The giant beast that attacked God’s prison was a mutant lizard named Godzilla.

All the weapons in God’s prison are aimed at these prisoners who have no food and are under strict supervision. At most, it is aimed at some pirates who have strayed into this place, and it is obviously incapable of dealing with behemoths like Godzilla.

However, under the various missile attacks of the Atlantic Fleet fighter group that arrived later, soon Godzilla, the behemoth, finally gradually felt unsupported. After a short while, it has disappeared into the sea again, disappearing without a trace.

However, although Godzilla is gone, this sudden attack still caused countless losses on the island where the prison of the gods is located. The personnel stationed here alone have already been reduced by one-third, and most of the remaining two-thirds are also injured at this time.

Not to mention the surface buildings, even the buildings with one or two floors below ground were destroyed by Godzilla. Many prisoners died before they could see the light.

Therefore, this time the captain of the Atlantic Fleet in charge of this mission of the Divine Prison, Colonel John Xun, after a simple handover, said to the head of the Divine Prison at this time, Warden Anthony: “I have come here on the order of General Cameron to transfer all the prisoners here to the prison in Miami.”

After all, the prison equipment here has just been damaged by the giant lizard, and we have reason to worry that something bad will happen to these prisoners here. ”

At this time, Prison Director Anthony hurriedly spoke: “No, the previous prison director once told me that no matter what happens, no prisoner in this prison can be allowed to easily contact the sun, food and free air, otherwise…”

“Okay, put away your set of isolated old antique thoughts!

Today, the United States of America is a country of democracy, freedom and human rights.

Even as a prisoner, you can enjoy sun, food and a little free air.

Moreover, this was ordered by Admiral Patton of the Ministry of Defense, and was endorsed by the Joint Staff of the Ministry of Defense and approved by the President.

Now, I am not pleading, but commanding, to find out all this, Your Excellency Warden Anthony. ”

People in the United States of America system, many times, are helpless. No matter how strong your ability and wisdom is, no matter how correct your decisions are, many times, you can only watch things go in the worst direction.

It’s just that Anthony, as the warden of God’s prison, still has to make a final effort at the last moment.

“In that case, then I demand that those on the eighteenth floor must be transported in cages made of steel, and that no cage be opened no matter what happens.

Also, on the way, each of these people can only receive the minimum food that guarantees life, and must not give more. ”

Hearing what Warden Anthony said, Colonel John Xun at this time could not wait to open his mouth and said to him: “Okay, don’t worry, just do as you say.”

However, I have to say that with such a small food supply every day and no entertainment facilities, it is really incomprehensible that the cost of your God’s Prison is so huge. ”

With that, as Colonel John’s men, led by Inspector Anthony, began to transfer the prisoners in the prison. One by one, prisoners dressed in rags and shaped like dry bones were brought out of the ground.

Although the Divine Prison has a total of eighteen floors, there are not many people in it.

Because not every prisoner can ever be imprisoned here, and over the years, for various reasons, the number of them has become smaller and smaller.

When they reached the eighteenth floor, those soldiers were surprised to find that in the cell where Jiang Feng was originally held, there was only a completely dead corpse left.

After consulting Colonel Johnson, the body was soon thrown into the crematorium.

Then, when seven huge iron cages were fished up from the eighteenth floor one by one, they began to prepare to push towards the battleship.

The Prison Director Anthony hurriedly stopped Colonel John Xun, and then, in the surprised and puzzled eyes of the other party, Prison Director Anthony took out a thick notebook.

It was a brown paper wrapped notebook that had been washed over countless years, but it was well maintained.

“What is this?”

As Colonel John Xun asked, the Prison Superintendent Anthony spoke: “This is the diary of the previous warden, the founder of God’s Prison, and an unintentional collateral descendant of the Rhodes family, Schneiderode.

He was an expert on Inca civilization who recorded his life in the Inca script. Although we have not been able to crack it, I think it will be of some use if we bring him.

At worst, it can also be returned to the Rhodes family. ”

“Well, don’t worry, I’ll return it to the Rhode family.”

At this moment, in a cage, Tagore Gandhi opened his eyes, as if he saw prey, and began to stare at everything around him.

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