Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 19 Warcraft Trailer!

【Kill Sixteen Yeyue Hua】

This is a random skill in the fighting package.

If I remember correctly, this should be Gonagata Moriya's super nirvana!

This is super kill!

made money!

Sure enough, buying a gift bag is a wise move.

This skill is not a long-range skill like the first two, but requires a weapon to be equipped, which is the so-called sword skill! In Marvel, a perverted world where Gundam is torn apart with bare hands, sword skills may seem like a weak point, but this is a 'super nirvana' after all, and its power should not be underestimated.

He glanced around, and soon found a branch.

Comparing the branch to a long sword, he closed his eyes and recalled the kendo contained in the skill.

An invisible aura, centered on him, quickly spread to the surroundings.

He just stood there, and there was a burst of wind pressure, which crushed the grass and trees to the ground.

Not only that, but in the wind pressure, there seemed to be many blades of mind mixed with them. The finely divided blades exploded like a storm around them, and wherever they passed, there were broken branches and leaves.

After a while, he opened his eyes.

At that moment, there seemed to be a cold light shining in his eyes.

The eyes follow the heart, and the heart produces a sword. The seemingly fragile dead branch is like an extremely sharp blade in his hands!

I saw him move!

That sword was slashing towards the huge boulder in the field, the sword energy on his body was like a rainbow, suddenly raised to a level, and the sword energy blew on his clothes and rattled.

This sword did not make any sound, only a cold light flashed in the air.

Xu Dan put away his sword-wielding posture, the dead branches in his hand had already been turned into dust, and he silently stared at the seven-eight-meter-high granite in front of him.

From top to bottom, it slowly opened a crack!

Super nirvana, so terrifying!

Even with only a dead branch, it cut open the granite that is more solid rock!

Besides, he hasn't used the essence of his skills yet, because he doesn't use them on people, so he doesn't need so many sword skills, he's just trying to chop vertically!

If it's used against humans, I'm afraid ordinary superheroes really can't resist it! Under this sword, he turned into a dead soul!

Moreover, just using the skill once, in his heart, he unexpectedly gained a lot of knowledge about swordsmanship out of thin air!

Sword skills are closely related to each other, one can know a hundred skills, and often a super nirvana is comprehended by a certain person's painstaking efforts. Skills naturally contain these experiences, otherwise, they wouldn't be able to use them!

"Phew, my heart beats a little faster!"

This feeling... so cool!

There are countless kinds of heartiness in the world, except for the physical battle, there are still 50% left, one of which is the sense of satisfaction!

However, looking at the slowly increasing points, Xu Dan reluctantly returned to the car.

In fact, with the current influence of "The King of Fighters" in the world, the player base is very large, so the growth rate of points is not slow, but rather fast!

It's just that Xu Dan's ambitions are too big now.

He didn't get any points in units of 'millions', so he basically didn't have any mood swings.

After returning to the villa to rest for a while, he planned to continue working on the next step.

Due to sufficient funds, he has officially established a game company in New York and bought an office building of corresponding specifications, so he no longer lives in that small studio.

The success of "King of Fighters" is expected. Fighting games are not considered leading ideas, but rely on the first-hand graphics technology to support the entire facade.

Now, King of Fighters fans all over the world are full of praise for his company, such as a billion-dollar production, a major movie studio, and black technology.

Definitely, what fans are looking forward to the most is when will this company release a new game!

"The King of Fighters" is just a fighting game, not rich in content, that is to say, no matter how obsessed the players are with the graphics, they will always get tired of playing one day!

If the player's time elapses, it means that his point growth rate will also drop greatly!

This is the last thing Xu Dan wants to see.

So, he had to make the next game.

And before the release, release the promo video that is crazy and cool!

Recently, under the voluntary organization of King of Fighters players, a unique game forum was established.

In this online forum, in addition to the overwhelming King of Fighters exchange posts, there is also an elite post that is popular and pinned to the top:

The new Antarctic game is expected to be released next month, breaking the rules of the game and ushering in a new era! "

Below this post, there are also several high-resolution pictures attached.

The painting style in the picture is completely different from the previous "King of Fighters".

If the KOF painting style of Antarctic Studio tends to be full and real, then this new set of pictures is full of magical elements!

Humans, Undead, Proxima Midnight elves, and more!

Yes, this pre-sale game that only released posters is "Warcraft"!

Before the release of large-scale games such as League of Legends and PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, "Warcraft" had a high status in Internet cafes.

Countless hot-blooded teenagers are addicted to the new role-playing and real-time strategy games.

The game style of this "Warcraft" is completely different from "The King of Fighters".

When players all over the world are still in the Awakening stage of the game, the game style of "Warcraft" really surprised many people.

What kind of game is this?

Regarding this, there is only one line of brief text explanation below the top post.

'Stay tuned! '

Yes, he didn't explain anything.

It is completely up to the fans to guess and make up their minds!

At the bottom of the post, fans all over the world are saying that they vomit three liters of blood, and they are almost hanged by this sentence!

They are almost pinching the timing, waiting for the release date.

And at the moment, Xu Dan took the elevator slowly and came to the new company.

The office environment here is completely different from before!

Bright, simple, tidy, and decorated with technological beauty!

As for the equipment, they are all top-of-the-line. He wants to build the world's most powerful company, so naturally he won't be stingy about hardware.

Turning on a computer casually, he started to make a promotional video for "World of Warcraft".

The promotional poster has been sent out, and now we are waiting for this explosive promotional video!

Looking at the countless expecting voices on the Internet, those lovely fans, he felt full of strength, and he was bound to make this promotional film look like a Hollywood blockbuster!

But, looking around, the whole floor is empty, Liwa is still cleaning in the villa, he is alone here!

"It's time to recruit a group of employees!"

No matter how strong Ability is, it is impossible for two people to support a large company.

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