Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 34 Five Pillars Of Storms!

Xu Dan looked at this man like a fool.

Didn't Thomas finally expose the information? !

"Oh, what a pity, if you had said this earlier, your two brothers wouldn't have died!"


"I lied to you, hehe."

Xu Dan got up and let go of his hand, but it didn't mean he forgave the little thief. The moment he let go of his hand, he kicked him down!

With his kick, even the granite would have to be broken in half, not to mention the fragile human body!

So far, the three thieves are all cool!

After solving the three little thieves, he did not relax.

Because it was learned from the other side that they were going to use helicopters to bomb here!


This was the first thought in Xu Dan's mind. He quickly got into the car, reversed quickly, the sports car engine roared, and the car flew out of the underground garage at a very fast speed, and away from the villa two or three 100 meters!

When he looked sideways, sure enough, there were several helicopters flying towards here in the sky!

It is estimated that they will reach the front of the villa in less than ten numbers!

At that time, it must be a hell of artillery fire!

Fortunately, it was withdrawn in time!

Those helicopters are not armed helicopters of the military, but have been artificially modified to install two cannons at the door!

These machine guns can easily penetrate even steel, not to mention the reinforced concrete houses!

It is undeniable that if he is still in the villa now, it is very likely that he will die this time!

Fortunately, he escaped!

It's a pity that this well-designed villa...

Just when he was regretting, a figure suddenly appeared above the villa!

That ghostly figure suddenly appeared directly above the villa out of thin air without Xu Dan noticing it!

That's Gonitz!

Gonitz, who had already gone on his own activities!

At the most critical time, he came to the Savior!

Xu Dan immediately relaxed in his heart. There is a capable person who makes people feel at ease!

on the helicopter.

Corey said into the communicator: "The target is found on the roof, is it Xu Dan?"

"Boss, it's too dark to see clearly!"

"Then Thomas's light up for me!! Also, has there been any news about those three people?!"


It was Corey who came up with the plan.

According to his plan, when Xu Dan returns home, let those three people deal with him. Those three people are his most capable brothers. If they can bring back Xu Dan's uniform, that would be the best!

And if the three of them are in trouble, or there are other bodyguards in Xu Dan's villa, then the three of them just need to surround Xu Dan, and then use helicopter cannons to cleanse the entire villa!

Let the whole villa be reduced to ruins, no matter what it is, it must be buried below!

Jin wants to live, so with the protection of those three people, Xu Dan will not die!

At that time, as long as he is fished out from the ruins and given a simple treatment in the hospital, he can still be presented to Jin Bin!

His mission will be successfully completed, and then he will be able to take a sum of money and go wandering around Tianya with that beautiful girl fifteen years younger than him!


The ideal is naive, but the reality is skinny!

His self-righteous plan is vulnerable to absolute power!

I saw that Gonitz, who was standing on the roof of the villa, slowly closed the thick book that never left his hand, and then raised his hand and waved it lightly!

With such a slight movement, a storm suddenly blew up around him!

"what is that?!!"

Corey looked in horror at the tornado that appeared out of nowhere and connected the sky and the earth!

Is this some kind of storm at sea?

How could it appear in this area? Unscientific!

Helicopters are most afraid of this kind of storm, and several fuselages are all shaking!

It's not difficult to imagine that once their plane is swept into by a tornado, a group of them will have to confess here even with the helicopter!

"Boss!! I suggest evacuating quickly!! The plane is about to fail!"

Hearing the advice of his subordinates, Corey was also afraid!

This Thomas is not scientific at all!

What are they up against? What kind of monster are they trying to catch?

Could it be Mutant? ?

Mutant is so strong?

This is the ability that only God has, right? !

"All, withdraw first!!" Corey was unwilling, but yelled out such an order in fear!

However, when his order had just been issued.

Gonitz above the villa seems to have expected their thoughts!

Immediately, with another wave of the arm, another storm struck from the rear of the fleet!

This is not over yet, I saw Gonitz waving his hands again and again, a total of five storms, like five pillars of optimism, firmly trapped the fleet in the center!

The gangsters on the helicopter were already dumbfounded. They had done all kinds of bad things in their life, but they had never seen such a scene!

Even adventurous people, seeing such a scene, I am afraid that their legs will be weak in fright!

what is this? !

Quintessential storm?

In the dark night, the darker storm slowly narrowed the encirclement.

Obviously Gounitz and Xu Dan have the same heart, he just wants to watch this group of people die slowly in despair!

The five pillars of storm connected the sky and the earth, and the airflow in the center became extremely turbulent, making it difficult for the helicopter to maintain balance. Even, they were lucky to be able to suspend in the air!

"Boss!! How about we take advantage of these gaps and try to break out!!" A young man who is not afraid of death suggested.

Corey was immediately dumbfounded, because he hadn't agreed yet. When other people heard this sentence, their desperate hearts were suddenly filled with hope!

No matter what the crisis, no order!

The desperate people were crazy, they drove the plane and rushed towards the gap exposed by the storm!

As long as they can rush out, they can survive!

Instead of sitting in the middle and waiting to die, it is better to give it a go!

"Da da da…"

It's very true, when they drove the helicopter, let alone rushed out, just as they approached the storm, the helicopter lost power in an instant and was immediately captured by a strong tornado. The strong and unstoppable airflow, like a Beast, will The helicopter and the people were all involved in the storm!

Those storms are like rolling mills, and those helicopters are like scrap iron, being crushed and dismembered bit by bit!

And those gangsters who dared to underestimate the storm lost their vitality in an instant, and were smashed into balls of flesh by the steel residue in the tornado! !

The scene was cruel and bloody, but Gonitz, who was standing on the roof of the villa, frowned.

"Are they all fools?"

Now in the center of the storm, there is only one helicopter left, and I don't know if the Lord will criticize him!

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