Two swift bolts of lightning rushed upstream from the busy tide of traffic, instantly crossed the entire avenue, and in a blink of an eye, turned back to the same place, repeatedly chased on both sides of the sidewalk, and left chaos after the rampage.

A high-speed travel bus passing by here, suddenly surprised by two lights and shadows passing by one in front of the other, the driver was caught off guard and the steering wheel lost control, hit the metal railing on the side of the road nearby, with a toothless | fricative sound and | crash, and rushed into the venue where a large-scale cartoon and anime theme exhibition was being held not far away.

In full view, the runaway bus crossed most of the square, magically avoiding the bustling crowd, and then slammed into the performance stage in the center of the exhibition venue.

“Boom!” A loud bang.

The body and the performance stage shook at the same time, and in a chaotic noise, the passengers in the bus and the actors on the stage lost their balance, and immediately the sky swirled in front of each other, hugging each other and rolling on the ground.

Behind the stage is more than ten silver-white metal columns, they are arranged in turn to form the ruins of the Parthenon on the Acropolis, the 50-foot-high ding| ends are tied with fixed cables, they are connected to the towering giant animation figures nearby, this is the organizer specially customized for the opening ceremony of this cartoon carnival special large-scale balloon sculpture, the height of more than eight floors, the width is also 65 feet, the base is fixed by steel cables, inside is an all-metal skeleton, surrounded by countless small light bulbs of different colors. Dozens of cables supply it with energy.

The violent collision of the bus caused the stage to shift, and as the fixed rope on one side fell off, the giant sculpture, which had been too large, gradually lost its balance, and with the hysterical screams of the crowd below, the cute sailor statue swayed back and forth for a while, and finally broke free from all restraints and slowly fell towards the center of the square.

Seeing the unsteady footsteps of this behemoth, the tourists who had been elated to participate in the exhibition no longer dared to stay, and they turned around desperately and fled madly in all directions.

Hunter, who was running at full speed, noticed the movement in the square in his busy schedule, and he immediately realized that his chance to get out might be at this moment, so he did not try to use the building to distance himself from Ross, and hastily borrowed the cover of a whizzing truck, and then turned around and sped towards the foot of the statue that was about to fall.

Ross followed the enemy and rushed to the center of the venue, between the two chases, the head kept dropping one high-altitude falling object, falling to pieces on the ground, the large electronic advertising screen in front of the giant statue Xiong was connected to several cables that were about to be broken, radiating a dazzling arc in the dimly lit night sky, while the steel cables that were torn out of the ground dragged smooth metal cylinders whistling, those things that were originally used to fix heavy objects are now deadly killers, and they are forcibly thrown away by the shaking heavy statues, It was like a fierce long whip dancing rapidly in the air, looking at the fierce momentum, as long as it touched the body, it could knock people off the ground and fly.

Shuttling through this dangerous area, Ross tracked behind Hunter step by step, seemingly touching his back at any time, but the opponent cunningly used environmental factors and actively chose to haunt in the middle of the square, wanting to use the falling statue to block his view.

The two stalemated for a few seconds, and finally the shaky electronic screen finally cut the cable, it crashed to the ground with a buzzing sound, and the already messy ground was suddenly covered with bursting and disintegrating screen parts, and countless debris shot in all directions centered on the landing point.

Immediately after, the giant statue that lost its balance completely collapsed, the light bulbs all over the body flew off, glass shavings, metal frames, and scattered decorations fell | the sky like a rain of colorful light, and finally fell to the ground with a bang, tumbling for half a week, crushing the entire performance stage and bus under || body, while raising a large cloud of dust.

With this amazing momentum, the blue light in front of Ross flashed, and he wanted to take the opportunity to get out of the tracking and blend into the scattered crowd.

But Ross did not hesitate, the divine speed force stirred around his body, and his body suddenly entered | a state of high-speed vibration, directly turning into a phantom and rushing into the | of the giant sculpture.

