——Boundary wall, stage area. [Fire Dragon Birth Festival] Home venue headquarters.

Similar to the layout of a stadium, the trapezoidal seats are like two hills, which are crowded with countless spectators participating in the festival.

Under the special arrangement of the new ruler of the class, the cute little girl Sandora who is only eleven years old, Izayoi and other members of the unknown community sit on the viewing balcony where only the main leaders are qualified.

Roman definitely was also on the balcony, attending on behalf of the special guests invited by Thousand Eyes, but he moved the big gold silk red upholstered chair a little.

Hiding behind Izayoi in a delicate position.

"I'm going to listen to the revelation from the sky now, protect me! Comrade Sixteen Nights."

Then he turned his head to the side and began to doze off.

"How can it be so boring? Don't you like lively scenes?"

Sixteen nights pulled her blond hair behind her ears and straightened her earphones. The "four six three" who usually doesn't pay much attention to her image actually paid special attention to her in front of the attention of everyone.

This is the integrity of the body, obviously, the subconscious has been completely replaced by the female role.

"The joys and sorrows of human beings are not connected, I just feel noisy." After saying that, he closed his eyes and ignored everyone.

Sandora's elder brother Mandela, the second heir of the Salamanda community, was jealous when he saw Roman.

This guy of unknown origin doesn't give face at all. He sleeps late on such an important occasion. If it weren't for the presence of so many people, Bai Yasha would dare to yell at him, and he would definitely reprimand Roman severely!

Fortunately, he didn't do this, otherwise the ruler of the young class who just took office would lose his only elder brother.

The cheers that shook the mountains and the ground seemed to overturn the sky barrier in the North District. The black rabbit appeared in the center of the stage and presided over the opening of the festival enthusiastically.

The first gift game was both a warm-up and an official competition. Yo Kasukabe came on stage on behalf of the Unnamed Community, and his opponent was Aisha Ignifatus of the Vera Community and her assistant, Pumpkinhead.

Not to mention how beautiful it is, Ayesha with sky blue double ponytails and a top hat looks too thin. So she sits on a pumpkin head and shoulders and calls the shots.

The pumpkin head turned into a huge fireball and swept past Kasukabe Yao's eyes at an extremely fast speed. This abrupt greeting was more like a deliberate prank, which scared Kasukabe Yao down to the ground.

"Ahahaha~ Look, look, did you see it! Jack? The nameless guy fell a big ass in embarrassment! What, what!"

She laughed at Kasukabe Yo in a voice that sounded barren at first sight, and she made no secret of her contempt for the unknown community in her attitude.

"This group of "nameless" actually attracted Sister Vera's personal attention. They should be crying and grateful to our "Vera"! Hee hee, let us add more fun to Sister Vera!"

Kasukabe Yō didn't understand the difference between the two Veras in Aisha's mouth for a while, so Kuroto immediately stepped forward to stop him as a referee holding back his anger.

Immediately afterwards, Bai Yasha came forward, randomly selected a little boy in the auditorium to interact, and announced the start of the game.

The field suddenly turned into a huge forest maze, and the two were fighting in it. Whoever ran out of the maze exit first, or prevented the other party from running out, would be considered the winner.

People on Wuming's side cheered nervously for Kasukabe Yao on the balcony, but Roman quietly opened his eyes.

Trouble is coming—he just received a revelation from the sky inexplicably.

Ability, which has become a resident passive, clearly reminds him that soon there will be events that are entangled with his fate line.

He turned his head and asked Bai Yasha quietly: "Those who have the authority of the sponsor but have not been invited must not be able to enter the venue, right?"

"Definitely, the rules of the contract are absolute in Hakoniwa!" Shiroyasha, who returned to his seat, wondered why Roman, who had read the contract documents together, would ask this question again.

"So besides you, there is no one else with sponsor authority here, right?"

"If the other party is formally invited to enter the arena, it will be difficult to find out who has the organizer's authority and not reveal it. But I can guarantee that the other party will not mess around. Do you have any hunch?"

Bai Yasha asked back, she firmly believed that the effectiveness of the contract documents would not be a problem, but Roman's behavior had to make her think more.

"Um...a little bit."

Feeling irritable and uncomfortable everywhere, Roman left his seat, stood up and walked to the balcony, looking across the stage, but couldn't find the source of his discomfort.

"Don't sleep anymore?" Sixteen nights and Asuka were no longer surprised by his unrestrained behavior, they just asked one more question out of curiosity.

However, the drowsiness faded from Roman's face, and he stared at the two of them very seriously, with a rare serious attitude: "I will take action in a moment, so that the matter can be settled as soon as possible.


"Is something going to happen?"

The two became suspicious, because it was rare to see Roman's tough look, and the atmosphere was too solemn at this time, but they subconsciously chose to trust...

"...What you asked just now means that there may be more than one demon king?" Bai Yasha followed closely, making a bold guess dignifiedly.

Laplace's prophecy is infallible. In order to deal with it with certainty, even the script is clearly arranged, and there are not no surprises.

That is Roman himself. Laplace once said that he can only vaguely see some action trajectories, but he cannot calculate the reason and purpose of Roman's actions. Even the butterfly effect that Roman may cause is hidden in the cloud and there is no clue.

No matter what event, once Roman participates, it is like being covered by fog. Only after Roman leaves a definite deed, can Laplace know what happened in hindsight based on his historical traces.

This was the case with Luosi before.

So letting Roman participate in the Fire Dragon Festival is actually an unstable factor. Just his casual actions may cause a butterfly effect like a series of dominoes knocking down, causing a huge deviation in the established ending.

If it wasn't for the personal request of the twin goddesses, Hiyaki would not have let Roman intervene.

Roman shook his head: "It's very vague, but knowing it is definitely a headache for me, and I must treat it with caution."

Bai Yasha unconsciously hissed, and even the gods of this question found it troublesome. With such a grand attitude, it must be no ordinary trouble.

The prophecy of the devil's attack 3.9, there is a great possibility of accidents!

"Sixteen nights, Asuka, and Ren!" Bai Yasha turned and solemnly instructed the three of them: "If something difficult to resist occurs, don't think about showing off, first protect yourself and your companions!"

Mandela couldn't stand listening to it, anger climbed to his face, as if he couldn't feel the seriousness of the matter at all, he questioned Roman and Shiroyasha ferociously:

"How long are you going to mess around, the critical moment of the festival is not for you outsiders to come—"

Roman only returned an impatient cold look: "Quiet!"

The cold voice indicated that he was in a very difficult state.


The upper and lower jaws were closed suddenly, and a few pieces of broken teeth burst out of Mandela's mouth, accompanied by a few drops of blood flying down to the floor.

Izayoi and Asuka were taken aback, and it was the first time they saw Roman slightly annoyed. .

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