Panama, as a strategic gateway between the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans in Latin America.

Although it belongs to the Republic of Panama, the most important Panama Canal belongs to the United States of America.

After all, all of America is the back garden of the United States of America. In order to ensure the stability of this back garden, the Panama Canal naturally became a strategic point that the United States of America must master.

In this era of extremely developed self-media, especially in a place like Panama where I don’t know how many people circulate every day, information is definitely not a secret.

Outside of Buenos Aires, after relying on his Heavenly Frost Fist and martial arts in the micro realm to easily eliminate most of the gunships in the sky, Jiang Feng had easily crossed the entire Latin American continent from Argentina to Panama in only half a month.

Once through Panama, the river wind can travel north along Mexico back to the United States of America.

At this moment, Jiang Feng was listening to the radio casually, about the latest developments in the previous Buenos Aires terrorist attack.

“Argentine national television news the day before yesterday, hijacking American Airlines Flight H370, and brutally killing all passengers and crew on the flight, mutant Bobby, recently went south to break through the blockade of the Argentine Army and enter the South Pacific region.

To this end, the Argentine Navy and the Argentine Air Force military are carrying out an intensive search.

In this regard, the Argentine military spokesman said that no terrorist who dares to kill Argentines in Argentina will not be spared. The Argentine military will make every effort to apprehend the perpetrators and punish them by law. ”

At this time, Jiang Feng had just entered the territory of Panama, and through his martial arts that entered the micro realm, he found that Panama had entered a state of external delivery and internal tightness.

A large number of American soldiers seem to be searching the cargo of passing ships on the surface, but in fact, they can’t help but look at every passing tourist with their eyes. Among them, Asian men appear to be their main target.

And just when Jiang Feng carefully hid himself in the crowd, he suddenly found that in a local small restaurant, a familiar figure appeared.

“Agent Melinda, it’s really surprising to see you here!”

As Jiang Feng unconsciously walked to the small restaurant, he smiled and sat in front of Agent Melinda, who had only ordered a glass of water. At this time, Melinda smiled and said: “If you know that I have been sitting here for nine days to wait for you, then you should not be surprised.”

“Oh, it seems that Agent Melinda is very confident in waiting for me, so you haven’t thought about whether you will always wait here if I don’t come in and just leave?”

Jiang Feng stopped speaking, but heard Melinda say to Jiang Feng with a proud face: “If you don’t come in, soon, you will fall into the heaven and earth net arranged by General Ross and General William Stryker here.”

This is not Argentina, and besides, the two of them have plenty of time here to prepare everything to deal with you.

Don’t look at Panama now, whether it is General Ross or General William Stryker, they are complete madmen.

Not on the soil of the United States of America, they would be even more brazen.


“So what, did you come to persuade me to surrender obediently, or did you return the same way?”

Jiang Feng stopped speaking, but saw Melinda shake her head and said slyly: “So Director Nick Fury sent me here to help you return to New York smoothly.”

However, at this time, Jiang Feng said with disdain: “There is no free lunch under the sky, and Nick Fury is not like a kind philanthropist!”

Moreover, if you do this, you will definitely offend the military. ”

At this time, Melinda smiled and said: “Of course, S.H.I.E.L.D. will not take the initiative to do other meaningless things other than maintaining world peace.

Of course, if someone wants to deal with S.H.I.E.L.D. employees, it is absolutely impossible.

Therefore, Director Nick Fury means that he hopes that Mr. Jiang Feng can join S.H.I.E.L.D. and become an oriental martial arts advisor to S.H.I.E.L.D.

At that time, Mr. Jiang Feng can naturally use the many resources of S.H.I.E.L.D. and return to New York unharmed. ”

After speaking, Melinda had already taken out a complete set of S.H.I.E.L.D.-related documents from her body.

Among them, the certificate of the Oriental Martial Arts Advisor of the Homeland Strategic Defense Attack and Logistics Support Bureau is shining there, and as long as Jiang Feng agrees with a nod, he can easily own it.

However, at this time, Jiang Feng chuckled, and then gently pushed the certificate back to Melinda, and then said: “Agent Melinda, you can go back and tell Nick Fury, just say that I Jiang Feng does not accept any threats, and Wu Kun, anyone who dares to oppose me, will definitely not have any good ending.”

“Mr. Jiang Feng, have you really thought about it, you know, the army in Panama is now enough to start a local war!

Moreover, without our cover, Mr. Jiang Feng would have been exposed immediately. ”

“Mr. Jiang Feng, as a friend of the Brotherhood, will never accept any threat!”

A low and cold voice came, but Melinda’s face changed suddenly.

“Magneto, why is he here?”

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