Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 128 Three Gifts Wakanda Can't Refuse

To get Wakanda's approval, that's also a problem.

The location of Wakanda is not difficult to find on the map, but what is presented to the world is always the side of agriculture and animal husbandry.

Its real technology is hidden under a layer of 'enchantment'.

Definitely, that kind of optical concealment technology is also made using Vibranium.

Wanting to really enter Wakanda is not as simple as talking about it.

Visitors must show sincerity!

So, there are only a few gifts that can satisfy the people of Wakanda.

One bandit, one security, one problem.

Bandit refers to Ulysses Crow who carried out bad theft on the Wakanda border and killed many Wakanda people! Ulysses Crow is currently an arms smuggler and had contact with Tony Stark before. Humans are indeed not a good thing. If you take him out and send him to the border of Wakanda, someone must know what he's up to!

Safety refers to the safety of the black race. Wakanda is located in Africa, where the people are basically black. They cannot ignore the discrimination and suffering of their black compatriots in the world. However, due to Wakanda's closed-door policy, they can only see , but unable to personally help. 29

The problem, the Wakanda people have long realized that Vibranium is a non-renewable resource. Although they have developed it for so many years, they still haven’t mined a mine, but Vibranium is indeed limited, and human demand for resources is unlimited. There is always One day, Vibranium energy will be consumed. This is also the reason why they closed the country to protect the money.

So in essence, they are not willing to lend a helping hand to outsiders.

Unless, someone can solve all the above problems!

Xu Dan thinks he can get these basic chips.

So, the moment he walked out of the laboratory, he immediately contacted Gonitz.

"Gonitz, where are you now?"

"Back to the master, subordinates are everywhere."

Xu Dan rolled his eyes and said: "Okay, then you go and kill someone for me, oh no, it's best to catch him alive, and give me a message when it's over!"

"Follow the command of the Lord!"

Hang up the phone.

Gonitz came from the shadow of the Antarctic Biotechnology Building, and then moved in the direction of the target.

Xu Dan usually doesn't have any tasks for him, basically they are in a free state.

However, in his free state, he never enjoys the prosperity of this world for himself. In fact, he has always been hidden in the shadow of Xu Dan, and he guarantees to support Xu Dan at all times.

Definitely, he is also a person with good eyesight, knowing that sometimes Xu Dan can handle it by himself, and he doesn't want others to intervene, so he keeps on the sidelines, and he will only take action when there is an abnormal situation!

For example, that time when the helicopter was going to bomb the villa, Xu Dan didn't even have time to inform Gonitz that he had already appeared there!

From New York to Africa, Gonitz still needs to take a plane.

The last time I took Banner back to New York from the Brazilian border, it was because the distance was relatively short. If I let him fly this time, I’m afraid it won’t work!

Target: Ulysses. Crowe.

It was an arms smuggler who stayed at African ports all the year round and had a team of his own.

In fact, it is quite normal for an arms dealer to have a team.

Gonitz appears like a ghost in Ulysses. Crow's tanker.

The attire on his body is completely different from here.

Naturally, it caused unrest from the very beginning.

Those people in dirty clothes looked up at the priest-like Gonitz, not knowing how to react.

Is it the boss's guest, or is he here to provoke trouble?

Obviously, Gonitz is the latter, but he is not a challenger, at most he is a king of thieves, just messing up here.

As an arms smuggler, Ulysses Crowe reacted very quickly. When he heard something strange outside, he quietly picked up the pistol next to him.

Although the power of the pistol is not as powerful as the rifle, but fortunately, it is small and easy to use, which is very suitable for a cunning businessman like him.

Step! Step! Step!

Gonitz's undisguised footsteps, from far to near.

Ulysses. Crowe is also worried, he is very clear that he has not asked anyone to come to his boat, so it is natural that the visitor is not good!

Therefore, he planned to shoot the opponent the moment he saw him, and kill him with one shot, so that he can still be so mysterious!


But at this moment, Gounitz's footsteps stopped!

This made Ulysses. Crowe panic for a while, he was just a businessman, and his subordinates were also a group of mobs, not an army, so how could he not panic.

However, although he was flustered in his heart, on the surface, he was still very calm.

For example, in this crisis situation, he reached out from the plate on the table, picked up a candy and put it in his mouth.

Ulysses. Crowe is undoubtedly a lunatic. There are a lot of lunatics. Excluding those in the mental hospital, there are still a lot of people who have a great impact on the world.

Ulysses. Crowe is not on the list!

"Who! Come out for me!" Finally, Ulysses. Crowe pointed the pistol at the ten darkness.

From that darkness, a man came out.

But this man is not Gonitz, but Ulysses Klau's own assistant and bodyguard.

He raised his hands and slowly walked towards Ulysses. Crowe.

"Oh, fuck you! Are you trying to scare me to death, you bastard?"

"Boss, I, I, I

"Me what me?!"

The assistant didn't dare to say 250 words, but just pointed at Ulysses. Crowe's back.

It was a man wearing a black religious dress, which was not surprising, because all the priests in those hypocritical churches wore similar clothes.

That's not the point.

The point is, that person is actually floating in mid-air like a ghost!

This scared Ulysses. Crowe's assistant into incoherent speech.

When Ulysses. Crowe turned his head slowly and looked at the strange visitor, he was so frightened that he backed a car for two months and immediately collapsed to the ground!

"Oh my god!! Dude, are you trying to scare me to death?"

"Old, boss..."

Gonitz's eyes narrowed, as if he was trying to distinguish which one was his target.

In the end, he set his sights on Ulysses Klaue. Although this person was full of embarrassment, he perfectly matched his target.

According to the intelligence description, Ulysses Crowe is a post-military smuggler. It stands to reason that there should be a lot of armed forces.

But I never expected that this person with a lack of brain would shrink in the room and eat rock candy by himself?

Is your brain sick?

This action is simply too easy!

Even easier than his first mission.

"Ulysses, Crowe, your life of crime is over."

"Huh?" Ulysses. Klaue knelt on the ground with a look of embarrassment, "You...".

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