Fire and water are merciless!

The reason why it is ruthless is not only irresistible, but also because, when water and fire are swept in, that water and fire will not sympathize with everyone who is swept by itself.

Just like the densely packed soldiers in the abnormal human research center at this time, they may have various reasons, all kinds of histories, and may be a qualified father, child, husband.

However, under the merciless flames, one by one are just helpless slaughtered.

The Senate Military Joint Conference, as the military’s most important military-political joint body, has countless high-level military officials gathered.

Although these military bigwigs often live in seclusion on a daily basis, in fact, they have an extremely important influence on the entire United States and even the world.

The main reason for this is because of the army they control themselves. It appeared to be used to defend the United States of America, but in fact, it had become the greatest guarantee of their own interests.

And the military’s attitude towards mutants is often based on capture and clarity, similar to General Hagrid, who takes the Fantastic Four for his own use, after all, it is only a minority. Because in the eyes of the vast majority of military bosses, only soldiers and firearms in the hands of soldiers are the most trustworthy things.

At this moment, when the roar of General Hagrid and the wails of countless soldiers appeared in the raging fire. They could feel that the pain in General Hagrid’s body was not the pain of burning the flames, but the shock and pain brought by the fact that every soldier was slowly devoured under the flames.

“General Ross was a great general, and General Hagrid was a great general, and the United States of America will never forget them.

Now the terrorists have another blood debt on their heads, from General Hagrid.

I suggest that the Senate military joint session immediately begin voting to prepare to deal with this arrogant fellow. ”





At this time, in the White House, countless government officials who are paying close attention here, their cheeks are already full of anger.

This anger is not because of how sad they are about the death of General Hagrid and countless soldiers, but because for them, the order of their pride has been completely shattered.

Originally, in their eyes, they and General Hagrid and others should be high-ranking existences.

As the rule-makers of the world, the government will always be a high-flying face.

And this time, Jiang Feng’s fire made them know that everything that was originally high above was just a disguise.

S.H.I.E.L.D., Office of the Director.

Nick Fury pressed his cigar hard into the ashtray, and the huge force from his wrist caused the cigar to quickly extinguish.

“Very terrible ability, a reinforced infantry division of 20,000 people, actually in the blink of an eye, the entire army without the ability to resist was destroyed.

Is everything wrong with us? ”


In the abnormal human research center, Coulson and Melinda were in the cell at this time, but they could easily sense that the temperature in this prison was rising wildly.

In the air, the heat and distortion brought by the high temperature made the sight here begin to blur.

“It’s such a strong heat, Coulson, I think there must be something very significant out there.”

Melinda had just finished speaking, at this time, Coulson had already come to the façade, did not know where to conjure a wire, and then stabbed the door of the cell open three times by five.

“No matter what, let’s escape first!”

However, when Coulson held the door with one hand, he turned around and spoke to Melinda. That Melinda looked behind Coulson, and said dumbfounded: “Coulson, look over there!”

At this moment, Jiang Feng, who turned into Nick Fury, was holding the Fire Lin Sword and slowly coming.

“Coulson, Melinda, now you are free!”

Jiang Feng’s opening, although it is exactly the same as Nick Fury’s voice, but whether it is Coulson or Melinda, they have clearly understood that this is definitely not Nick Fury himself.

At this time, Coulson seemed to have seen a ghost, and said to Jiang Feng: “You are Jiang Feng!” Hell, what do you want to do when you become Director Nick Fury? ”

You know, the reason why Coulson and Melinda were detained here was completely because of the river wind. At this moment, he came here in the form of Nick Fury, combined with the fiery red longsword in his hand and the gushing fire outside at this time, which made Coulson understand that both the two of them and S.H.I.E.L.D. seemed to have fallen into a larger trap.

“Smart people, but often it doesn’t end well!”

The moment the words fell, Coulson and Melinda only felt a pain in the back of their necks, and when they woke up again, they found that they were already outside the abnormal human research center.

At this time, in the abnormal human research center, countless fires fluttered and flew, which had completely turned this military prison into a sea of fire.


It was the sound of a camera in the hands of a reporter in the distance, who did not know when the wind came.

“It’s in the headlines!”

That was Colson and Melinda’s first thoughts.

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