Passing through the huge | obstacles is completely different from passing through the wall like obstacles, in that instant, the world in front of Ross completely disintegrated into a sub-state, countless chaotic void ripples turned into a string of ripples spread and oscillate, the whole person seemed to be shuttling under the water, everywhere showed distorted light and shadow, rippling light waves, abstract phantoms swaying in front of the eyes, at a glance can not distinguish up and down, left and right, the real world is deeply hidden in layers of strange light.

The energy quickly faded, and after advancing at all costs, finally Ross’s eyes lit up, the light returned to the front of him, and the fleeing Hunter had just passed by, and before he could disappear among the terrified crowd.

“Already chased here, can’t let you escape.”

With a look in his eyes, Ross’s body surged with electricity, and the next time he appeared, a hand had already climbed on his opponent’s shoulder.

Hunter Zorromon was shocked, and this time without waiting for him to throw another trick, Ross directly lifted his whole person with his arm and slammed it into the unmanned kiosk at the edge of the square.

With a clanging sound, the speedster from Earth II fell heavily on it, several vending machines were crushed to pieces on the spot, and the |hard ground was subjected to huge | pressure, forming a large pit several feet in diameter with Hunter’s landing point as the center, radiating dense fine cracks in all directions.

“Finally caught you.” Slowly stopping, Ross stood on the edge of the pit looking down at his opponent.

Hunter, who was also known as Extreme Speed, had scorched black scars on his body, half of his mask was melted by high temperature, and after | and air | fierce friction, wisps of white smoke continued to rise on the surface of his suit.

Hit hard, Hunter couldn’t help but whisper a few | yin before gradually regaining his composure.

“What do you want, I’ve heard about you, and I admit you’re faster than I thought, but don’t think I’ll be as honest and obedient as Barry!”

Hunter’s cold eyes stared at Ross, questioning loudly with pain and anger.

“Don’t be impulsive, know that difficult situations can sublimate your personality.” The mask automatically parted, revealing Ross’s more youthful cheeks.

“Originally, I didn’t plan to interfere too much in this world, I just didn’t want you to casually lift the table, just to satisfy your pathetic self-esteem, but since you lack respect for me and don’t plan to listen to me properly, then let’s not waste each other’s time, please close your eyes, just for a second, soon the pain will be over.”

Ross said, gently stretched out his |right hand, a tumbling blue light wave slowly expanded from the palm of his hand, forming a deep and abnormal passage in the void, and at the same time a powerful suction force came from the inside, dragging Hunter’s desperately struggling body like an all-devouring black hole, and the nearby small objects were swept away at the first time, disintegrating into countless particles under the pressure of the huge | inside the passage.


Hunter roared desperately, his hands scratched out traces on the ground, but there was no sign of distance between him and the light wave, but gradually approached, and the endless gravitational field gripped him tightly through the light wave |, and gradually his body began to be uncontrollable, faintly off the ground as if swept up by a violent wind.

After another moment, with a bang, the leather black battle suit on Hunter’s back turned into countless fragments and peeled off his body, and suddenly he howled even more violently.

“You can’t catch me, you can’t lock the darkness!” Hunter cried like a wild beast, and his voice gradually changed into an unusually strange tone, like a roar coming from the depths of hell, which made people hairy.

At the same time, his power is also undergoing a subtle transformation, also from the speed of the force, he and Ross, Barry and even the power nature of the reverse lightning are obviously different, in Ross’s observation, Hunter’s body around countless lights and shadows illusions, fast as lightning, constantly differentiating, staggering, deriving, soon the black hole-like space suction will also lose its effect on him.

“This characteristic…” Ross looked at Hunter in amazement, as if looking at some rare animal.

Under his control, the blue light wave slowly changed, the frequency gradually increased, and the things around Hunter were swallowed up, and even a large chunk of thick concrete floor was cocked, but this time no matter how it changed, Hunter froze.

In the stalemate, white light flashed, and a female reporter who appeared out of nowhere secretly approached, raised her camera and took a picture of the two.

Taking this opportunity, Hunter finally broke free from the shackles of space and fled without looking back.

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