Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 220 Let The Nine Worlds Connect Permanently!

Wanda never imagined that Xu Dan left in a hurry to make a game!

That's right, ignore the city disaster and go to the ground company to make games!

The coincidence of the Nine Realms is a great opportunity for Xu Dan. The dark elves are thinking about how to rule the Nine Realms and ascend to the supreme throne, but Xu Dan has no interest in the so-called throne.

Sitting on the throne is not necessarily the king admired by everyone, but secretly being the only master of the world by default, that is really awesome!

He wants to pass the virtual game, together with the entire Nine Realms!

Before, he had put the virtual game on 'Asgard' through Asgard's Bifrost. Although their player base was not as large as that of "Warcraft", it was only because their Asgard population base was not large. Think about using a The space battleship can hold most of Asgard, but how many people can there be?

However, the proportion of their players is still relatively objective. In short, the virtual game has finally achieved success in Asgard!

However, if you want to connect across borders, you need the help of Asgard's Bifrost, which is equivalent to relying on others!

Xu Dan never likes to rely on outsiders!

If you want to say when the earth people can conquer Asgard, then you can use Bifrost definitely, but the fact is that the earth people can't reach that step yet!

So, later Xu Dan came up with a way, that is to use Tesseract, that is, the power of Space gem, to transmit his own signal through space power! Directly open the channel of the entire universe!

This idea is magnificent, and it is naturally very difficult to implement. Although he already has Tesseract, it will take a long time to achieve that vision!

But now, the target is narrowed down a bit and placed in the Nine Realms.

Then this time the Nine Realms coincide is a good opportunity given by the heavens!

In order to seize this opportunity, he first rushed to the Antarctic military industry and found the Tesseract!

Originally, Selvig was guarding here day and night, but today he went out to investigate the astronomical secrets that he was most interested in, so there was no need for those assistants in the laboratory, and it was empty.

Xu Dan stepped forward, put a spell on his arm that could control the Space gem, and then touched the dangerous surface of Tesseract!

Tesseract is undoubtedly a dangerous object. For example, Red Skull once tried to pick up Tesseract and wanted to use its powerful power, but was eventually destroyed by the tyrannical force and exiled to another world!

However, this danger is also uncertain, who has grabbed the Tesseract with both hands, and Nick Fury! This is a weak earthling, even worse than Red Skull, but nothing happened!

Uncertain probability, may or may not harm contacts.

But Xu Dan doesn't want to use his life to verify the file size of this probability!

So, he must use a spell!

The moment the right hand carrying the blue magic spell touched the Tesseract, Xu Dan instantly felt a powerful energy spread along the palm of his hand and spread throughout his body!

Even his eyes turned into crystal blue in an instant, like a pair of priceless sapphires!

Thankfully, the spell taught to him by Ancient One is very effective. The Tesseract is very powerful and tyrannical, which can make Xu Dan feel pain, but has no intention of killing fte!

This pain may be a price for forcibly using its power! Using Infinite Gems without a medium is definitely a dangerous thing!

Fortunately, Xu Dan endured it, and he quickly adapted to this pain!

Then, something amazing happened!

In this state filled with the power of the Space gem, he even feels that he has become one with the space. He can feel the space, and he can touch the space. His eyes can even see the layer upon layer. The place where the stacked nine worlds meet!

The layers of densely packed spaces seem to be far above Jiutiao, but also seem to be close at hand!

As long as he stretches out his hand, he can undulate every intersecting space!

That's the power of the Space gem!

It is definitely not just as simple as being used by Thanos as the technique of flying Thor, its Ability can evolve into countless! Infinite Gems, how can it be simple!

The first step Xu Dan has to do is to use the power of the Space gem to clear up the messy intersecting spaces scattered in various places in the Nine Realms!

……… Ask for flowers--

The intersection of the nine worlds is not the integration of balls!

That is the intersection of space and space. The previous intersection point may be on Mount Everest, and the next intersection point may be in a certain hotel, or even in the bathroom!

It is precisely because of this that there is no order without rules, so Xu Dan must first make it ruled and orderly!

As soon as he moved his mind, the power of the Space gem was brought into play. Under the power of the Space gem, those messy spaces where the spaces intersected were as if the wrong gestures on the electronic drawing board were gently erased with an eraser!

There is no obstacle in this process, the space in the Nine Realms is just chaotic, and the Space gem is a treasure of the Level Universe!

The flattened space instantly returned to its original state, as if nothing had ever happened.

Deep in the bottom of the sea, in the southwest channel of the city under the sea, the automatic drainage system continues to operate, and the water level that could not be cleaned up, suddenly drops!

Under the super working efficiency, the entire blocked passage, whether it was sea water or sundries, was completely cleaned up, and an automatic disinfection was even carried out!

In less than a minute, the green light has been turned on, and normal use can be resumed!

This, in the eyes of Xu Dan who has been combined with the Space gem, is just a trivial matter.

For Xu Dan, among the Nine Realms, each world only needs to have one place for intercourse!

That's right, it's like the ideal ball-to-ball intersection, only one interface and one bridge are needed!

It is enough for him to know the only location of the bridge!

The rest, in just a few minutes, was wiped clean by the magic eraser!

At the moment, according to the laws of celestial bodies, the coincidence of the nine worlds that should have occurred has been completely counted by Xu Dan! And then crucified!

From then on, the nine realms will be like nine circles fixed on the drawing board, connected and only one connected!

They will no longer circulate according to the law of the past ten thousand years, but will continue like this!

Such a vast project is tantamount to God's masterpiece II!.

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