Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 43 Neuropathy Bullseye

The sports car was driving at high speed, but Xu Dan freed up one hand and dialed the police station.

In fact, his number has been marked by the police station and arranged for a special channel.

The person who answered the phone was the very smooth sheriff yesterday.

"Good morning sir."

"It's time to do meritorious service today, Sheriff."

"Understood! I'll meet you right away!" The sheriff responded excitedly.

The greatest wish of every policeman in New York is to arrest the criminal leader Jin Bin, some of them are definitely bought by Jin Bin and temporarily maintain their interest relationship.

And this sheriff has a steelyard in his heart. After weighing the interests, he understands what kind of gains will be brought by arresting Jin.

In this process, the police station may lose a little something, but compared to the benefits after the event is completed, this sacrifice is nothing!

When Xu Dan drove his sports car into the urban area, the psychopath in Bullseye was still following behind!

As everyone knows, police cars have slowly surrounded him!

"Hehe, Tiaozi!" Bullseye sneered twice as he drove his motorcycle.

In his opinion, the cops from the United States are the most incompetent, and it is not impossible to kill one or two Jitians!

However, he has a limited amount of flying darts stashed in his belt and can't waste them on these scumbags!

That must be the most fatal blow left for Xu Dan!

He was riding a motorcycle, turned and rushed into a narrow alley, which was only more than one meter wide, and the police car couldn't get in at all!

Then he picked up a few pieces of rubbish and rusty iron in the alley, and drove out of the alley from the other end with a sinister smile.

Soon, the police came around from the other end!

Bullseye smiled coldly.

He threw the irregular piece of iron in his hand!

The thing that had already been turned into a waste product seemed to have some magical power in his hands, and it was even faster and more precise than a bullet!


The windshield of the police car was shattered, and the driver inside had his throat cut by a piece of rusted iron!


Having lost its driver, the police car that had just turned a corner slammed into a nearby shop, and several police officers in the car were buckled to the ground on the spot.

Originally, Xu Dan should be like this, but he escaped!



Bullseye sneered, drove the motorcycle again, and chased after Xu Dan!


Suddenly a gunshot came from behind, but it is a pity that the police do not have the accuracy of the bullseye, and they are still using pistols, and the standing design may not be able to hit them, let alone in the pursuit of high-speed movement up!

Bullseye glanced back.

It was the sheriff from last night who chased after him and fired the gun.

As he opened fire on the street, it was like a signal, and other police officers also boldly drew out their pistols, shooting towards the bullseye!

Bullets are ruthless, no matter how proficient Bullseye is in throwing, he is not 100% dodge attribute.

When surrounded by policemen in all directions, he quickly took out the remaining rusty iron pieces and the flying darts in his belt!

He's already in crisis, he doesn't care about Xu Dan anymore!

"Whoosh whoosh!!!"

Each piece of rusted iron drew dead lines in the air.

Against these incompetent the United States police, he hits every shot 100%!

With one shot, more than ten people were killed!

This allowed him to regain some confidence at least!

But unfortunately, under the suppression of intensive firepower, no matter how bad the police shooting skills are, there will always be one or two bullets hitting the target!

Bullseye hit!

As a world-class precision thrower, being hit by a bullet is naturally a great shame!

Although there were no fatal injuries, it still slowed him down.

And the slowness of action, in this case, represents failure!

In battle, there are only zero and countless hits!

Even if he didn't kill him with a single shot, the consequences would still be fatal!

"Bang bang bang!!"

Sure enough, he was shot again in the leg!

"Ah! Damn it!!" Bullseye roared, immediately abandoned the motorcycle, and dived into another alley!

This is the only way he currently avoids bullets!

However, when he rushed into the alley in embarrassment and planned to use the air-conditioning units on the wall to go upstairs and escape, he saw a figure that made him extremely loathe!

Xu Dan!

That's right, Xu Dan is waiting for him in this alley!

This feeling is like a game designed by others, all the ways are under the control of others, and his Bullseye is like a Joker, being ruthlessly teased by others!

"Fack!! Why are you insulting me like that!!"

Bullseye's mantra all day long is 'hit the bull's eye', but today, not only did he not hit a single car, he was ruthlessly teased twice on the highway, and now he is designed by someone to force him to He's at a dead end!

That kind of aggrieved feeling of being unable to display all his abilities!

The shame of being ruthlessly played with like a primary school student!

That kind of sneer that mocked him from above! !

Damn it!

Damn damn damn damn!

Facing Bullseye's anger, Xu Dan just shook his head indifferently, and said, "Bullseye, actually, I don't want to kill you, because we are not in the same dimension at all, as for insulting you... Hehe, I'm just playing casually." That's all, I didn't expect you to be so stupid!"

! ! !

I don't know if it's the pain in the body, the ruthless teasing by Xu Dan, or the stimulation of both, which made Bullseye almost explode on the spot!

He is so angry!

But it's just incompetent and furious!

It's like a little mouse locked in a cage, no matter how hard it struggles and howls, it won't help!

"I'm going to kill you!!"

In the rage, Bullseye almost lost his mind. He forcefully pulled out the bullet with his fingers from the bloodstains on his body. This kind of pain is beyond the reach of ordinary people!

But now this crazy person actually did it!

He looked at the bloody bullet in his palm, and extreme madness flashed in his eyes!


Bullseye exhausted his whole life's strength, brought up the spirit of concentration more than before, and threw this bullet violently!

This small bullet, in his hands, is even more powerful than a pistol!

Not only the accuracy, but even the shooting speed should be improved a bit!

To achieve this level, the basic strength needed is extremely large, but he can do it regardless of Bullseye's physique! It's almost like having a magical mystery!

I have to say that Bullseye's throwing ability is really strong!

However, in Xu Dan's eyes, it's still not enough!

In the words of the game, it is more than enough operation, but not enough IQ!


A sound of metal clanging sounded!

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