Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 213 If We Couldn't Afford The Weapons Of The Antarctic Military Industry, Why Would We

However, Xu Dan still underestimated HYDRA's resistance after all.

Further back, you can even see them building a fort, and a tank coming with a roar.

In this regard, his way of dealing with it was also relatively violent. He rushed up in a flash and collided with the tank with manpower. This was something that no one else could even imagine.

But to him, it's like a ball of steel colliding with a plastic toy!

Violence is played out here to the fullest.

Inside the HYDRA base.

"What, you're telling me that Xu Dan rushed up alone? What the hell are you telling me?" Baron Strucker yelled at a signalman.

But immediately, he turned his head and calmed down, the expression on his face was faster than turning the pages of a book!

Few people know what kind of leader this is, but it is undeniable that everyone is afraid of him.

As soon as he finished yelling at the communication soldier, he turned around and shouted at the soldiers who were on guard: "How can we let a person who plays the game pass the level? All go up to me and kill that guy!" 29

The soldiers of HYDRA have nothing but one word: Reckless!

As long as it is an order given by their superiors, no matter what it is, they will do their best to complete it.

I don't know whether they have been brainwashed seriously or they are loyal to HYDRA. Who is the target they want to confront, and that is Xu Dan, the owner of Antarctic Enterprise who shined in the Battle of New York!

Who in this world doesn’t know Xu Dan now? Unless it’s a fool!

Tread Tread...

The footsteps of the soldiers rushed to the battlefield one by one, but they didn't know that even the cannons and tanks outside couldn't stop Xu Dan, so how could they be Xu Dan's teammate?

If Xu Dan is a ferocious beast with a bloody mouth, these people probably won't have enough teeth!

Baron Strucker just understood this.

But it was precisely because he understood this point that he let these soldiers rush forward to die. There was no other reason. No matter how rubbish these soldiers were to Xu Dan, they could still delay time!

As long as you procrastinate enough, he'll go from here!

Seeing a monster like Xu Dan coming to your door, who the hell doesn't run away quickly? Do you really think that the front stone is more rigid? That is the real fool!

In this world, Xu Dan's reputation is astonishing. Regarding Xu Dan's combat ability, you can even find countless analysis videos just by searching the Internet!

Some talented people who are full and have nothing to do, took Xu Dan’s battle scenes in New York, and analyzed them frame by frame, so that people can clearly and intuitively feel Xu Dan’s combat power. In the end, there is only one conclusion, that is, if you are defeated by Xu Dan Dan is looking for trouble, there are only two options, one is to tie himself up, obediently stay where he is and wait for the trial; the other is to run quickly! Don’t miss anything, run quickly! This way you can see more before you die Look at the scenery along the way!

Baron Strucker didn't think he would die. Antarctic companies were using the Chitauri technology back then, and their HYDRA also secretly got some HYDRA technology.

"What should we do?" asked the chief scientist at the base.

Sensible people know what they are doing, and if they want to pay for their sins, there is only death.

But no one in this world wants to die if he is living well. Life is still on the rise. If he is not hit or depressed, who wants to die?

Listening to the question, Baron Strucker was a little upset, and asked him what to do? He was still in a hurry!

"Let's go, let's go!! I don't want to face that monster head-on! Whoever wants to go, go!"

"Objectively speaking, his appearance still looks quite sacred, otherwise the outside world wouldn't respect him so much.

"Why, you don't like him, do you?"

"No, no, I didn't mean that!"

"Hehe, hurry up if you want to survive. By the way, what about the twins? Use them too. Don't spend all day eating and drinking at my place!"

"It was you who asked them to come and eat and drink..."

"That's enough, tell them to throw it away!"

The so-called twins, that is, Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, they were just ordinary people, but after suddenly Awakening Ability, they were regarded as the ultimate weapon by Baron Strucker.

These days, without a bit of supernatural combat power stationed in the field, I always feel unsafe!

In this era of monsters flying everywhere, there is only such a broken way!

I have to say, HYDRA is getting worse and worse!

I think back then, under the leadership of Red Skull, I had to live happily and a little bit of power, but now I am like a bereaved dog, with its tail tucked up everywhere, not to mention people, and from time to time to guard against someone coming up to carry out tactical sweeps.

They obviously haven't had time to say anything bad these years!

After all, under the rapid development environment driven by Antarctic enterprises, it is difficult for them to intervene!

On weekdays, there is actually no cruelty in the base, everyone is living in accordance with order, doing what they should do, and playing games for those who should play games

Yes, Baron Strucker often feels like he has adopted two fathers back! He is not afraid of the guns you play around at all, because he has super Ability 047!

Every day I just stay in your base, tired of playing games, I just open my mouth and stretch out my clothes! Occasionally I have to go out for a stroll by myself, that’s how he treats his HYDRA base as a vegetable market!

But what can I do?

Since the liberation of Mutant, people's pursuit of super-ability is very common, and this subconscious has even spread to HYDRA!

Not enough, raising soldiers for a thousand days and using them for a short time, and raising them for so long was in vain. Now that the problem has come to them, it is time to let them go!

The so-called soldiers come to block the water and cover the soil, for Xu Dan who is different from ordinary people, he should use twins with super abilities!

"The two of them seem to have gone out!" said the HYDRA base scientist, since the kid played virtual online games, even Baron Strucker can't control it anymore "let alone an old researcher.

"It seems to have gone out? I don't need this answer, I want to know: They went out to meet the enemy for us!" Baron Strucker shouted through gritted teeth.

While shouting, he was still quickly sorting out some necessary supplies for escape.

"Well, don't we destroy the experimental data?"

"Destroy the experimental data? Are you showing off your head? Xu Dan will take a fancy to our experiments? If we can't afford the weapons of the Antarctic military industry, why are we tinkering with these crap things ourselves?".

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