The wheel of time keeps spinning, and years come and go like the wind. Generations change, leaving only memories. The remaining memories turn into legends, and the legends slowly turn into myths. When the cycle of times returns, even the myths have long since disappeared.

On a certain blue planet called Third Earth, the new era has not yet arrived, but the old era has long passed.

A gust of wind blew in the blue sea. This gust of wind is not the beginning, but it is indeed a beginning.

Because in this warm sea breeze, a small black spot suddenly appeared.

If you look closely, you can see that this is a young man falling from mid-air.

Su Bai let out a cry. The feeling of being thrown from a high altitude was far more exciting than a roller coaster, let alone being unprepared.

Su Bai has an average appearance and an average family background. She is seventeen this year and is about to become a hard-working senior high school student.

He ran into the cinema during the summer vacation to watch the latest superhero movie "Wonder Woman". The first second, the light in the theater slowly dimmed, thinking that the movie was about to start. Unexpectedly, the next second, he appeared Above the blue sea and sky.

"Mist trough! Boat jump spicy."

The air flow poured into his mouth, interrupting Su Bai's last complaint. In panic, he reluctantly twisted his body so that his back was pointed at the sea, then protected his head with both hands, and hit Wang Yang like a ball. sea.

After the brutal contact with the sea level, the cold water rushed over in an instant, swallowing up the pain that spread across his back. Su Bai hurriedly used the "dog paddle" she learned in physical education class, and paddled hard toward the bright surface with both hands.

His limbs kept swinging, and his sight finally returned to the sea level. With a little effort, Su Bai saw the small island a thousand meters away, the golden sandy beach on the coastline, and the white gauze-like cliffs.

As a weakling who usually only likes to read novels and play games, and never does any exercise except for physical education classes, Su Bai is not sure whether he can swim to the island, but he has no choice now, there is no way he will drown alive. ?

After swimming a hundred meters away, Su Bai gradually felt exhausted and gasped for breath, "God...Is"

"Santiago? Harry lure?"

A brief and rapid cry almost consumed all Su Bai's energy.

He knew that he could not swim to the island, so he immediately changed from an atheist to a polytheist. After all, even traveling through time fell on him, so what else was impossible?

It's a pity that he didn't get any response, so he couldn't help but secretly thought in his heart: "Fuck, the blood collapse has started!"

The cold sea water kept pouring in, and even the last bit of strength was exhausted. Su Bai was already a little confused, and his body began to sink into the depths of the sea.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in Su Bai's blurred vision, cutting through the waves extremely powerfully, and rowed in the direction where he was.

This figure was extremely fast. In two breaths, he swam in front of Su Bai.

She is a woman with beautiful black hair, her facial features are the most exquisitely carved, she is wearing a brown breastplate, and her figure is perfect.

At such a close distance, Su Bai's eyes widened. The woman's facial features seemed strange and familiar to him!

Before watching the movie, Su Bai looked up a lot of information about Wonder Woman. This face is 90% similar to the Wonder Woman in the poster, but younger and more beautiful! Absolutely right!

Su Bai understood instantly: he had traveled to the world of "Wonder Woman"!

The person in front of me is most likely Wonder Woman Diana.

Diana also looked at the man who suddenly appeared...?

It was this "man" who just screamed, attracting the attention of Diana who was relaxing on the beach. While practicing fighting skills today, she accidentally injured a female warrior and was severely punished.

Unexpectedly, I found a man on the beach! ?

As long as Diana can remember, she has not seen any man. For the residents of Paradise Island, men are animals that only exist in books.

And before her eyes, a man actually appeared.

Diana's curiosity reached its peak. She put her arms around Su Bai, who was about to suffocate, and quickly surfaced from the sea.

Su Bai was in Diana's arms, and everything she touched was soft to the touch. However, Su Bai didn't think much about it. After emerging from the sea, she took a big breath of fresh air.

While swimming towards the island, Diana looked at Su Bai in her arms, "Are you a man?"

Her flawless face was right in front of her, her eyes were like stars, and she could even feel her warm breath. Su Bai couldn't help but nodded awkwardly, "Why, don't I look like you?"

If I had known that this would happen, I would have developed smooth muscles first!

Diana didn't think so. Because of Su Bai's answer, she showed a bright smile. It was entirely because Su Bai was the first man she saw. It had nothing to do with whether he had muscles or not.

For Diana, who has a blank slate, Su Bai is the first thing about a man.

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