Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 60 The First Charge Is 999, Can You Draw Deathwing? ?

"Death, Deathwing?!"

John rubbed his eyes, and asked a little uncertainly.

But no one answered him, it seems that this is true.

The little girl who was sitting next to him didn't dare to say a word anymore.

Think about the merciless mocking of Xu Dan just to help John speak.

Now I only felt that my face was on fire, so I quickly hid and grabbed John's skirt, and hid behind his back.

However, things didn't turn out the way the little girl thought—that John would defend her like a hero, like a big brother.

I saw that John stretched out his hand and forcibly broke the little girl's little hand from his skirt.

This action is clearly drawing the line!

The little girl was scared and wronged!

The slightly older Mutants, they are not so childish.

What they are concerned about now is that "World of Warcraft" has only been released for such a short time, and the map in the game is very huge, and it is often necessary to run a long distance to do a task.

Upgrade is even more difficult!

It is difficult to upgrade, the improvement of the character's combat power 29, and the acquisition of skills are even more difficult!

Just when they were still worrying about forming a group to push a small boss... What the hell are you telling me, is there anyone who can use Deathwing as a mount?

"World of Warcraft" has claimed to be "no loopholes". If players find any loopholes or cheats, they can get a compensation of one million US dollars from Antarctic Company!

So, who can explain, what is the difference between this dragon with fire surging under its skin, and the person standing on the Dragon's head?

They gradually shifted their gaze from the computer screen to Xu Dan.

Xu Dan smiled slightly and didn't care about other people.

Instead, he mysteriously approached Burning John, a Mutant who was easy to be fooled in the play, but his inner defense ability was actually very poor.

So, he was going to tell him a secret.

"Don't you know, World of Warcraft is 999 for the first time, and you will have a chance to get a mysterious gift bag. Everything can be opened in the gift bag, and my mount is opened!


Listening to Xu Dan's devilish whisper, John's eyes widened.

He looked at Xu Dan in shock, before turning into unconcealable ecstasy!

Everyone looked at John suspiciously, but John, who was selfish by nature, did not intend to reveal this secret.

He felt that he opened the door to a new world, and the fewer people who open this door, the better!

John plans to secretly make a 999 tonight, maybe he can also offer an invincible reward like Deathwing!

Think about how your character controls the flames, just like Vulcan descending to earth, what an experience it will be!

One word, cool!

Poor child, who knows that he has fallen into Xu Dan's language trap.

First of all, a one-time recharge of 999 is a "chance" to get a mysterious gift package.

Secondly, the mysterious gift pack is a lottery, and Ou Huang’s luck can only draw out good things, otherwise it is a thank you for your patronage!

Looking at the people who had already shifted their targets, Xu Dan chuckled, logged out of his account, and quickly left the computer room.

As soon as I went out, I found a... blue monster rushing over!

To be precise, it's Mutant!

Although the mutated gene made him look like this, the knowledge in his mind has never diminished.

"Hey, Mr. Xu Dan, the professor asked me to pick you up, I just rushed out of the lab, sorry, I'm late!"

"No problem, Mr. Hank."

Hank is the name of this Mutant. Definitely he also has a familiar nickname, Beast.

"You are very forgiving, sir!"

Xu Dan suddenly turned around playfully and pointed at John the Burning Man in the computer room, and said, "Mr. Hank, I think the kids in your academy should take more intellectual enlightenment classes. Like that young man."

And Hank just smiled, "Um... I think it's better to go to church."

"Whatever, this is your business." Xu Dan said indifferently, he was joking anyway.

"This way please, Mr. Xu Dan.

Beast led Xu Dan to the direction of Professor X. After all, Professor X is the host here, and his body is inconvenient. It is necessary to meet the bald head first for the first visit.

Tuk Tuk Tuk Tuk!!

Beast symbolically knocked on the door of Professor X's room, and the two walked in.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw that very eye-catching bald head.

"Okay, Hank, you finally know how to knock on the door. You're welcome, Dan.

Xu Dan looked at this bald head. If you observe it from the perspective of ordinary people, you will only think that it is a very educated old disabled bald head.

However, he knew that it was this old, disabled and bald man who had the strongest brain in the world!

Using a brain wave booster, his mental power can even cover the whole world!

If he wanted to kill someone in the world, he could literally destroy their brains!

"Professor X, meeting for the first time." Xu Dan said with a slight smile.

Professor X drove the wheelchair, moved out from behind the desk, and said while moving: "Mr. Xu Dan, I'll cut to the chase, just like I said on the phone, we need your help with the electronic program.. ...."

"Why did you choose me? There are so many hackers in the world, such as your Xavier's School, there are many geniuses." Xu Dan asked the doubts in his heart.

If Xavier's School wants to build a virtual battle room, it should have made a plan long ago, and talents from all aspects should be indispensable in the plan.

Even if they line up, he, a businessman who makes games, won't be able to get his turn!

Professor X turned his head and smiled [Leading the two into the secret base that only X-Men can enter.

"I know you will ask such doubts. In fact, I didn't know who to choose at first, but after talking with Liva, I decided to choose you. That child Liva never lied, she said you Your Ability is very strong, then I will also trust your 330 Ability."

"I'm afraid it's not about technical reasons?"

"Yes, Mr. Xu Dan, you are very sensitive. In terms of virtual combat system, it is not as complicated as your game making. You can find anyone who is proficient in this area. But why did I choose you? On the one hand , you have never discriminated against Riva, or Mutant, your eyes are always calm. Secondly, I heard that all your games are written by yourself, so you must have very rich experience in combat systems, I I have taken a fancy to your experience." Professor X said very sincerely.

Xu Dan nodded, it was not difficult to understand Professor X's words.

"Thank you again my Riva!"

"Well, my elder is very optimistic about you, Xu Dan, if you need any help, please contact me directly, X-Men will definitely help you!" Professor X narrowed his eyes and smiled, his appearance was quite kind.

But it was this kind smile that made Xu Dan go crazy!



How can this be regarded as the "father-in-law's permission"?

The problem is, he has no plans to have any deeper communication with Liva yet.

Riva is a modern woman with a free mind.

And Xu Dan admits that he is a bit greedy, will Riva allow it?

This is also the reason why Xu Dan never made a promise to Liva.

Everyone is entitled to be a capital trading firm in an open country!.

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