Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 72: Killing The Original Form And Crossing The Line Of Fire!

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After a day of mediation.

Riva has accepted Mai Shiranui and joined the battle, really fragrant.

Now Erlong Xizhu has become a common occurrence.

After eating at noon, Xu Dan carried the two girls to the repurchased sky sofa after having exercised after the meal.

Then, I browsed the information on the Internet in my daily life.

In order to facilitate the communication of "Antarctic fans", the company also specially launched a software, which moved the Antarctic official website forum to a small software.

This software integrates functions such as quick chat, post discussion, and game strategy.

Now, he is using this software to browse the forum.

On the home page of the forum, there are basically discussions about the recent copy of "World of Warcraft".

In his game, he didn't spend money to buy levels, so to speak, "600", if the players are all at full level quickly, then he still uses the barrenness to earn points!

Although you can make a lot of money that way, compared with a lot of points, the money is nothing!

Antarctic Game Company can be said to be one of the most profitable companies in the world!

Unlike Stark Industries, Stark Industries research arms are more expensive, but their input costs are also high!

The Antarctic Game Company is different, there are a large number of technicians from S.H.I.E.L.D. These technicians do not need to be paid, and they just take care of the main meal every day!

Such free labor is simply a dream come true!

It can be said that the cost of making games by Antarctic Company is very low, but the results are very high, so the profits are extremely huge!

Therefore, he disdains such a bad way of selling levels!

If such a game does not have such a process of leveling, it will be meaningless!

After such a long time of leveling, the players have passed the novice period, and now they have started to explore the rich and colorful dungeons.

Most of the posts on the forum are many players asking how to pass a certain dungeon perfectly, and what rare items will a certain dungeon drop.

However, there are still a few outliers.

"I beg Xu Dan's father to make an action stand-alone game, I really like fighting!"

"Wishlist: I beg Xu Dan's father to make a shootout game. I've played a lot of shootouts. I'm going to throw up those rubbish judgment systems, begging!"

Needless to say, the bottom of this type of post is basically filled with bullshit.

Level 1: Please go to hell, you don’t want to play such a fun game like Warcraft!

Floor 2: I like fighting, come here, here are my coordinates, come here, I'll give you a headshot!

Floor 3: Call someone else's father when you come up, have you ever thought about how green your current father's head is?

Floor 1: Like gunfights? Let’s go, team up and go to Yilak!

Floor 2: Garbage, still playing other games.

Floor 3: I am a designer of xx game company. What do you think of our gun game? Do you want to try it? I have a gift card for firearms here, and I will give you an AK47 when you enter!

Xu Dan rested his forehead and sighed, these bastards are really gone!

Others just ask about it on the forum, and they will be sprayed so miserably.

Could it be that there are no other voices on such a forum?

Players still can't have a free speech place?

Without further ado, he directly used the authority of the administrator to ban all these people!

These posts with different voices reminded Xu Dan.

Antarctic Game Company has become bigger and stronger now!

However, there are only three of its products - "King of Fighters", "Warcraft", and "World of Warcraft"!

Even if the reviews all over the world are generally very high, such a small number and such a small number of categories are not enough to claim to be the number one game company in the world!

Even if the performance has been achieved, such a rare work, he himself is too embarrassed to admit it!

Since netizens are requesting to make stand-alone fighting games and gun games, then, please satisfy them all at once!

Surprise for cute fans!

Thinking of this, he directly took out a notebook from the drawer, picked up a pen and quickly wrote down the few games he had played on it.

Large-scale stand-alone category: Prototype, The Elder Scrolls, Radiation, Grand Theft Auto, Resident Evil......

Gun shooting categories: Battlefield series, Counter-Strike, Crossfire, PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, Call of Duty

These games were all well-known games back then.

It's a bit unrealistic to want to make them all at once.

We can only pick one of each and make it.

Holding a pen, he began to think about these games.

In the end, "Prototype" and "Cross Fire" were selected...

The first part of "Prototype" can be said to be called a classic among the classics, but after many years, someone still mentions that game and wants to download it and enjoy it!

The name Brother A is remembered by countless players.

The super ability endowed by the black light virus is even more violent!

One person can single out an army!

Claws, Hammers, Absorption...

Zaidan is also more concerned about the Ability of the black light virus.

You know, brother A is at the top of the food chain, no matter what kind of injury he has suffered, as long as he is not dead, he can absorb a living thing to recover his blood!

Who doesn't like such a perverted Ability!

It's fixed! "Prototype" must be produced!

As for why you choose "Cross Fire", a gun game with mixed reviews?

That's because Xiao Ma is a genius, and planning is also a genius.

Definitely, Xu Dan is also a talent!

The "Crossing the Line of Fire" he wants to produce is not just the "Crossing the Line of Fire" back then!

The name of this game covers almost all gun games!

This is the main reason why he chose the game "Cross Fire".

He intends to, on the basis of the original "Cross Fire", integrate it into other gun games!

Players who are tired of transporting ships and watching the city, you can start a battle in "Battlefield 2"!

Even, it can completely simulate the battlefield of World War II!

I believe that after system optimization, it will be able to perfectly restore the scene of World War II 2.0!

This is a battle. Players can start from a small soldier, accumulate meritorious service and finally reach the level of an army commander, leading the team to victory in World War II!

If you get tired of large-scale wars, you can also open a "PUBG Mobile Mode" to experience an exciting survival game!

Chased by the vicious ring and chicken-eating gangsters!

In the end, let's see who can "lucky, eat chicken tonight"!

Even, I am tired of eating chicken!

Players can also eat zombies, oh no, fight zombies!

Resident Evil Mode, H1Z1 Mode, Left 4 Dead Mode!!

This is the reason for choosing the name "Cross Fire", a game that allows you to play all the gun battle gameplays at once!

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