has electromagnetic fluctuations, and every material particle in our body is constantly exchanging energy, that is, no physical system can be called an isolated system.” According to its properties, we can extract energy from any point in space and convert it into the form of energy we need, or conversely, we can turn ourselves into some kind of energy and move to any point in space… Even crossing from our world to another. ”

“In an atom, electrons rotate around the nucleus; In the solar system, the planets revolve around the sun for billions of years, which is like nature’s revelation to us, we just touch the skin, and we get unexpected huge | harvest. ”

Ross raised his right hand above his head and admired the dazzling brilliance, the light blue light slowly expanded from the space gem, and countless subtle energy fluctuations spread outward like spider webs.

A strange starry sky slowly unfolded from the beginning, Todd’s mind was immersed in blue light, and gradually saw the black spaceships gathering from the depths of the universe to a certain area.

“Boss, what is this?” He looked at it for a while and couldn’t help but ask.

“A guest from afar.” A strange smile appeared at the corner of Ross’s mouth, and then he withdrew the light and shadow of the sky.

The boundless illusion swept through his body like flowing water, and when it returned to normal, Todd was still a little unsatisfied, but the security chief remembered his mission in his mind, took the suitcase respectfully with both hands, and then turned and left the hall.

He will follow Ross’s instructions and complete the task as quickly as possible.

The door was closed by the guards, and the room fell dark again.

Ross sat deeply in his chair, stretched |out a hand, slowly stroked | quiet hound, and gently rubbed the fur of its head.

I don’t know how long it took, a familiar power fluctuation erupted, and he raised his head and looked at the far north.

That was the direction of the Adirondak Mountains, and in the base that had been taken over by S.H.I.E.L.D. not long ago, the cube connected to the space gem was triggered by some force, creating a passage through the universe.

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