Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 4 "The King Of Fighters" Announced Completion!

Xu Dan is well versed in the way of employing people, and he is very clear about the mentality of an intern, after all, he also came from that step.

A compliment, or a promotion to a full-time job, is just a matter of one word from him.

But for an intern, that is a great affirmation.

From Liwa's eyes, it can be seen.

He continued: "Liwa, you've worked hard today. You don't have to go to work in the morning. I'll give you half a day off to rest and come back after you wake up in the afternoon."

Liwa was flattered, opened her mouth slightly, and said happily: "Really? My God!"

"Really, I'll take you back!"

Hearing this, Liwa smiled shyly, the two chatted all night, and the relationship has become much closer, it's nothing to send her home.

Moreover, this made her feel that this was what a gentleman did.

After a whole night, the two of them walked on the street, their footsteps were a little flimsy.

In the early morning, Manhattan Island is still a little cool.

Liwa involuntarily moved closer to Xu Dan's side, wanting to keep warm.

Seeing the little girl's shy and tentative movements, Xu Dan shook his head and smiled.

Looking at these young people now is like looking at myself back then.

As Liwa walked slowly to her residence, he looked up at the apartment in front of him.

"Thank you for sending me here, do you want to go in and sit?" Liwa thanked very sensiblely.

Definitely, this is just a polite way of speaking, Xu Dan will not take it as a real invitation to him, how can a girl's boudoir be so easy to enter!

He stopped on the spot and said, "No, just come here."

"Oh, I forgot to bring the key!" Liwa stuck out her tongue, and hurried to knock on the door.

Fortunately, there are other people in the room, lest she end up on the street.

She is a very strong girl, and this is an apartment shared with others. If it wasn't for the poverty, she would like to buy a house by herself.

But looking at Xu Dan beside her, her career has just stepped into the right track, with this man around, maybe she can avoid a lot of detours.

Soon, there was a sound of slippers in the room.

With an impatient complaint, the door was pulled open.

"Please, my lady, can you grow your brain?"

"Ah! Daisy, I'm really sorry!" Liwa looked very civet, troublesome people, in fact, no one would like to do it, if it's not a last resort, who would want to trouble others?

Xu Dan also looked at this roommate of Liwa's co-renter, and couldn't help but feel a little doubt in his heart.


It's a shitty street name in the United States, it doesn't matter.

But why does this big girl look so much like Jane Foster's assistant in "Thor"? !

When she found Xu Dan behind Liva, a trace of surprise flashed in her mature eyes.

"Wow, this is your boyfriend?! God, you actually have a boyfriend?!" Daisy seemed very surprised that Liwa was talking about someone.

It's as if Liwa is a thousand-year-old straight daughter who can't get a boyfriend!

Hearing the word 'boyfriend', Liwa immediately blushed, and quickly explained: "No! No! This is my boss!"


"Boss?!" Daisy was even more terrified, "You didn't go home last night because you were with your boss...that..."

No matter how Liva explained, Daisy had already automatically created a scene of everyone fighting in her mind.

Domineering president, candlelight dinner, young girl...

Liwa had already noticed the strange look in Daisy's eyes, and quickly stopped her: "Stop! Stop! Stop your obscene fantasies!"

While speaking, Liwa became furious and pushed Daisy into the room.

Seeing this, Xu Dan was also helpless.

It was quite unexpected to meet Jane Foster's assistant here.

Well, that silk pajamas, big and white.

"Dan, see you this afternoon!" Liwa's voice came through.

"Well, see you this afternoon!"


The production of King of Fighters was driven by Xu Dan and Liwa working overtime.

Although it is a rushed production, the quality has not declined in the slightest!

He is assisted by god-level programming technology, and the gameplay experience of the game will not deteriorate in the slightest.

And in terms of modeling, Riva has almost invincible ability!

In the original King of Fighters, the image of the characters is not full, and it can even be said to be relatively rough!

In the selection interface, you may still be able to see a clear image.

But after entering the game, those personal characters are like bad pictures cut out with Meitu Xiuxiu!

Definitely, a fighting arcade game, maybe you don't care about this, its soul lies in the sense of attack and explosive brilliant skills.

However, Xu Dan is a person who pursues perfect works, and he does not allow any shortcomings in his works!

If he has the assistance of the system, but he can only 'copy' the works of his previous life, it will seem very boring!

A week later, Xu Dan and Liwa both had dark circles under their eyes.

But at the same time, "The King of Fighters" is also announced to be completed!

Just a week, just two people's work.

If the original team of King of Fighters knew about it, they would probably be scared to death on the spot!

Is this a monster? !

In front of the computer, Xu Dan looked at the game in front of him calmly.

After a week, he made a game more refined than the original King of Fighters.

But this is not enough, he still wants to make this pioneering work stronger!

"Super game special effects optimization..."

According to the system description, this thing is simply a technology against the sky.

It can optimize a garbage game into a billion-level production! While bringing players a real 4K experience, it does not take up additional video memory. That is to say, even if players use the lowest configuration, as long as they can drive the game, they can experience the ultimate style of painting!

Most importantly, it runs smoothly!

Many large-scale games in the previous life were all pursuing the ultimate, but no matter which step you take, if you want to improve the game quality, you will definitely need a higher-end graphics card.

Moreover, even with a top-level graphics card, some large stand-alone games still fluctuate around 60 frames.

If the 'Super Game Special Effects Optimization Package' is used in the large-scale stand-alone games developed in the future, it will definitely become a stunning work!

Just imagine, a game with extreme picture quality, well-detailed characters, rich and realistic expressions, without the abrupt edges and corners of garbage modeling. The game is like the real world, like a big movie, what kind of experience is that?

Whether it is Prototype, Resident Evil, or The Elder Scrolls, any game can bring him shocking profits.

This kind of income is not only from money, but also from the most important word of mouth in the game circle!

Word-of-mouth has arrived, a game company just farts, it's really delicious!

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