
At this moment, among everyone, the most anxious is the invisible woman Susan.

The reason is simple, because Thunderfire Johnny also has an identity, which is her younger brother.

And this kind of blood-based affection almost made the invisible female Susan have no time to think about it, so she urged the invisible force field to rush out.


With a negligent effort from Mr. Fantastic Reed, Susan’s figure has disappeared without a trace.

Then he hurriedly said: “Ben, come with me, I’m afraid Susan is in danger!”

And as Mr. Fantastic Reed and Stone Man Ben rushed out. At this time, General Hagrid found that everything he had just planned seemed to be developing in a completely different direction.

At this time, General Hagrid decided not to wait any longer, picked up the walkie-talkie, and shouted loudly: “I am General Hagrid, pass on my orders, mobilize all the nearby garrisons to gather here, and be sure to take down the intruders in one fell swoop.”

At this moment, Jiang Feng, who was stepping on the side face of Thunderbolt Fire Johnny, who looked invincible in the world, was slightly staring to the side.

What is the principle of stealth? As we all know, the reason why people can see the world is because light shines on different substances, reflecting different spectrums, forming a picture reflected on the retina. Finally, through the nerves, it is transmitted to the human body’s mind.

The principle of invisibility is to use this principle so that light can pass through one’s body without hindrance.

It’s just that in addition to the vision brought by light, there are many things in this world that can make people feel the beauty and everything in this world.

The Fire Lin Sword in his hand pointed out that the flames that churned from time to time above the tip of the sword made this long sword with an evil aura filled with a strange aura.

Especially at this time, the unconscious sliding of the tip of Jiang Feng’s sword looked like a sniper who was constantly adjusting the angle from a distance.

“I heard that among Mr. Fantastic, Johnny Thunderfire’s sister is a mutant with invisible abilities and invisible force field abilities.

I have seen this invisible ability, but I don’t know how capable your invisible force field can be? ”

After Jiang Feng’s voice fell, suddenly, in the space above and below the surrounding body, an invisible barrier like a glass cover surged over.

The way of sincerity, you can know ahead.

Keen senses, martial arts experience in the subtle realm plus a premonition in the underworld.

So that Jiang Feng had already judged at the first time that this force was about ten tons of power evenly distributed.

“Is there only such a little power? That’s really disappointing for me! ”

The long sword swung and cut into the void, and there was a sound like cloth tearing.

The next moment, Jiang Feng’s figure also disappeared without a trace. However, unlike the invisible way of the invisible woman Susan, Jiang Feng just uses speed to make his body shape exceed the nerve response of ordinary people.

“Boom”, as the invisible woman Susan was kicked out by Jiang Feng’s heavy kick, if it were not for the protection of her invisible force field, she was afraid that this foot would have been the Fantastic Four from now on.


In the distance, Mr. Wonder Reed’s hands shot out like springs, and he firmly caught the moment of the invisible woman Susan, and the stone man on the side had already launched an angry rhinoceros after a roar. With a running sound that shook the heavens and the earth, he rushed towards the river wind quickly.

Stone people, the strength is not bad, but at this speed, who will be stupid to stand in place and let you fight.

The wind, that is the gust of wind brought by the stone man when he waved his fist.

It’s a pity that the next moment, in the blink of a stone man’s eyes, Jiang Feng’s figure has disappeared again.

“Huh, where?”

As the stone man Ben spun his almost neckless head with a loud urn, Mr. Reed, the magical Mr. Reed who had just caught the invisible woman Susan, shouted loudly with a look of horror: “Ben, he’s on your shoulder!”

“What? Why don’t I feel anything on my shoulder? ”

The moment the stone man suddenly raised his head, Jiang Feng at this time had already swept out with a whip. The huge force slammed into the side face of the stone man.

It is true that the basic defense power and tolerance for pain under the state of the stone man are far more than a hundred times more than ordinary people.

It’s a pity that it looks like a parabola flying like a stone human, flying high like an ancient catapult throwing stones, and landing heavily on the ground. Whether it is Mr. Wonder Reed, General Hagrid and others, they all know that this time the stone man is definitely not comfortable. Even if there is no danger to life, I am afraid that there is not much combat power left.

At this time, Jiang Feng waved the Fire Lin Sword in his hand with one hand, and pointed at the magical Mr. Reed and said: “The agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. are just slaughtering a dead old man who is idle all day and does not do business, and was actually caught by you in this place, moreover, he was detained for such a time.

I want to ask, is there still a royal law? Is there still a law? ”

With a “boom”, the flames above the Fire Lin Sword rose into the sky, killing, ready to attack.

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