Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 58 This Is The Prototype Of A Virtual Holographic Game!

"Hi Xu Dan, I'm Charles Xavier.

Xu Dan was slightly taken aback, Liwa just went to visit Professor X, and immediately called him this evening.

"Hello." He just said this greeting simply.

"I believe you should have learned about me from Liva."

"Yes, Professor X." Xu Dan chuckled softly.

After a series of ramblings, Professor X finally stated his purpose.

"My college needs to develop a virtual battle system, and I still need a helper in terms of programming, so I want to invite you to cooperate."

Xu Dan couldn't help frowning, he definitely knows about the virtual battle system!

When watching Marvel movies before, he has seen virtual technology many times.

And the virtual battle in Xavier's School perfectly showed the kind in his heart!

what is this!

This is the prototype of the virtual holographic game!

Back when domestic online novels were just emerging, there were countless online game novels that were virtual holographic online games, and often with a helmet, one could experience virtual holographic online games!

Everyone who has been influenced by that online game novel actually wants to play that so-called virtual 440 holographic game!

Especially when seeing anime like "Sword Art Online", Yinjia is extremely popular with virtual holographic games!

Who wouldn't want to bring back Asuna in the game! The ultimate dream of an otaku!

At one time there were rumors that a certain country already had the relative technology, and had already started a pilot project.

In the end, it was all just rumors.

And now, Xu Dan feels that he may be able to implement this dream in the Marvel universe?

It's just that Xavier's School's virtual anti-Fighting Ability technique seems to be somewhat insufficient.

They did special effects production in a special room, instead of wearing helmets for online games.

If you want to really make a virtual holographic online game, I'm afraid you need biotechnology!

But anyway, partnering with Xavier's School is a start!

Look at what kind of sensation a mere "World of Warcraft" has caused. With one game, it has created such a great reputation all over the world. You don't even need to apply for it yourself. Guinness sent the record certificate to the company!

Then think about what kind of scene it will be if a holographic online game is created!

Will the whole world, at that time, be like the one in the novel———global online games?!

The current global population is conservatively estimated at 7 billion, even if half of the population is settled in online games, that would be 3.5 billion!

With a player base of 3.5 billion, what a terrifying statistic this is!

Even if everyone doesn't have much time to play every day, the points are still rising at the speed of light!

At that time, not to mention how awesome it is on Earth, I'm afraid even Asgard will have to consider his existence!

Points are equal to and not only equal to strength!

"Okay, Professor X, then I will pay a visit in my spare time." Xu Dan said.

At one end, Professor X smiled slightly and nodded emphatically, "You are always welcome, Mr. Xu Dan."

He originally thought that it would take a lot of effort to invite this great god in the video game world.

But they didn't expect Xu Dan to be so easy to talk and persuade him so easily.

In fact, they don't know that Xu Dan's desire for virtual technology is far greater than their desire for the battle system!

After hanging up the phone, Xu Dan looked at the door with a smile on his face.

That little girl, Liwa, was still quietly staying at the door, her eyes were full of fear!

"Liva, come in."

Hearing the name-calling, Liwa trembled all over, and explained tremblingly: "I, I, actually, I am

"Stop talking, you come in for me first!"


Riva is going all out, domineering president?

No matter what happens next, she will gladly accept it!

Criticism is fine too!

Take a beat!

She walked towards Xu Dan(cjdf) anxiously, to his surprise, Xu Dan didn't mean to criticize him at all, let alone beat her up!


Xu Dan stood up suddenly, pushed her to the ground with his backhand, and kissed her hard!

Thanks to this little girl, I went to visit Professor X today, and by chance, I was able to connect with the line of Professor X!

Connected him to the era of virtual holographic online games!

The development of ordinary online games today still has its limits, and virtual holographic online games are the ultimate way out!

Now, he's on the line!

"Liva, you are really a lucky star!"

From "The King of Fighters" until today [Liva has brought too many harvests!

If the system is a must for a traverser, then Riva is the best gift he gave him when he came to this world!

Liwa was terrified by this operation.

After listening to Xu Dan's words, Liwa slowly realized, "You, aren't you angry?"

"Angry?" Xu Dan was taken aback for a moment, wondering, "Why should I be angry? I should reward you!"

"Reward me?"

"Yes, what reward do you want?"

"I, I don't want anything, I just want to stay by your side!" This is not something to be ashamed of, she has long been used to liking this person.

If it was a few months ago, she might still have blushed, because at that time it was just the beginning of love, and she was not 100% sure whether she was in love with someone.

And after getting along for so long, she already understood!

She just wants to be with Xu Dan!

There is nothing wrong with facing your heart directly!

However, hearing Liwa's answer, Xu Dan was not satisfied! He frowned!

Sensitive Liwa immediately felt a pain in her heart, and looked at Xu Dan's expression face to face, if he answered no in the next second, I'm afraid she would collapse on the spot!

The power of Mutant may be very strong, but the heart is generally fragile!

Because I was discriminated against since I was a child, this is something I can't get rid of!

However, Xu Dan's next words were beyond Liva's expectation.

"By my side? Do you think I might let you go now, little lucky star?" While talking, Xu Dan's big hand became dishonest, "I plan to hand over the company to you, President Riva."


This goes directly from the secretary to the president?

Where did this happen?

Although she is relatively powerful in the company now, when it comes to regular careers, she is not as high as Skye!

Not going through the procedure?

At least give a vice president a period of time!

Liwa was terrified, and she quickly declined: "No, no, Dan, I don't think I can hold this position. Now our company is in a period of rapid growth, and we can't easily change the leader! You should, you should lead us!"

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