Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 81 Tony: Thanks Dad Xu Dan!

Tony swears, this is the first time he has been picked up by a smart butler after living for so long!

Moreover, this setting is still a man!


However, just as Tony sat down on the sofa, the voice of J.A.R.V.I.S sounded again.

He is unusually talkative today...

"Sir, it's not me that you want to thank, but Mr. Xu Dan.

"Xu Dan?" Tony was taken aback. Speaking of Xu Dan, he can be considered a friend now and can make friends with businessmen. Xu Dan is his only exception!

Speaking of Xu Dan, Tony secretly thought it was bad, because he hadn't signed in to Warcraft for several days!

Sign off!

Just when his thoughts broke down, J.A.R.V.I.S said: "Sir, please go downstairs and have a look?"

"Oh, J.A.R.V.I.S, you're acting weird today." Tony turned to Pepper with a puzzled face and asked, "Pepper, did you prepare something with Teves?"


When Xiaojiao was asked, she immediately replied innocently: "No, I have been looking for news about you through various channels these days, and I have no time to come here."

"That's weird, J.A.R.V.I.S, what the hell is it?"

While asking, Tony still got up and walked down the stairs.

When he walked into his laboratory, the few small machines he had invented before started to move immediately.

One of them moved in front of him, and 257 followed, projecting a figure.

That's exactly what Xu Dan was searching for here that day!

J.A.R.V.I.S recorded it completely and reproduced it for Tony!

Tony was silent...  

"Mr. Stark was kidnapped?!"

"Well, and he's hurt."

"We need to rescue Mr. Stark!"

"I've already gone to the rescue."

"thank you, sir."

"No, it's time to do."

"I'm leaving."

"Thank you again for Mr. Stark, sir!"

"Say no, let's go!"

"Made! I finally tricked the damned Tony, who knows how to play games all day long, and the plan has been delayed for more than half a year, really damn it!"

There was a long silence.

Little Pepper stayed in front of the door.

She looked at the back of Tony Stark who was slowly becoming lonely, and felt distressed for a while.

Tony hasn't shed a tear since the time he lost his parents.

Because he wants to be in charge of the family, he wants to be a man, and he cannot shed tears easily.

But now, tears are rolling in his eyes, his teeth are clenched, his masseter muscles are raised, and he is desperately enduring it.

When he was in the cave, he doubted everyone, except Obadiah!

After all, he was a friend of his father's, grew up with him, and he treated him like an Uncle!

But never expected that in the end this person not only betrayed him, but even put him to death!

Now he should thank those terrorists for not killing him immediately after discovering that he is 'Tony Stark'!

It was also absolutely unexpected that the one who saved him in the end was actually that friend whom he had known not long ago!

Not Rod, not Happy, not Nick.

It's Xu Dan!


Projection ends here.

Tony sniffled and gritted his teeth, but was hugged tightly by Pepper from behind.

"Little Pepper, let go, I'm going to kill Obadiah!"

"No! No! Tony, you calm down!"


"Do not!"

Pepper's tears finally persuaded Tony's anger.

At this time, J.A.R.V.I.S said in a timely manner: "Sir, I think these are what Mr. Xu Dan wants you to see!"

"Dan?" In Tony's heart, Xu Dan's status has been raised to the first level.

What about the game godfather, that is his savior!

"Need me to contact him now, sir?" J.A.R.V.I.S asked again.

"No, I'll go find him myself!"

"But it's already night."

"Okay, I'll go tomorrow morning!"

In the early morning of the next day, Tony quickly boarded a sports car and drove straight towards (cjfc) Xu Dan's house.

In fact, he didn't sleep all night.

Xu Dan often wakes up early recently, and his strong physique overwhelms his extremely strong restraint ability. Most people sleep in light sleep, but he can directly sleep for six hours in a prescribed deep sleep.

Resting for six hours like this is better than the average person sleeping for ten hours!

Hearing the prompt from the security system, he knew that it was Tony who had come to visit.

There is no need for him to go to open the door, just give permission, and the door with the automatic program will open.

Looking at the approaching figure, Xu Dan smiled.

"Morning, did you read the evening news yesterday? It said that after Stark Industries shut down its weapons manufacturing industry, it would soon be defeated by Antarctic Corporation... and Stark is getting smaller and smaller, and Antarctic is getting bigger and bigger. of."

"Please, buddy, don't hurt me early in the morning. I don't have any psychological burden to close the weapon manufacturing industry. I can close it with peace of mind and comfort."

"Comfortable? Stimulated?"

"If you come here, you will find it very exciting!"



Xu Dan glared at Tony with a look of disgust, "Okay, I don't like fluff, let alone a man with an unshaven beard."

Tony received a 50,000 crit hit.

But there is nothing to do now, after all, the person in front of him is the one who saved him once!

"Actually, I came here today, besides thanking you in person, there is one more thing."

"What's the matter?" Xu Dan said, "By the way, if you thank me, don't mention it, just help me start my hardware technology department."

Tony nodded, and then said: "You deliberately asked J.A.R.V.I.S to give me a hint, and then, according to the hint, I checked Obadiah again and found some incredible secrets

"What secret?"

"He made a battle suit!"

Xu Dan frowned, thinking about this question.

Obadiah created Obadiah so quickly, to be honest, he was still surprised in his heart.

Even if Tony made the Mark II, it wasn't that fast!

There is only one possibility, and that is when Tony was trapped in the cave, he also participated in the surveillance!

Otherwise, how could it be produced so quickly!

"This is indeed a difficult question for you." Xu Dan patted Tony on the shoulder.

This is indeed the case. After he calmed down last night, he also thought about directly using the police to arrest Obadiah.

But when he saw the Iron Overlord, he didn't dare to act rashly.

Suddenly, Xu Dan picked up the coat on the hanger, and said casually: "I don't know how much time it will take to solve Obadiah for you, so how about it, you start helping me with hardware technology development today, and I Go and help you solve Obadiah, I believe you should understand the rest, right?",

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