Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 79 Obaday: I Was Finally Tricked Into Going To Afghanistan, And I Know How To Play Games All

Don't worry about "Cross Fire" and "Prototype".

Just wait for the next version update according to the plan, and gradually open the new mode.

There is no need for Xu Dan to be busy with these.

His attention now is on the company's new projects!

The Antarctic Biotechnology branch led by Banner is already on the right track, and the atmosphere in the branch is still good.

However, the Antarctic hardware technology department opened has some problems.

Because Tony promised to help, but there has been no news for seven days!

It's really a headache for this playboy to lay down his burden temporarily!

Now I can't get through the phone, and I don't care about the game account warning, anyway, the whole person can't be contacted!

As a last resort, he can only hack into the system of the Stark Industrial Building again, trying to get Tony out!

Unexpectedly, he hijacked all the cameras installed in the whole building, even the restrooms, but he still couldn't find Tony!

The establishment of the hardware technology department is of great importance, no matter how awesome the idea he has in mind, without hardware support, everything can only be a fantasy!

So, he decided to take a trip to Tony's kennel.

Tony's kennel is also a sea view villa.

After driving on the 29th Ring Road, I saw that unique house from a distance.

But when he walked out of the house, he only heard a greeting from J.A.R.V.I.S, "Welcome, Dan Bandit!"

"Where's Tony? Why don't you turn on the lights?" he asked.

Before J.A.R.V.I.S could answer, a voice sounded in the darkness: "Tony has been missing for seven days, buddy.


Xu Dan was taken aback, the voice sounded familiar!

He stretched out his hand and pressed the switch next to the door, the light turned on, and there was a black-clothed, black-faced, black-eyepatch brat standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, oh, Nick Fury!

When can this guy break into other people's homes?

Fortunately, after the last incident, the security system of the villa has been reprogrammed, and now Lao Tzu's villa security system is the world's number one!


"You said Tony has been missing for seven days?" Xu Dan frowned.

"You must be wondering how I stay in someone else's house, don't worry I'm not a thief." Nick Fury turned around, glanced at the boundless sea again, and then walked towards Xu Dan, "Yes, to be precise, 180 hours in Tony's hospital.

Xu Dan suddenly thought of a terrible incident, and asked, "What's going on, where is the last news?"


"Damn!" Xu Dan cursed in a low voice, the last thing he wanted to see finally happened, it didn't matter if Tony changed or Iron Man remained the same, the main reason was that the company's hardware technology department would be put on hold for a long time due to such a delay!

"Xu Dan, I know you are very capable, can you help me? We must find Tony!" Nick Fury said solemnly.

Xu Dan nodded helplessly, it is better to get Tony back first, perhaps, after experiencing this incident, he will close the arms manufacturing and sales department of Stark Industries, and then he can concentrate on developing high-tech. It is also a benefit!

"Okay, Director Nick, I'll find someone, you go prepare the rescue team!" Xu Dan said.

According to his understanding of the plot, it is definitely impossible to find Tony and waste time in Afghanistan.

It looks like a small area on the map, but in fact it is a very large area. If you use the method of elimination, the workload is enough to crush people to death!

The key to this matter is not in Afghanistan, but in New York!

Who wants Tony dead?

Definitely Obadiah!

The one who planned the whole process of Tony's murder was Obadiah who was treated like an uncle by Tony!

He wants to take Stark Industries!

Want to take Tony Stark's place in Stark Industries!

As long as Tony is dead, he is number one!

Unfortunately, something went wrong with his partner and he didn't kill Tony in the first place.

Xu Dan chuckled, and asked directly to the side: "J.A.R.V.I.S, where is the equipment available?"

J.A.R.V.I.S is actually an intelligent butler system, following the name of the old butler of the Stark family from the previous generation.

For Tony's villa, he definitely has certain management rights.

At the same time, he can even feel a little sad about Tony's disappearance'.

"Mr. Xu Dan, please turn left and go down the stairs."

Nick Fury looked at Xu Dan in surprise, he has always regarded J.A.R.V.I.S as a decoration, but how does it feel that Xu Dan knows J.A.R.V.I.S so well?

At this moment, Xu Dan's voice came through, "Director Nick, don't be dazed anymore, if you delay, Tony will see God!"

"Oh, good!"

Although surprised by Xu Dan's familiarity, he didn't have time to find out, so he hurriedly took out his phone and called Phil Coulson.

Down the stairs, this is Tony's territory, and most people are not allowed to get close to it.

However, after J.A.R.V.I.S's calculations, Xu Dan was brought in with an exception.

Xu Dan didn't care about those simple machines, but walked quickly to the computer.

First, check out Obadiah's most recent calls.

That's why S.H.I.E.L.D couldn't find Tony for so long.

Obadiah's point is very critical, but that dead bald man's acting skills are so good that no one noticed him at all.

On the 573 computer screen, there are a total of more than a dozen calls to the Afghan region.

He—playing the call voice while tracking the coordinates of the other party.

Soon, through the hijacked satellite, several coordinate points were locked!


He didn't rule out any of these coordinate points, and sent them directly to SHIELD Director Nick Fury!

Nick Fury, who was on the phone on the phone, had an expression on his face, he felt his S.H.I.E.L.D search ability, like a pig!

Obviously, a game developer can find the location in minutes, but their S.H.I.E.L.D still has no clue!

After doing all this, Xu Dan didn't end, but directly hacked into Obadiah's computer.

His technique is very delicate, the hacking is seamless, even if Obadiah is still using the computer at this time, he can't find that he has been monitored!

"Made! I finally tricked the damned Tony, who knows how to play games all day long, and the plan has been delayed for more than half a year, really damn it!"

Xu Dan was a little speechless, it turned out to be his game, delaying the time for Tony to be victimized.

I have been busy with my own company all the time, but I didn't pay attention to Tony. I wish I had reminded him!

But obviously, all the words of "I would have known..." are just empty words!.

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