Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 55 Riding Deathwing On Azeroth!

The appearance of "World of Warcraft" caused a sensation all over the world.

Whether you are a game fan or not, now you know about Antarctic Company and Xu Dan!

On the hot search list of China's largest search engine, 'World of Warcraft' ranked first, 'Antarctic Game Company' ranked second, and 'Xu Dan' ranked third.

Anyone who opens a search engine, whether he wants to surf the Internet or find a movie, will always have this information at the first sight anyway.

It's hard for people not to know!

In the United States of New York, under the Antarctic Games Building, reporters will be surrounded by reporters every day.

Now their enthusiasm for pursuing Xu Dan is not weaker than that of Tony Stark back then. The media is so ruthless, whoever has the enthusiasm will look for it.

However, Xu Dan only held a press conference, and all the rest were expelled by "March 13" with security forces!

Although he is famous now, he is not the object of harassment by these boring people all day long.

In the island country, the two-dimensional culture here is developing very rapidly.

At the same time, under the policy of the island country, many social moths have been bred-dead houses!

Their basic conditions are relatively good, and it is very convenient to play games. Many dead houses can get up in the middle of the night to queue up for an 'ordinary' game.

Not to mention the masterpiece of Nanji Game Company, since the first work of Nanji Company, countless otaku gentlemen have been blocked.

In countries such as Europe and the United States, when they see the ultimate picture quality, they just feel very pleasing to the eye and look comfortable. They pay more attention to whether the game is fun or not!

The players in the island country are different. From the very beginning, they first pay attention to the female characters in the promotional film.

After downloading the game, it does not follow the usual path, such as "The King of Fighters" and "Warcraft".

After a game world like "World of Warcraft" appeared, they didn't take the mission at all, but drove a broken trumpet, running around the whole continent, looking for beauties everywhere!

Beauties with names, beauties without names, and even better-looking female monsters have all become the objects of YY for these perverted gentlemen!

Under high level optimization, there are many beauties on the continent of Azeroth.

Definitely, the premise is that they are beauties in the setting, and the optimization just follows the setting to make the modeling more realistic, the beautiful face will be more beautiful, and the ugly face will become very real.

Due to a certain culture of the island country, they even played role-playing when filming!

Even a low-level succubus in the continent of Azeroth can become the object of their pursuit!

There are even some nerds, he can live a lifetime with virtual characters!

As soon as the name Xu Dan was mentioned, they could not wait to kneel down and worship, kissing the tip of Xu Dan's shoes like devout believers!

However, Xu Dan will not allow this disgusting behavior.

Now, he also played his own "World of Warcraft". Unlike ordinary players, he reserved a hand for himself and created a full-level character.

This character is not only fully leveled, but also can be easily replaced with the best equipment in Azeroth!

In simple terms, this is building block GM!

"When I played this game before, all I saw were edges and corners, but now, it's like sitting on a plane for sightseeing!"

As he spoke, Xu Dan's character touched the big black dragon mount under his feet very vividly.

After high level optimization, this big black dragon is very realistic, even the fine lines on the dragon are clearly visible!

"This Xiaonai, the flight speed is pretty good."

If there are old players of "World of Warcraft" again, they will definitely exclaim, because what Xu Dan is riding is Deathwing!

The dignified Lord of Darkness, the Asgardian of the earth, has found someone else's mount at this moment!

You know, most players are still excited about acquiring a new skill for several days now!

But he already has a mount GM like Deathwing, which is really awesome.

Play online games as sandbox games!

The optimized version of Azeroth is beautiful and big.

There are all kinds of creatures in this world, humans, elves, trolls, tauren and so on.

Definitely, there is also the very famous Burning Legion with the whole world acting as the villain!

The Burning Legion has only one purpose, and that is to destroy the world!

They're going to burn the entire physical universe into flames!

The reason for doing this is because they are trying to prevent the master of the void and his servants from seizing the physical universe in the most extreme way..

Regardless of the meaning of this method, it is the same as the behavior of "I am afraid that he will catch a cold, so break his leg quickly", the setting is like this.

The demons born in the distorted space cannot be killed, so in the view of Blacken Titan Sargeras, the universe can continuously give birth to new life, so evacuate first to clear the world, and then the void can be eradicated. In the end, new life was born in the universe and entered a new era.

Through the code, Xu Dan came to the minister of the Burning Legion.

The Burning Legion is destroying the world, and the world they most want to destroy is Azeroth.

He saw the scene of the Burning Legion's invasion of Azeroth.

I especially remember the CG of the opening scene of the war melee when "The King of Fighters" was released.

In fact, that is reflecting today's scene!

It is estimated that when the players are of sufficient level to get to know the Burning Legion, they may also learn about today's scene.

At that time, they will know how deep the hole dug by Antarctic Game Company is!

Xu Dan looked down, and the magnificent epic battles all made people excited.

Soldiers of the Burning Legion must get rid of the indescribable succubus. It is estimated that when the players see the optimized version of the succubus, they will probably rebel in minutes!

More formally, Hell Warhorse is a pretty good sight.

The four hooves of the hell steed stomp on the flames like 0.2 is steel fished out of the Fire!

The color of the flames was already very eye-catching, and groups of hell horses were galloping, like countless fire balls leaping across the ground! That scene was extremely spectacular!

To say that the most eye-catching one is the Void Terror!

This kind of demon is very much like the summoned beast of the Bone King.

It has two thick legs like stone pillars. There is no human body on the legs, but an aggregate formed by twisting several heads together!

There are bluish fangs on each head, their eyes are blood red, and rows of sharp horns protrude from the top of their heads. The whole appearance looks extremely terrifying! If you are bitten by this thing, you may Will be torn to pieces and swallowed in minutes!

Xu Dan shuddered subconsciously. Fortunately, he was just a bystander and hadn't traveled to the Azeroth continent. Otherwise, who would weep for?

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