Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 88 Hellscream's Sword Of Destruction!

"What the hell is that?"

Banner pushed his glasses and stared at the image on the virtual screen. He only knew that he was a perverted monster. Didn't he think that there are monsters like him in this world?

Xu Dan explained: "This is what you trusted Mr. Lan before. He refined the blood you sent him into serum and injected it into the soldier who chased you that day!"

Hearing this, Banner was shocked and shook his head constantly, unable to believe it was true.

But that's the way it is, Xu Dan didn't tell half a lie!

Banner's grief doesn't just lie in his betrayal, but also in his hatred for his Ability.

That newly forgiving monster must be because of his serum after all!

"Banner, how about it, why don't you go and kill that monster yourself?"

"I'm still on the medication period..."

"Then I have no choice but to clean up the mess for you." Xu Dan patted Banna on the shoulder and said.

Last time the Iron Overlord was shot by him too!

As long as these talented 'workers' are willing to work hard, he, the boss, is very willing to take care of the remaining troubles for them!

"No, you can't be his opponent, I have also become a monster, I know that kind of power!"

Facing Banner's worry, Xu Dan waved his hands indifferently, "Continue to experiment, don't worry about other things!"

After saying this, he walked out of the laboratory door and quickly went downstairs.

Along the way, the red queen drove the car, and he opened the system point mall, preparing for a wave of strength strengthening before the battle.

Although I usually spend my time on work and don't have the time to practice, it's okay to sharpen my sword in front of the battle!

The first is to look at the point balance in the background.

With the launch of several prestige games, Xu Dan is no longer short of points, unless he has to buy those expensive items all the time!

For the consumption of ordinary people, tens of millions of points are relatively normal.

Balance has just bought Red, and some players have sent in some, and now it is 150 million.

If you want to buy skills, you can still buy a lot.

【Skill column】

【Flame Storm】: 5,560,000 points

【Static trap】: 6,550,000 points

【Devil Haunted】: 7,350,000 points

These skills flashed in Xu Dan's eyes. Although the names of each skill looked very aggressive, unfortunately, all of them needed skill guidance.

In a real battle, if you don't feel that your strength is suppressed, and the victory or defeat is in an instant, who will give you time and space to guide your skills!

Living people are not characters in the game!

After looking at it, he finally turned to a few pages upside down.

Suddenly, his eyes lit up.

[Sword Master Legacy]: 120,000,000 points

The reason why I noticed this top grade is because of its price!

In the last few pages, the price of most of the items has risen to the billion level!

But this product only has 120 million points!

The string of digits has one bit less than the others, which is easy to detect.

He was a little more empty, and the introduction of the product appeared in front of his eyes.

[Sword Master Inheritance]: The user will inherit the power of the Warcraft Sword Master. (Note: Since the host has acquired all the skills of the Juggernaut, this item is sold at a 10% discount!)

Looking at the system introduction, a smile appeared on Xu Dan's face.

I have always heard that other protagonists have been miserably cheated by the system, and now our family is very conscientious!

"Buy Juggernaut Legacy`~!"


"Purchased successfully!"

Following the system's prompt, Xu Dan only felt some pain in his head, followed by some strange and heavy information flow.

These are the Juggernaut's experience, combat experience, life skills...

The twists and turns of life are shown in Xu Dan's mind like a movie.

After comprehending things, those things disappeared without a trace, leaving only power in the end!

But the 'strength' that best matches the skills of the Juggernaut!

Although there is no strengthening of his body, just relying on this higher-level comprehension of skills can increase his strength by half!

A small soldier often said that his combat power had doubled, but no one would care.

But for an existence like Xu Dan, who dares to say that his combat power has been increased by half, is no joke!

If it was said that the previous sword strike could cut the iron tyrant's arm with a ten-centimeter sword mark, then now, as long as he uses all his strength to slash, he can definitely cut off the iron tyrant's arm with one sword!

What a terrifying growth rate!

Xu Dan was amazed by himself!

Choosing to buy this is really a wise decision!

After spending 120,000,000 points, he still has 30,000,000 points left.

Although the comprehension of sword skills in my heart has improved several levels now, I still have a handy weapon in my hand!

Considering the head-on confrontation with the abomination, ordinary weapons really can't do anything to it!

The source of that guy's strength is Banner's blood, and his body stats are almost equal to those of the green titan.

The toughness of the skin and the healing speed of the body are quite terrifying!

Therefore, a sharper weapon than the sword from last time is needed!

【Weapon column】

[Evil Gladiator's Saber]: 4,500,000 points

【Western Wind, Asgardian Sword】: 5,000,000 points

【Hellscream's Sword of Destruction】: 26,000,000 points

Xu Dan's line of sight - gliding across the blue weapon, finally landed on this epic weapon.

This is a weapon classification of around level 90, and the stats of this weapon are considered pretty good.

At the same time fancy, and its appearance.

A person who specializes in using swords is very picky about a sword.

Although this weapon has a sword in its name, it actually looks like a (good Zhao) knife.

Or it would be more appropriate to use 'blade' to describe it.

Its whole body is full of thick flame hues, just like its name, like the blade of Hellscream.

Using such a domineering weapon to deal with hatred, I don't know how effective it will be!

"||Buy Hellscream's Sword of Destruction!"


"Purchased successfully!"

As soon as Xu Dan stretched out his hand, the so-called 'sword' appeared in his hand.

In addition to looking sharp, it also feels a little hot to the touch.

It's as if it's made of magma!

"Nice weapon! Hope this time it can hold up!"

As we all know, hacking and killing Marvel super villains has always required a considerable amount of manpower and material resources.

In order to kill Obadiah last time, he directly bought a cheaper sword in the points mall. After using it, even if it is scrapped, there is nothing to feel bad about.

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