Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 84 Crossfire Biohazard Mode Is On!

With Obadiah dead, Stark Industries is at peace.

Although other shareholders also agreed to close the arms manufacturing industry, no one has the ability to assassinate Tony anymore.

After that, Xu Dan can wait for Tony to come to 'work' every day with peace of mind.

Definitely, Tony is unpaid, he is not short of money at all.

Even if Stark Industries does not sell arms, it is still the number one company in the world. Tony, a rich second generation, does not worry about money at all.

He comes to Antarctic Company every day just for a promise made at the beginning, and to show gratitude to Xu Dan.

Since I promised to help Xu Dan develop hardware devices, I will do it.

He also introduced Ethan, a physicist he met in the cave, into Xu Dan's Antarctic hardware technology department.

Ethan, a physicist, was the mainstay of the department when Tony was away.

When Tony comes, he can only be an assistant!

Scientific research does not distinguish between ages, it is only determined by Ability!

Similarly, Xu Dan also wore a white coat and joined the development team.

In order to create a device capable of running virtual holographic games as soon as possible, he is working with all his strength!

This is a great cause to give players all over the world a new world!

A super game that realizes 70% of the world's population is online!

After so many days of watching, he has learned many techniques.

This learning process is much faster than in books.

Suddenly, he had an idea.

Looking at the team members who were scrambling on the workbench, he suddenly had an idea.

I especially remember that when Tony developed the Mark series battle suit, J.A.R.V.I.S helped a lot!

Even a lot of work is done by J.A.R.V.I.S in calculations!

Tony just needs to order!

Now this development team needs such an intelligent program!

It feels like at least half the workload can be saved!

If you want to write an intelligent auxiliary program, you can do it with Xu Dan's method, but the intelligent program does not grow out of thin air. The initial intelligent program, that is, a newborn baby, needs to be constantly learned!

Whether this learning process is long or short, Chen Dan doesn't know.

But now, he has a better option.

"Tony, let me go away".!"

After saying that, he walked out of the newly opened department and took the special elevator to the upper floor.

On the top floor, he found Skye.

Skye, the top hacker, has gained a certain amount of respect and power in the company through his own efforts.

She is solely responsible for the work of updating the version!

"Skye, it's time to update the version of "Cross Fire", this time directly open the "Resident Evil" mode!"

Hearing the sound, Skye was overjoyed at first, because the male god Xu Dan came to him on his own initiative! Then, he was stunned again.

"Boss, isn't it confirmed that the Resident Evil mode will be activated next month? Our system announcements have already been sent out!" Skye explained.

Xu Dan frowned slightly, "Is there any date recently?"

Skye's heart was confused, he was secretly delighted and afraid at the same time, could it be that this big boss god is finally going to sneak up on her? Come on, come on!

But after thinking about it, she was disappointed for a while, and she replied: "The nearest Christmas is half a month away... By the way, today is December 10th, World Human Rights Day!"

"What?" Xu Dan said that he had never heard of such a festival.

Seeing Xu Dan's expression, Skye understood.

Taking World Human Rights Day as a dating day is a bit of a stretch!

Unexpectedly, Xu Dan's next words made her petrified.

I saw that Xu Dan looked at the phone and said: "Well, it's really World Human Rights Day, so just for this festival, activate the biohazard mode in advance, congratulations.

For this order from the boss, Skye has no room to refuse.

Nodding his head, he replied: "Of order, my big boss!"

At 6 o'clock in the afternoon that day, all the players who were still massacring transport ships and sniping in Overwatch City suddenly received a reminder.

"Announcement to the whole server: This game will be updated online in 10 seconds, and the update will last for 60 seconds. At that time, individual players may freeze, please understand!"

"Announcement to the whole server: This update can be accommodated as - opening the biochemical crisis mode!"

This announcement is in one place, and all players of "Cross Fire" cheer!

If there is one thing they like most about "Cross Fire", it is definitely those gray modes, and the pictures on the page look very attractive!

If you can enter and play for a while, then you will fulfill the ultimate dream of gunplay players!

exit the game!

exit the game!

exit the game!

One by one, they can't care about other things at all, just close the game they are currently playing, quit the price, and wait silently on the main page!

After the incomparably long 60 seconds passed, sure enough, among those few gray options, the Resident Evil one was finally Yu Liang!


Players go crazy!

Fortunately, "Cross Fire" has already used the new server of Stark Industries, otherwise it will definitely freeze!


This refreshing theme, appeared in Yu-Gi-Oh for the first time!

Although "Cross Fire" also has its own biochemical mode, but in everyone's opinion, that is not called biochemical mode, but should be called monster fighting mode!

Because those so-called zombies are not like zombies at all!

In the Resident Evil mode, players deeply experienced the world's first horror game!

The horrible and disgusting zombies are running towards you in front of the screen, and they are so real!

Unless you forcibly lower the picture quality!

However, when playing games with extreme graphics quality, the machine can run smoothly, who would like to play games with low graphics quality?

(Get Zhao) And the first paragraph of this "horror game" made the players deeply remember those zombies and a little girl—the Red Queen!

They were almost frightened to death by that terrifying smile of the red queen, and they were strangled on the spot in a few Internet cafes!

Similarly, in the Antarctic Game Mansion, Xu Dan is also paying attention to the Red Queen.

But not from the computer game, but from the system's point mall!

With the launch of "Cross Fire" and "Prototype", the number of redeemable items in his point mall has increased a lot.

There is brother A's black light virus, but the current conditions are not yet available for purchase.

This is the only thing worth buying in "Prototype".

And "Crossing the Line of Fire" is too rich and too much gas!

Just the various firearms, grenades, weapons, and equipment are dazzling.

Those ordinary firearms are very cheap in the system point mall!.

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