Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 269: A Mom Brings Three Mentally Retarded!

Ronan's name is estimated to be unknown to everyone in this galaxy.

However, when he subjectively thinks that the person in front of him is an earthling, it is a little strange.

Xu Dan didn't answer, but lowered slowly, facing the dark asterisk head-on.

Ronan who holds the power gem is definitely not easy to deal with, even if he confronts head-on, he may be defeated!

After all, it's the Power Gem, one of only six Infinite Gems in the universe.

Different from the psychic scepter that Loki held back then, the Kree Warhammer in Ronan's hand was originally a very powerful weapon, and it could already launch vibration waves to kill guests without inlaying power gems.

Now, the Kree Warhammer inlaid with the power gem is a threat in his hands!

"Well, it's considered acquaintance." He thought for a while and said.

There are many ways to win, and confrontation is only the basic method.

Fighting back and forth, Ronan with the power gem is equal to unlimited firepower, and there is also a buff that multiplies the buff, so as long as someone goes up to fight him, he will eventually lose-!

However, if you change your thinking and angle a little, you will find that victory is very simple.

Ronan was an idiot.

This is an indisputable fact.

He will be distracted during the dance between Star-Lord and him, so he doesn't know when the rocket that has reorganized the neutron cannon smashes his Kree Warhammer, and eventually causes the power gem to fall off

The power gem that lost the medium no longer belonged to him at that moment, nor would it give him power.

With such an easy way to hit Ronan, why not play it up?

Using the most commonly used words in the game, the same BP can win [why change?

At this point, Comrade Thanos is very smart.

He got himself an Infinity Gauntlet instead of a wireless warhammer or a sword or something.

Infinite Gems, unlike the artifacts in magic RPG games, will not recognize the owner and bind them.

As long as Infinite Gems is out, it's not his anymore!

It will instantly fall from a god to a mortal!

"I don't care if you recognize me or not!" Ronan suddenly yelled, feeling as if something was wrong with his mind.

"Please, you were the one who asked me if I knew you, and now I say I do, what about you?"

While speaking, Xu Dan used wind magic indiscriminately to divert the smoke from the nearby explosion.

At the moment when gunpowder smoke covered each other's sight, he immediately used mirror duplication!

The duplication created by the mirror image duplication is no different from the main body, it is impossible for a fool like Ronan to discover it!

And at the moment when the duplication appeared, his body became invisible!

The invisible Xu Dan moved very carefully. He first moved towards the rear of the duplication, and then moved towards the bottom of the dark asterisk.

Every movement of his is carefully, not to disturb a cloud, not to hinder a piece of war residue.

Below the Dark Asterisk, Xingjue and others have already entered once, so he will walk on the paved road again without any effort!

It's just that he needs to be ten times faster than Xingjue and the others, because no one can imagine how that stunned young man Ronan will react in the next second, whether he will continue to stay on the Dark Asterisk and talk to Xu Dan duplication, or get angry Rush up to dry crush duplication

Therefore, we must rush to the scene before Ronan’s next sentence, and find the right opportunity to seize the Kree Warhammer in his hand at one time, or follow the example of the rocket, smashing the Kree Warhammer!!

Anyway, the Kree Warhammer, which looks very powerful, didn't put much effort into its solid material, not even the earth's Vibranium!

The invisible Xu Dan moved quickly inside the Dark Asterisk.

Inside, there are traces of battles everywhere, and there are even corpses of Cree people in disorder. Xingjue and others have obviously fought here.

Just hope they don't act on their own!

Otherwise, it will be difficult to get ahead!

Windwalk has a speed buff effect, coupled with his originally current physical strength, in the invisible state, he is like a gust of wind passing by the cabin of the Dark Asterisk.

I remember that Nebula would have come to stop Xingjue and the others, but I just saw that Nebula is still by Ronan's side and has some physical disabilities, so something may have happened.

This made Xu Dan even more worried, the man who punched Avengers alliance four, this time, don't do anything bad!

Otherwise, sacrifice to heaven!

……… Ask for flowers…

At such a speed, he quickly found the passage leading to the center of the Dark Asterisk, and rushed over quickly.

But before I saw Ronan, I saw the sneaky look of Xingjue first!

"Oh, my God! You see Ronan is talking with a man who is full of divine light! Who is that? He's even more handsome than me?" Xingjue whispered.

Dellax on the side glanced at Xingjue blankly, then poked his head out and glanced outside again.


Gamora has quick eyes and hands, and quickly covered Dellax's big mouth.

"Quiet! My God!" For this group of pig teammates, Gamora is really tired!

A mother brought three mentally handicapped!


Rocket Raccoon doesn't appear to be in the team.

"I'm sorry, but I really want to laugh." Dellax whispered close to Gamora's ear, "Quiel is just a bowl away from being fat, and he's actually competing with a god! I really laughed so hard , haha........Mmm! Sorry!"

"Hey, buddy, I was comparing who is cooler! It's not beauty, beauty is a word only women use!"

"Oh? Are you sure you want to compare my use of words, Quill?"

"I'm Groot!"

"Okay, okay, you fucking shut up!" Gamora directly took out her dagger, and said through gritted teeth.

To be able to stand with such two idiots and a dryad who can only repeat one sentence is really bad luck for eight lifetimes!

It's also Thanos' fault, for forcing her to do a lot of outrageous things over the years!

"Listen to me! Now, Ronan is negotiating with that person. The power gem is on his weapon. Remember, everything is aimed at taking the power gem. If we want to fight Ronan head-on, we may all die in the Here! I know Ronan, he will never show mercy!"

"You know Ronan? Then do you know me?" Xingjue became jealous for no reason.

However, Gamora just gave him a blank look. Among the three sons, Quill, who is only one bowl away from being fat, is the most difficult to take care of. It works here!

Really dead!.

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