Xu Dan narrowed his eyes slightly. The Mutant gene slightly changed Sabretooth's appearance. He grew animal-like hair and a pair of long canines in his mouth.

Moreover, his vocal cords are probably also genetically modified, so he can't speak clearly, but he can always make a roar.

This is Sabretooth!

Xu Dan only provided the combat system for the virtual training room. The combat information was not created by him, but directly imported from the data Curry of the X-Men!

So, now Xu Dan doesn't know how strong this Sabretooth is!

He intends to compare and position himself with those in the Marvel universe.

So, he's going to pick up Sabretooth's punch this time!


The two iron fists collided, and Sabretooth's hand, which was almost turning into a claw, was extremely powerful.

The moment Xu Dan's fists collided, he felt a huge force!

In my heart, I instantly understood how powerful Sabretooth is!

At the same time, I also understood that when fighting this reckless man, we can't fight against each other!

In terms of strength, he thinks he is not as good as Sabretooth. Judging from the strength of this pounce, Sabretooth's strength should be about twice that of his! 563 It seems that after going back, he must focus on strength training!

Now that the capital is sufficient, it is time to consider the improvement of strength!

Xu Dan's brain was thinking rapidly.

With the power of Sabretooth, he leaped backwards and retreated three feet away in an instant!

Wiping the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, he suddenly stretched out his right hand. In disbelief, a forged steel blade made of modern technology was slowly gathered by countless photons!

If outsiders saw this scene, they might think it was a special mother cultivating immortals!

However, this is still the power of technology!

In the combat system of the virtual training room, he set up a weapon arsenal, and these arsenals are for Mutants who need to equip weapons. Otherwise, if you come in with real guns and RPGs and bombard them randomly, that's fine!

Now, just in time to bring him a sword!

It should be said that what he is best at now is swordsmanship!

He has exchanged many skills with points, but only swordsmanship has grown very fast. The magic skills in "Warcraft" that he exchanged can only be used as a skill until now, and he cannot comprehend the mystery of it!

After all, Azeroth is a continent of vindictive magic (cjbg) law.

But the earth is just... I don't know how to evaluate the earth in the Marvel universe.

Anyway, there is no magic essence in Azeroth!

Like swordsmanship, he can gradually understand the connotation of swordsmanship through comprehension and repeated training.

As for the magic skill, throw it out and throw it out, he can't even feel anything, magic fluctuations, magic attributes, etc., all of them don't feel it!

Perhaps, it needs a place with sufficient magic power so that he can easily comprehend the power of magic.

Xu Dan held the familiar forged steel blade, and the light gradually locked on to Sabretooth.


Sabretooth roared again and rushed towards Xu Dan!

But this time, he is doomed to suffer!

Because Xu Dan had figured out Sabretooth's strengths and weaknesses during the first confrontation!

Although Sabretooth's power is great, but its attack method is very brutal, even a Mutant with a little skill can subdue it!

Definitely, if there is a long-range attack method, a reckless man like Sabretooth can only act as a super soldier and be forced to be beaten!


The figures of the two crossed each other, and Sabretooth wanted to swing his claws and tear Xu Dan to pieces.

However, Xu Dan's body only moved sideways slightly, and he passed Sabretooth's claws, dodging his attack. In the game, this is called micromanagement.

In reality, it means Sabretooth is going to be beaten!

The extremely sharp forged steel blade left a silver trace in the air.

Cracked, it's Sabretooth's right rib!

Under this sword, he was cut to pieces!

No matter what Mutant, no matter how tough Sabretooth is, this knife still works!

After all, he is just a genetic mutant with increased strength and decreased IQ!

Xu Dan's sword power became stronger and stronger.

However, the monster Sabretooth seemed to feel no pain at all, and the ten-centimeter scar left under his right rib seemed to be nothing at all!

No matter how long his wound is, it will heal anyway, Sabretooth is still fiercely attacking Xu Dan!

Xu Dan wouldn't be so stupid as to receive Sabretooth's frontal attack again. The forged steel blade in his hand swept across, and his feet suddenly exerted force, and his whole body quickly retreated towards the rear!

His eyes remained fixed on Sabretooth in the rapid retreat.

There are too many flaws in this reckless man, but he is not afraid of pain, and his strength is huge, once he is caught, he will basically give up!

"What an iron man!"

After all, the forged steel blade in Xu Dan's hand was going to be swung towards Sabretooth.

Suddenly, a gleam flashed in his eyes!

【Killing‧Sixteen Yeyue Hua!!】

Skills from the King of Fighters, kill that reckless Sabretooth!

The light gathered on this sword, and the sword light illuminated the dark battlefield, and a dao cold sword intent was drawn in the air.


Sabretooth's body was traumatized again, this sword cut directly from the chest to the lower abdomen!

Such a terrible wound finally angered Sabretooth!

He opened his mouth suddenly, and a roar was deafening!


Legend has it that there is the Lion's Roar Kung Fu in the River East, and the roar of this competition is probably almost the same as the Lion's Roar Kung Fu!

Xu Dan collected his mind and covered his ears with the energy born in his body.

That energy appeared in his body together when exchanging the "Warcraft" skills.

It may be the grudge, mana value, etc. that are necessary to activate these skills.

"I told you to yell!"



Sabretooth lost the real Xu Dan's position in an instant. The invisibility effect attached to the wind walk is not a joke. It is a skill bought with a large number of points. How can Sabretooth do it?

See you!

Taking advantage of Windwalk's invisibility and acceleration, Xu Dan moved quickly, and followed Sabretooth silently!

The next attack after the Windwalk stealth is over, must be hit!

But it doesn't matter, Sabretooth is so big, if he still can't hit him, then he really should go back to the ophthalmology department!

fatal blow!!

When Sabretooth realized something was wrong, it was already too late!

Xu Dan's steel blade, carrying killing intent, suddenly stabbed towards his heart!


Without a doubt, stabbing someone with a sharp knife is as easy as cutting tofu!.

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