“Ding, congratulations to the host’s personal disciple Peter Parker when he was in danger, not forgetting the master, and arousing the heart of life and death with the master. If you meet the conditions for entering the disciples, please return to the First Martial Arts Hall as soon as possible to complete the entrance ceremony for the disciples entering the room! ”

Just as Jiang Feng heard this, outside the First Martial Arts Hall, the dense array of ammunition had burst open with pieces of smoke and fire.

At that moment, in the first martial arts hall, Bruce Banner’s strong and powerful arms were wrapped around Betty Ross. He is ready for the worst, and in a critical moment, he can also use the power of the Hulk to protect the only woman he loves.

As an old couple who are nearly half a hundred years old, Uncle Ben and Aunt May of Peter Parker are maintaining the form of lizardmen at this time, clinging to each other.

As for Peter Parker, he and Gwen Stacy stood at the door of the First Martial Arts Hall, holding hands and looking at the dense cannonballs in the sky. Eventually, Gwen first asked, “Pete, do you regret staying?”

“I will never regret it, not in the past, not now, not in the future!”

And as the shadow brought by the infinite shell gradually covered the first martial arts hall. The moment everyone closed their eyes, a bright red and blue light suddenly rose up into the sky.

Outside the First Martial Arts Hall, it was as if a huge eggshell-shaped shield had formed.

Those terrible shells poured into it, bursting and bursting with terrible destructive power. I can’t even make a ripple.

The Ice and Fire Warframe of the Seven Heavens of Ice and Fire is an infinitely powerful enhanced version.


For true professionals, they didn’t need to wait for the smoke to clear, they could already see how amazing the power of the red and blue intersecting energy shield outside the First Martial Arts Hall was.

“This technique is…”

S.H.I.E.L.D., as the entire United States of America, is the department that knows the most about superpowers. Nick Fury knows far more about the epoch-making technology of energy defense than ordinary people.

In his memory, it seems that during World War II, the goal of S.H.I.E.L.D., among the major scientific and technological achievements of Hydra, there was such a technology.

And Nick Fury is like this, as a real Hydra member, Minister Pierce is more and more unable to sit still.

“Hill, this energy defense technology can actually be turned on at any time according to the attack, which is simply ahead of us for unknown times.

Moreover, I can be absolutely sure that that Jiang Feng has definitely not received the Cosmic Cube.

In other words, his technology for developing energy defense has nothing to do with the Cosmic Rubik’s Cube.

At all costs, we must find out at all costs where this technology of energy defense comes from. ”

“Yes, Secretary Pierce.”

And at this very moment, in the White House, the real political, economic, and power center of the United States of America.

But what the president and his staff are concerned about is the strength of this energy shield.

“Your Excellency, we have a simulated rehearsal of the power of the bomb that has just exploded, the lethality in a small area, and the subsequent radiation effects. This bomb can even be compared to nuclear weapons, that is, this energy shield can easily withstand the blows of small nuclear bombs. ”

“What about large-yield nuclear bombs?”

The president’s primary concern is not the outcome of this war. It is the ultimate killer tool of ordinary human beings, the ultimate crystallization of modern civilization weapons, nuclear weapons, whether it still has its original deterrent power.

You know, once the nuclear bomb loses its deterrent, then Mr. President, who has mastered the nuclear bomb launch capability. When facing these superpowers, they will completely become pawns and puppets in the foreground.

“I don’t know, the specific situation, we can’t easily make judgments without enough experimental data.”

However, even a high-yield nuclear bomb is unlikely to be able to break through the opponent’s energy defense shield. ”

“Jiang Feng…”

President Bu Wei looked at everything on the screen and said lightly.

At this moment, it is far away in the underground military base in the Brooklyn area.

After a series of attempts, the satellite cloud image here was finally locked on the orientation of the First Martial Arts Hall.

Between the cannons, the First Martial Arts Hall, which should have turned into ruins and smoke, was shining in a patch of ice blue and fiery red light. Not only did it stand, but it was also unscathed.

“What, how is that possible?”

For the first time, General Ross couldn’t believe his eyes.

As a soldier, he knew better than anyone how astonishing the lethality of that saturation blow really was.

However, with the ironclad facts in front of him, General Ross had to believe it. A stumbling that has not yet had time to stand firm.

Jiang Feng had already used his cold voice to break the apprehension and disbelief in their hearts.

“Well, since you already know that my First Martial Arts Hall is safe and sound, it’s time to send you on your way!”

The “click-click” gunshot rang out a beginning.

The next moment, after the fire that soared into the sky swallowed up all of this place, a figure had broken out of the factory wall above and soared into the sky.

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