Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 280 Full Server Announcement

At this time, Black Widow got off the base vehicle.

I have to say, this woman is really what, if it weren't for the old Aunt, he would have thought about fighting!

Those who come out of the red room will have their uterus removed, and the absence of a uterus means that they cannot have children.

Why do you look like this?

Because they, as specially trained beauties, need to perform many special tasks!

Among these special tasks, there is a kind of thing!

The lowest defensive power of a man is when he is dominated by his lower body. At that time, he will say whatever he is asked to say, and it is easy to gather information.

As long as they don't get pregnant, they can perform tasks without any pressure.

So, Black widow has been in the agent world for so many years, how many things have he done in detail... Do you understand?

It is absolutely not recommended for new drivers to intervene, oh no, start! "937" is a pity!

what a pity!

Xu Dan looked at it, and then looked away.

【Fatal Black Widow】: Oh my God! Your base is like a dark temple!

[Iron Man Can't Get Feelings]: Well...Natasha Romanoff, can I ask you for a date? Just in the game, you have nothing to lose.

Iron head boy Tony doesn't seem to know about Black widow's past.

He seemed to have lost control of his lower body since the first time he met Natasha Romanoff.

This playboy who slept with countless magazine cover goddesses may not live long, because he was hollowed out long ago!

Women are poison, so what's the point?


Xu Dan and Black Panther looked at each other, agreed and appreciated each other.

Natasha Romanoff put her hands on her hips and gave Tony a speechless look. She wasn't joking, she was really old enough to be Tony's mother!

If the roles are reversed, it may be the uncle and the little loli, at most they are called gentlemen.

But now that she was like this, she just felt a little psychologically uncomfortable just thinking about it.

【Deadly Black widow】: Tony, I recorded just now, and I will play it back for Xiaojiali. Our relationship is still very good~

[Iron Man Can't Get Feelings]: What? You two have a good relationship? When?

【Fatal Black widow】: Never underestimate women!

Black Widow gave a bad smile, then turned around, twisted the big peach, and boarded the base vehicle again, turned around and moved to a suitable corner, and then chose to unfold.

Her base, against the background of Xu Dan's base, is like the kind of little Mengxin trembling in front of the dark forces!

Not surprisingly, so are Tony and Black Panther's bases!

【Fatal Black widow】: Well, I never thought I was so small!

【Xu Dan】: You are no longer young!

Every ordinary player's base is about the same as a 100-square-meter house, and it was like this at the beginning!

With subsequent upgrades, the base will slowly expand.

Xu Dan's Dark Temple is actually a manifestation of a high level.

As the base vehicles of Tony and Black Panther were deployed beside them, a reminder popped up in the system.

【It is detected that the base of the player 'Deadly Black Widow' is attached by default. Do you want to accept this faction?】

[It is detected that the base of the player "Iron Man Can't Get Feeling" is attached by default. Do you want to accept this faction? 】

[It is detected that the base of the player "Wakanda Foaiwa" is attached by default. Do you want to accept this faction?】

For these reminders, Xu Dan will definitely only choose 'Yes'!

A few of them went into "Interstellar" to hack, just to integrate the base together "Let's develop together!

It doesn't matter who integrates, the important thing is that he likes to integrate.

[You are the first player to conquer other forces, reward materials*10, economy*100. 】

[You are the first player to conquer other forces, the system will announce the whole server, do you want to hide the Name?]


If the players knew that Xu Dan's father had come in to grab a meal with them, wouldn't they be blown up?

Don't say that in this world they will come to respect you, want to get in touch with you or something.

The life attitude of young people nowadays is spoofing, don’t care who you are, even if you are the president of country M, as long as you are playing this game, you have to let go of your airs, because these players have an unprecedented tacit understanding, and the whole server chasing you to kill!

Chasing and killing you in the game is actually not malicious, just to interact with you!

If the shelf is too big to play, then don't join the game.

Definitely, this is under normal circumstances. Once something major happens, such as a national war or a world war, these players will explode into an unprecedented cohesion.

That's what this generation is...  

[Full server announcement: Player ** is the first player in the whole server to conquer other forces, and will be rewarded with materials*10 and economy*100. 】

When this announcement went out, the game area exploded in an instant!

"What do you mean, this game can also conquer other forces?"

"Little brother, you are not mentally handicapped! Don't you think this masterpiece can only play house with you?"

"By the way, who is this person? Only by widening the level difference can he have the function of annexing other forces. Can he upgrade to the second-level base so quickly?"

"Yeah! I've been picking up garbage for so long, and the supplies haven't gathered enough for 1 unit. This person has already started to conquer other forces?"

"This person can't be a building block!"

It is not difficult to form gangs in the game. Online games on the earth have been developed for so long. From small games at the beginning, it has become a trendy area to play games in groups today.

Most players have 'fixed teams'! No matter what game they play, they like to form cliques, which is a trend.

With the current players, it is not difficult to annex other forces quickly!

As long as it is discussed with the brothers who opened the black, then the annexation can be completed.

The only difficult thing is to upgrade the base!

As long as your base level is higher than that of the opponent, the regiment can be annexed as a subordinate force.

Otherwise, the same level can only cooperate or fight against the same level, even if they finally blow up the opponent's base, they cannot annex 4.4!

It is very difficult to upgrade the base level, not only need various materials, but also need a certain amount of economy and base construction!

All these conditions are indispensable!

Materials can be collected in the game, and the economy is a fixed value in the base. Everyone has a little wealth, and the extra way to get it is through trade and smelting gold mines.

It is not difficult to collect, and it is not difficult to develop the economy. Players will soon get a sense of fulfillment!

However, if you want to accumulate enough upgrades, it becomes a difficult problem!

Furthermore, base construction is the place to test the player's true strength.

Basic power plants, barracks, factories, mines, etc., all of which require players to use their own wisdom to develop.

This is not a magic RPG game, it cannot be done by operating a reckless man, it needs to use brains!.

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