Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 187 Thor: This Riven Is A Bit Fierce!

At the same time, in the Noxus army, a long-haired man was carrying a sledgehammer, listening casually to the speech of the boss NPC.

No matter what billionaire you are in real life, or the prince of God's Domain, in the game, you still have to listen to the nagging of NPCs!

If you dare to disobey the NPC casually, it will bring about a sharp drop in favorability!

Favorability has dropped, hidden missions are gone forever like flowing water!

Or, if you dare to take advantage of your attributes and kill a certain NPC, you will probably be rounded up by a group of guards a hundred times!

So, even if the people above are saying some old pep talk, Thor has to stand there!

From the very beginning, he aspired to be a Noxus general, and then lead the army to a duel with his friends who were born in Demacia!

But now, the battle between Noxus and Demacia has not yet come to him, and he has a share in the mission of attacking Ionia!

Definitely, he has not become a general of Noxus yet, he is just a soldier, otherwise he would have to listen to the nonsense of that general NPC!

He knew about the place where Ionia was attacked. It is said that it is a very beautiful place, rich in resources and full of beauties!

And to attack Ionia, the Noxus army needs to cross the sea in warships!

This is the first time Noxus has attacked Ionia.

When the leader's nonsense is over, Thor simply finds a place to sit and close his eyes to rest.

On the same boat as Thor, there is also a very tiger woman!

Her name is Riven, and she is a woman that Thor is afraid of!

He who is holding a hammer often sees her holding a machete, so he quickly hides away!

Her position in the army is one level higher than Thor, and she is the swordsman captain of the swordsman team! It is equivalent to the modern special forces captain!

And Thor is just an ordinary member of the commando on the same ship.

"Hey, the one with the hammer over there!"

A voice terrified Thor, and Riven walked over with her runeblade in hand.

The Rune Blade in her hand is undoubtedly an artifact. If it were in reality, Thor would be worthy of Riven, because he also has an artifact!

But in the game, what he holds in his hand is just a Noxus blacksmith who built it according to the shape requirements!

The long boat trip made Thor drowsy, but Riven's voice, like a lightning strike, made him shiver!

Thor stood up with the hammer in his hand, trying to correct his attitude, facing the 'boss' and said: "Good morning, Master Swordsman!"

"I seem to have seen you somewhere, what's your name?" Riven asked suspiciously.

She is the one with the highest rank on this warship, and she is arrogant.

Hearing this, Thor couldn't help thinking of the challenge in the Noxus army...

Noxus respects strength, no matter where you are from, as long as you have Ability, you can become a master!

If the newcomers beat the experienced veterans in the challenge activities, they can advance continuously!

He just happened to be matched with Riven, and as a result, he was hit so badly that his blood bars almost disappeared!

"I, my name is Thor, does the swordsman have any missions?" After so many days of playing the game, he has gradually figured out how the game is played, and asked from time to time if he has any missions

All in all good!

However, today, Riven didn't release any missions, it's just out of curiosity!

"Oh, I seem to have a little impression of you. You are the only recruit who resisted my three swords?"

"Yes..." Thor's face was a bit ugly, and now the two NPCs can mock him, if Sif and the others saw it, wouldn't they die laughing?

How about becoming the great general of Noxus!

"Oh, recruit, I'm optimistic about you, the front is about to reach the shore, and the battle is about to start, don't die!"

After finishing speaking, Riven held the Rune Blade and walked towards the other side, as if treating Thor as an indifferent existence.


Province of Navoli.

When they saw the wolf-like warship on the sea, the Ionian warriors were ready to fight.

Before the Balance Sect sent two ninjas to investigate Xu Dan and Xin Della, they were afraid of something that would affect the balance. Is something affecting the balance......

And Ionia is a peace-loving continent. As far as the army is concerned, it basically does not exist. The people suddenly hoarding in Navoli Province are basically militias!

The fighting power of these soldiers is not even one-third of the fighting power of the Noxus army!

The battle is about to start!

The first is a rain of arrows!

Under this dense rain of arrows, Ionia's troops fell in pieces!

It wasn't until the Noxus army emptied every inch of the arrows on the warship that the black army rushed forward with howls!

Facing Noxus, the tiger and wolf army, the Ionian warriors will stick to their homeland even if they die.

In the culture of Ionia, there is a strong affection for this land of birth! So even if they die, they will drag a back!

Facing such Ionian warriors who are defending to the death, even the mighty Noxus army can hardly capture this land in a short time!

Coupled with the away game, it is very unfavorable to them!

Supplies are the primary problem. No matter how much equipment and food they have on the transport ship, it is limited, but the Ionians can always get constant support in their hometown!

When the battle reached the eleventh day, the commander of the Noxus army understood that although these Ionian troops were very weak, their spirit would never yield!

If they continue to consume these 3.5 ways, they will only exhaust their food and supplies, and even if they do not lose in the end, it will be nothing!

However, if driving such a huge army fails, it would be a lost war for Noxus originally!

In order to win this war, the upper echelon began to do whatever it takes!

Swordsman Riven has been assigned a secret mission!

Her team, to escort another regiment, through the warring province of Navoli!

She didn't go into details, and she didn't have the authority to question her superiors. She only knew that this battle group possessed a batch of secret weapons. If these secret weapons were deployed behind enemy lines, the Noxus battle would soon be won. victory!

Riven, who was willing to shed her blood for the sake of Noxus, agreed without even thinking about it!

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