Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 10 Such A Person Is Enough To Change The Times! [Add More! 】

Phil Coulson was hit hard.

Just when he was about to open his mouth to defend, a clear voice suddenly came from outside the door.

"Dan, are you there?"

This is a female voice, and it sounds young, within 20 years old.

From the sound of footsteps, the figure of the visitor should be in good shape, just right.

And this woman should come here often, otherwise, the room would not be so clean.

For a single man, no matter how clean he is, he always has something to lose.

It must be that women come to clean up and take care of the house from time to time.

According to Xu Dan's current situation, he probably won't hire a nanny.

So, this woman is not a nanny.

The nickname is very affectionate, either girlfriend or friend.

Sure enough, Phil Coulson got it right.

When she stepped into the door leisurely, it was none other than Liwa who came.

"Ah! What happened, Dan, are you okay?" Liwa saw two S.H.I.E.L.D agents in suits and leather shoes in the room, and immediately exclaimed, worried.

She thought these two were some kind of gangster.

"It's okay." Xu Dan responded silently, then closed the laptop, "You look beautiful today!"

Complimenting a person's beauty is just a polite greeting here.

It wasn't that Xu Dan was molesting the little girl in front of the two agents.

"Thank you." Liwa also replied politely.

This process can be regarded as a greeting.

Afterwards, the two of them shifted the focus of their conversation to the main topic.

"Who are you two?" Riva looked at Phil Coulson suspiciously.

At the same time, Phil Coulson also frowned, because he suddenly realized that he seemed to have seen this girl before!

It's just that I don't know how long ago it was, the memory is too vague!

"Hello ma'am, we are from a security company."

"But we don't need security guards!"


Phil Coulson nodded thoughtfully, then smiled and said, "Then I am very sorry to bother you, and we are leaving now. Also, thank Mr. Xu Dan for his willingness to meet."

After speaking, Phil Coulson immediately stood up and planned to leave.

Walking out of the gate, Phil Coulson suddenly paused, and asked the assistant next to him, "Hiss... do you have any impression of that girl?"

"It seems to have something to do with West Chester."

Phil Coulson suddenly realized, and said in surprise: "By the way, she is Charles' student!"

S.H.I.E.L.D has a wide range of duties, and abnormal situations may occur in all walks of life, which may cause chain reactions.

Their job is to deal with these abnormal events.

How could they miss the 'famous' Xavier's School.

He remembered!

This time last year, he went to visit Charles and happened to meet him in class.

In the classroom, it is obvious to see a girl who is isolated by her classmates.

He took a second look, and that person was Liwa.

Later, when he asked why, he found out that she was disliked because of Ability.

Unlike those fierce people who breathe fire, water and discharge, her Ability is just a model.

Unexpectedly, she eventually joined Xu Dan's camp.

Now it seems that the personality has changed a lot.

I am more confident and more cheerful...

Suddenly, Phil Coulson's smile froze on his face, because he suddenly thought of something.

The first impression of "The King of Fighters" is that the picture is beautiful, the people are beautiful and the objects are beautiful!

From a professional point of view, these things are all rendered from models one by one.


What did you think of?

The super Ability of that Mutant girl!

Could it be that Xu Dan has already used her super ability in the game? !

This is crazy!


Do not!

Genius is far from enough to describe Xu Dan's talent, such a person is enough to change the times!

"Return to headquarters immediately, I want to report!"

Phil Coulson's pace quickened unconsciously, almost rushing to the front of the car.

The car drove away, Phil Coulson's driving skills surpassed the old driver of Qiu Mingshan!


S.H.I.E.L.D headquarters.

"Very well, Phil Coulson, it's only the first day, and you have completed the task?" Seeing Phil Coulson come in, Nick Fury was satisfied and comfortable.

This person is simply his right-hand man, and his work efficiency is too high!

Phil Coulson smiled slightly, and handed over the report in his hand.

It is hard to imagine how he finished writing these written reports in such a short period of time.

Nick Fury took the report and looked down carefully.

The more he looked at it, the more frightened he became, Nick Fury frowned slowly.


At first, he felt relieved.

Because according to Phil Coulson's investigation, it has been confirmed that the King of Fighters has nothing to do with alien civilizations, it is purely a technology developed by the earthlings themselves!

Leaving aside such a technology, why can't their best damn staff develop it, as long as this thing has nothing to do with aliens,

What happened last time made him blind in one eye!

He doesn't want to be blind again!


It's like putting a check mark on Xu Dan in invisible.

However, when he continued to look down, he was not calm!

Starting from Xu Dan's magical handwriting, you can easily create a game character with an independent system. Just this, what is this? Are you making a sci-fi movie? !

Until Edward Liva's information appeared later, he finally couldn't stop screaming.

"Phil Coulson, what do you think?" he asked.

"Well, how should I put it, I don't have any opinion, everything has to be decided by the director, isn't it?" Phil Coulson said with a smile.

In fact, when Nick Fury asked this question, he already had the answer in his heart, but he was not firm enough.

S.H.I.E.L.D's style is definitely clear to him as SHIELD Director.

Phil Coulson's report will not be false, so it shows that this man named Xu Dan is really capable!

I was preconceived before and underestimated him!

It is a good thing to have technology, and S.H.I.E.L.D needs such talents!

Just imagine, if you attract him to S.H.I.E.L.D, what a huge contribution you will make to the future work of S.H.I.E.L.D? !

"Okay, I'll take over this matter myself. Phil Coulson, go and say hello to Charles, we won't hurt his damned precious student! Our target is not her!" Nick Fury said on the spot.

"Got it, sir!"

"Well, let's go!"

Watching Phil Coulson leave, Nick Fury's eyes were introverted, and he began to think about Xu Dan.

Recently, the world has not been very peaceful.

There are really too many things in his mind, and he only recently took the initiative to find out about Xu Dan's information.

Definitely, the information he found was only superficially public information.


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