Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 40 One Person, Single Out A Group!

Xu Dan is a person who never likes to work overtime.

Also a person who hates traffic jams very much.

In the Clinton area, every day during the evening rush hour, there will be serious traffic jams.

Compared with Didi Didi on the road, he prefers to stay in the company and do happy things until the road is clear.

Looking down from the floor-to-ceiling windows, Xu Dan was immediately delighted!

Because of a row of black off-road vehicles, he had noticed it since the morning, and now it's eight o'clock in the evening, and it's still there!

And that kind of model is very familiar, it is the off-road vehicle that I saw when I found Skye in the small town last time.

"Jin Bing started blocking people?" He sneered.

"Ah? Then what should we do?" Liwa on the side asked worriedly.

New York at night is already very dangerous, and now Jin Bin's men have been discovered.

However, Xu Dan didn't take them seriously at all. In the final analysis, they gangsters were just playing tricks.

In the eyes of ordinary people, gangsters may be a frightening force, but in the eyes of superpowers, gangsters are nothing more than that!

Often even a person with a super ability can play tricks on the whole gang!

Xu Dan can be considered a super ability user! After all, it can release waves!

"Don't be afraid!" A calculated smile appeared on Xu Dan's face, and then he took off his suit jacket and put it on the sofa.

"Dan? What are you doing?"

"Nothing, go down and meet them!"

"No, you can't go down, they are criminals, we just call the police!" Liwa stood in front of Xu Dan, no matter what, she didn't want this man to take risks.

But Xu Dan shook his head and said, "Someone has called the police, but the police never came. What does that mean?"

Liwa understood the reason behind this after a little thought.

However, she still looked at Xu Dan worriedly.

Facing such stares, Xu Dan was quite helpless, and comforted him: "Don't worry, I'll go back as soon as I go!"

Sure enough, when he went downstairs, a group of gangster thugs surrounded him with malicious intentions.

All of them looked like wolves, staring fiercely at the sheep in the center.

"You are Xu Dan? Please come with us!"

"The same please, some people feel different from what you said." Xu Dan chuckled, he was also 'invited' by people from S.H.I.E.L.D a long time ago.

Look at how tactful people are when they invite people, and look at these bastards, they look so underwhelming!

"It's not the same, I ask you to go, you go as soon as possible! I will drag you away later!" One of the thugs with a cockscomb hair said arrogantly.

There are almost thirty thugs here, more than half of them don't know who Xu Dan is.

Preconceived, he thought he was just the boss of an ordinary game company.

They have done this kind of thing like kidnapping a company boss not once or twice.

Every time those company bosses pretended to be calm, after being beaten up, they behaved like grandsons!

Rich people are this urinating sex!

With disappointed eyes, Xu Dan looked at the white man with a cockscomb head. His muscular body shape really gave people a sense of oppression.

If he went to boxing, he would still be a good seedling, but he shouldn't have died here in vain!

"Tsk tsk!" He sighed regretfully.

Immediately, a force was transmitted from the waist to the feet, and it burst out suddenly!

The figure of Xu Dan, in the neon lights at night, is like a ghost.

It's not very appropriate to say that, because Li Gui likes to lock people's necks with sharp claws, but Xu Dan prefers to strike with fists!


With a muffled sound, the strength of Xu Dan's punch actually directly smashed the clothes of Cockscomb Head!

Cloth crumbs exploded from the back of Cockscomb Head, revealing a purple vest!

That was when his heart burst and all the surrounding blood vessels collapsed!


The cockscomb stared at Xu Dan at close range with violent eyeballs, this was the last sight of his life.

He regretted it. Sure enough, if people don't talk too much, they can live longer!

"Brothers, go!!"

Seeing that Xu Dan killed one person first, these gangsters rushed towards Xu Dan as if they had been injected with chicken blood!

However, the conditions for doing it come first—Jin is not going to catch him alive!

The highest level weapon equipped on them is a baseball bat.

This kind of eggless equipment, under Xu Dan's hands, can break a piece of it with a single punch!

In the encirclement, his figure was like a nimble cunning rabbit, handling the incoming attacks with ease.

Every time you find the right opportunity, you can even kill a gangster with your own hands!

This is a good opportunity to practice fighting skills in actual combat. None of the weapons they use are lethal, and Xu Dan doesn't need to release his skills, so he just takes this group of people as his training partners!

When those sticks came at him all at once, he quickly got short, almost hitting the ground, and he went outside the encirclement in an instant!

Immediately afterwards, it was a heavy blow to the person closest to him, and his spine was broken on the spot!

The crowd couldn't help Xu Dan at all, he didn't seem to be fighting, he was more like dancing in the crowd, and as time went by, there were fewer and fewer people who could support him!


Another self-proclaimed thug fell to the ground, holding his shattered arm and howling.

There were nearly thirty people just now, and now half of them are lying on the ground!

Outside the company gate, Liwa followed out worriedly.

She witnessed the whole process of group fighting.

She was stunned!

All she knew was that after Xu Dan went out one day, he suddenly became stronger! This 'strong' is reflected in every aspect!

It turned out that he was so powerful!

One person, single out a group of people!

This aura alone can fascinate thousands of girls!

Not to mention that he still has the upper hand now, treating those gangster thugs like monkeys!


Liwa covered Zhu Hong's small mouth, because she saw that Xu Dan collided fist-to-fist with a thug who was 2.2 meters tall and weighed at least 300 kilograms!

It's like colliding with a rock with an egg!

As expected, the egg would be broken into slag, and Xu Dan's relatively thin physique might be thrown flying!

However, things were far beyond her imagination!

The egg collided with the stone, but it was the stone that broke!

Xu Dan's seemingly thin figure turned out to be like cast iron, colliding with that huge gangster thug, even Liwa, who was a hundred meters away, heard the doctor's bone cracking sound!

If the prediction is correct, the arm of that gangster thug will be crippled for the rest of his life, and he will never be a thug again!

Because it was a comminuted fracture, even if it was healed, it would still leave sequelae!

Not to mention fighting, every cloudy and rainy day is a painful pain!

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