New York, Police Department, Office of the Commissioner.

A row of elite police officers dressed in straight uniforms and dashing were reporting to Chief George Stacy on the various materials they had extracted from the drug trafficking scene.

Peter Parker, male, 18 years old, New Yorker, whose parents have been missing for many years, grew up under the care of his uncle Ben and Aunt May.

Studied in the high school of Imperial State University, had excellent grades, loved photography, and this time entered Hell’s Kitchen to take pictures, hoping to take some secret pictures in exchange for money.

The reason, according to him, was to pursue a beautiful girl in his class. ”

The first to report is naturally Peter Parker’s resume, which is simply innocent and impeccable except for the missing parents.

Therefore, Chief George Stacy did not have much doubt about this, but then looked at another intelligence officer who was following the Hell’s Kitchen gang.

“This time, the drug trade is played by Fisher, an old fish on the black street, and a Mexican buyer on the other.

They are all repeat offenders, and it is not the first time they have been involved in the drug trade. Coupled with the drugs on the scene, it is the latest model of Black Street.

So, this time the drug trade, except for the loss of cash, there should be no problem. ”

“Could it be that this Pete Parker embezzled the stolen money?”

Chief George Stacy stopped talking, but the other intelligence officer shook his head and said, “I think this is very unlikely, because Peter Parker obviously hasn’t recovered from the shock after we arrived.”

Moreover, according to our autopsy of the corpses at the scene, it was found that each of these drug dealers had died from a huge blow.

The impact force of a locomotive comparable to 80 kilometers per hour, completely shattering the head or heart, was the cause of their death.

However, for unknown reasons, although Peter Parker had seen this person, he was somewhat resistant to providing us with his relevant information.

But even so, I think this case can no longer be simply a drug trafficking case, and we need to report it to the FBI. ”

After synthesizing everyone’s intelligence, Chief George Stacy nodded, and then said: “Okay, I see, while the time for inquiry has not yet arrived, try to get more useful information from that Peter Parker’s mouth.”

Subsequently, I will report the belief in this case to the FBI and wait for the handling of special personnel! ”


At this time, under the night, outside the gate of the First Martial Arts Hall, several strong men with iron and blood killing auras were looking at the First Martial Arts Hall through the moonlight.

“Colonel Tom, we have preliminarily identified our goals!

According to our investigation, the target did not go out after entering Queens, and many passers-by have witnessed the target in Queens. ”

In the gloom, a man whispered into the miniature walkie-talkie above the neckline.

“Closely monitor, continue to observe, narrow the scope of existence of the target, and determine the specific location of the target as soon as possible.” I’ll report to General Ross right away!

Until General Ross’s order is given, do not act without permission and scare the snake. ”


However, just after he finished the call, he suddenly heard a cold voice behind him.

“General Ross’s subordinates were able to find this place so quickly, it’s really powerful!”

The moment he heard this voice, he saw that the three men who had originally gathered together turned around at almost the same time, and from different directions, aimed the three swarthy muzzles at Jiang Feng.

There is no doubt that the three of them are the elite of General Ross’s subordinates, otherwise, they would not have been able to track down Bruce Banner so easily.

However, compared with Jiang Feng, who is complete with the Bingxin Technique, has ten times the physical quality of ordinary people, and has entered the micro realm, the three people are too weak.

After the blink of an eye, with three screams, the three people had been killed by Jiang Feng with their heavy hands.

“Agent Smith, Agent Smith …”

With the sound of calls came from the tiny headphones.

The next moment, Jiang Feng at this time stepped out without hesitation, stepped on it and twisted it hard, turning the miniature headset and walkie-talkie into powder, and then said with disdain: “It’s really a group of annoying flies, Bruce Banner is now much worse than Bingxin Xiaocheng, if you disturb the progress, won’t it greatly delay his time to leave the division.”

It’s a pity that this martial arts hall can only accept one disciple at a time before the disciples become disciples. Otherwise, I would have collected dozens or hundreds of disciples and a large number of peerless martial arts, and I would have been able to travel the world and run amok long ago.

Forget it, or take advantage of these guys not coming over, quickly teach Bruce Banner as a teacher. ”

With the river breeze burped, the aftertaste of the food in the mouth disappeared into the night.

At this moment, Colonel Tom under General Ross kept shouting into a walkie-talkie: “Agent Smith, Agent Smith, hear the answer, hear the answer…”

Unfortunately, soon, the professional of the equipment section said to Colonel Tom: “Colonel Tom, Agent Smith’s communication equipment has been destroyed and is useless.”

Hearing this, Colonel Tom was stunned for a moment, and then he spoke: “From Smith reporting to me, to the end of my report to General Ross, to the damage to Agent Smith’s communication equipment.

In such a short time, since the communication equipment has been damaged, then Agent Smith should have been killed.

In Queens, in such a short time, killing three trained agents, there could not be anyone but that green-skinned monster.

Immediately call General Ross, I will immediately request that Queens be blocked, otherwise the green-skinned monster may escape at any time. ”

As the call was linked to General Ross again, Colonel Tom immediately reported: “General Ross, our agents were killed in Queens by Bruce Banner’s transformed green-skinned monster. Now, in order to prevent the other party from escaping, we must immediately block the Queens area and conduct a comprehensive search. ”

Hearing what Colonel Tom said, General Ross on the other end of the phone was silent for a short time, and then said in a deep voice: “Blocking Queens, that is not a trivial matter, once we finally can’t find Bruce Banner, the impeachment above Congress, as well as the anger of the people, must be borne by someone.”

Speaking of this, Colonel Tom said categorically: “General Ross, please block Queens, I am willing to bear all the consequences.”


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