Marvel's Strongest Magician

Chapter 256: Magic And Magic

The Ancient One magician chose absenteeism...

Romani talked with Ancient One for a long time, about the dark dimension, and about the beast of disaster that appeared in it, and finally came to the conclusion that Ancient One magician chose to absent from work.

In the future she saw with Eye of Agamotto, the person who can solve the dark dimension, Dormammu, etc. is not herself, but the next Sorcerer Supreme

That is Dr. Strange, who was brought to Kamar-Taj's room by Mordo, who was connected to WIFI with his mobile phone.

Indeed, Strange is the best of the Sorcerer Supreme, the best of Kamar-Taj's spellcasters, as even the Ancient One himself admits. but for now

He hasn't grown up at all, has he?

When Strange grew up, Romani felt that Kama was not far from "September 47" and had fully grown up. At that time, he would have to deal with a powerful beast of disaster, which would be extremely troublesome.

But the Ancient One magician has already made a choice, so it's hard for Romani to say anything more, but about one of them, Romani will definitely stop it. The world is now facing more dangers than in the original plot, and those enemies will be stronger, so he doesn't want to lose a powerful ally.

When Ancient One is about to let her life die, Romani will definitely stop her. Who said that only by absorbing the power of the dark dimension can one live forever?

Ami One, do you know about life extension products?

According to the discussion between Ancient One magician and Romani, Romani also agreed to protect Strange with the ancient one, so that he can really grow up. After all, the future seen by Eye of Agamotto is vague in some places, obviously Affected by some special forces.

Because of this, Romani brought his whole family to live temporarily in Kamar-Taj, the cozy Romani clinic, and now there is only Andumari alone.

Moreover, Romani was also specially hired as a lecturer in the subject of magic, although there was no salary.

The next morning, Kamar-Taj's class started. In fact, this kind of class usually has a fixed time, but for the sake of Strange, Ancient One doesn't mind changing the time. Definitely, Strange is the only real student, and Romani and the others are all here to make soy sauce......

"The language of secret arts has existed since the birth of civilization. The ancient magicians called this language a spell, but if you feel that this title is contrary to your modern cognition, then you can understand it as a kind of program. "

The Ancient One magician said to Strange in front of him: "A source code for constructing the real world. We draw the powerful energy we need from other dimensional spaces in the multi-universe, recite spells, summon shields, and cast Weapons to cast spells."

Strange, who had originally expressed doubts about the bald magic stick before, saw little stars in his eyes after seeing the other party create a simple magic circle, and he couldn't hide the excitement on his face: "That's right. My fingers can make those movements, but it's really no different from normal waving...well, I mean, how do I go from material to disease?"

"Then how did you repair the damaged nerves bit by bit, and how did you put the broken spine back into place step by step?" Ancient One said with a faint smile.

And at this time, Strange finally came to his senses: "Study hard and practice hard, year after year!"

"By the way, Doctor Romani...well, did King Solomon use this kind of magic too?" Strange suddenly thought of the doctor standing not far from him, driven by curiosity, He asked directly, "And, is it also relying on hard work?"

Ancient One didn't answer, she glanced at Romani, meaning to let Romani explain this question by himself.

After shrugging his shoulders helplessly, Romani stood in front of Strange, and when he raised his hand, a powerful magical power rose instantly: "I use magic, not magic, the essence of the two exists The difference... Kamar-Taj's practitioners are mostly spellcasters, so they call the power they learn magic, but as an orthodox magician, I will be able to distinguish the difference between magic and magic .”

"Kamar-Taj's magic is just like what the Ancient One magician just said. It draws powerful energy from other dimensions of the multi-universe. But magic is not like this. This kind of power comes from itself, and only with magic Only people with loops can cast magic, and you do have such potential... So, you can become an excellent spellcaster, such as Sorcerer Supreme, and you can also be an excellent magician... ..”

For this, Romani was also very surprised. He has come into contact with many people in this world, but most of them do not have magic circuits, and even Wanda does not have such a thing. But Strange is different, he has powerful spiritual power, which is the prerequisite for becoming a spellcaster, and at the same time, he also has something that does not belong to this world... a magic circuit!

"What is the essential difference?" Strange's eagerness to learn has been fully stimulated now, and he asked directly without thinking too much.

"Phenomena realized by means of miracles can also be achieved by science and technology in terms of results, and that is called magic; magicians call it magic to realize things that are impossible to achieve by magic or science and technology. The distinction and understanding of the two!"

Romani didn't intend to hide this knowledge, and directly answered to Strange: "When human civilization is still in its infancy, all magic is magic. But with the advancement of science and technology, human hands can The things that can be done have increased, and the magic has decreased."

"The end of science is theology, or is the end of theology 2.6 also science?" Strange said this sentence subconsciously, and this sentence is actually correct.

No matter which path, which kind of research, when it comes to the end, it will be close to the source!

"Very correct. What you need to learn in Kamar-Taj is actually a magic similar to Sorcerer Supreme. As for the magic I use, whether you want to learn it or not is entirely up to you."

Romani smiled, then said softly.

He is also somewhat interested in Strange now. If Doctor Strange really learns magic and magic, with the combination of the two, he will definitely become stronger than in the original plot. In this way, in the face of future dangers It will also give you more control.

But just as Romani said, it depends on Strange whether to take the two roads together. …

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