Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 505 Concerned About Chaos

Everyone in the entire Avengers base fell into a sad look.

Natasha Romanoff is also very sorry now, he just recalled everything, and Rogers seems to be saving him and Captain Marvel against these alien invasive species.

What happened in S.H.I.E.L.D seems to have changed quite a bit for invasive alien species as well.

And they ran towards S.H.I.E.L.D, and these robots in Stark's house.

"I think these alien invaders may have something to do with these so-called tools that Stark built, and those robots.

After Natasha Romanoff thought of this, she hurriedly said that although he was in the illusion, he could know a lot.

No matter what, if Captain Marvel and Rogers are not found, then this is not the end, it is just the beginning.

Anything must have a certain solution, and with the situation here, they will have to do so.

Rogers' matter is indeed closely related~.

At this time, Xu Dan also stood up, walked to Natasha Romanoff's side, and slowly helped him up.

"Natasha Romanoff, don't think so much, you are already injured, just go back and rest, and leave these things to us to consider."

After saying this, Xu Dan also stroked Natasha Romanoff's hair slowly.

"You really worked hard."

After saying this sentence, Natasha Romanoff also understood what Xu Dan meant. After all, he couldn't do anything in front of dark energy.

Soon Natasha Romanoff went back with the help of others, rested in the room, leaving only Stark in the room.

Stark and Falcon looked at each other, and what he could do now was to find out where Rogers was as soon as possible.

At the same time, if Rogers is not found, it is the same if Captain Marvel is found. They are also seriously injured. Where will they go?

"Did Captain Marvel hide him?"

Falcon's guess is not unreasonable, and Captain Marvel also knows that many people are now coveting the shield on Rogers.


At that moment, the shield can bring them a lot of energy, and the so-called energy is not worth mentioning compared to the genuine energy.

Xu Dan also came out and said: "Actually, what Falcon said is very reasonable, we must first go to Rogers' home and find the shield.

He absolutely cannot let these people find it first. If these alien species take the lead in detouring, they are no longer opponents at all.

But if it is also heading towards Wakanda, then Xu Dan must also tell Black Panther that Wakanda must be more careful.

Dr. Banner also thought of Xu Dan's question: "Then I should hurry up and inform Black Panther and them, whether they believe it or not, they will always say something.

Stark agrees with these words very much. If these people really agree, then maybe Wakanda can also provide a little help now.

"I don't need you to go. I think if you go there, I don't know if the people in Wakanda will welcome you."

And Xu Dan has his own way to get into Wakanda, and he also has his own invisible cloak. .

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