Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 90 Definitely Use Control Skills To Fight Hatred!

This was the opportunity the Abomination had been looking for for a long time.

He has the flying jumping ability, jumping from the ground to the height of the helicopter is just a basic operation.

Moreover, this kind of jump is still done with one leg!

His left leg has been crushed to the bone!

With that extraordinary recovery ability, he still needs some time to recover.

Coincidentally, Ross, that bastard, suddenly lowered the height of Flight, and the abomination took the opportunity to jump up!

This also happens to be able to distance yourself from Xu Dan temporarily!

General Ross looked at the big green hand pinning the helicopter door in horror, now, it's too late to say anything!

They are just ordinary humans, how can they take hatred?

Shoot the big hand so that it hurts and lets go?

That is impossible!

Not even the big caliber of the gunships can be rewarded, the pistols and automatic rifles they are equipped with are just like tickling!

"General, skydive!"

A loyal soldier, in this crisis, came up with a 'good way'!

He quickly buckled the survival backpack on Rose, and...

Abomination only found something falling from the helicopter hatch on the other side, so he subconsciously went to catch it.

What an interesting scene!

Xu Dan on the ground almost laughed out loud!

Remember that in Avengers: Age of Ultron, Hulk caught the parachuting soldier with his bare hands, and now the abomination has caught Rose by such a coincidence!

After turning into an abomination, the first person Bronski killed was Ross!

And now, it just so happened that Rose fell into his army!


Ten thousand muddy horses galloped past Rose's heart, how could he believe the nonsense of his soldiers?

Why do you want to skydive? Can't you live well?

I really want to shoot that bastard!

"Bronski, there is a good deal! There is a good business district!"

Bronski who turned into abomination is no longer Bronski!

There was a sneer on his ugly face, he stared at Ross and said, "What can I discuss with you? General Ross?"

"You..." Ross was shocked by the consciousness of hatred. He had witnessed the process of Banner transforming into a Hulk, and would eventually lose his mind and become violent, but this Bronski could stay awake!

From the perspective of a mortal, I have to say that Ross still has two talents to become a general.

The power of observation in a critical moment alone is not something that ordinary people can do.

"Are you surprised, General, I can become like this today, and I have to thank you very much, General!"

Smiling evilly, he let go of the hand holding the helicopter door, grabbed Ross and jumped to the ground.


That terrifying body shape vibrated so that the surrounding area was filled with smoke and dust, and a large circular pit was smashed out under his feet!

"General, you see that I am full of strength now! I won't be afraid of your life-threatening mission anymore. Do you want to send me another mission? This time I promise to complete it!"

Hate laughed.

But everyone knows that Rose in the hands of hatred is already in a desperate situation!

If nothing miraculous...

By the way, Xu Dan!

Rose had an idea in his desperation and instantly thought of Xu Dan.

His performance was so powerful just now, it should be able to save him!

"Xu Dan!! Xu Dan! Help me!!"

"Xu Dan!! Help me, I will give you benefits, I will give you whatever you need!!"

This sound like a dog barking made Xu Dan laugh.

Sure enough, it doesn't matter how noble a person's status is, when death is imminent, he will be a fool!

I beg grandpa to tell grandma!

Holding the Sword of Destruction glowing slightly in his hand, Xu Dan slowly walked towards Abomination.

"General Ross, you have to hold on!"

Hearing the sound, Ross looked expectantly in the direction of Xu Dan, however, that was the last sight he saw in his life.

As Xu Dan charged forward, Hate got nervous and accidentally pinched Ross to death!

The tragedy is unbearable.

There is only one word to describe the person who was crushed to death vigorously, and that is "miserable"!

Unlike other ways of dying.

The entire face of the crushed person was swollen, and the most terrifying thing was the pair of eyes, the eyeballs almost popped out!

In desperation, he threw the Rose in his hand towards Xu Dan! I hope Xu Dan can see some flaws for the sake of the body.

However, Xu Dan compelled Sanjiu Ice calmly, and walked past him!

Screw's body fell to the ground with blood, and finally fell into the pile of scrapped cars!

………………… Ask for flowers…

on the helicopter.

The soldier just now was still in a daze.

He is loyal by nature!

He really really just wanted General Ross to run away!

But often doing things with good intentions, Ross was caught by the abomination by such a coincidence!

If this incident becomes a military incident, I'm afraid...

How could the fate of the little soldier be like this!

When he returned to God and looked towards the ground, he saw that Rose's body had bounced twice on the ground like a dead dog, and fell into the waste pile!



On this day, so many things happened.

First, a monster appeared out of nowhere.

Another riot in the streets!


Ross dies again!

The accident is too fast, and the young heart can't react!

"What should I do now..."

The little soldier sat back to where Rose was before with a pale face.

on the ground.

Xu Dan has entered a melee with the Abomination.

The predecessor of the abomination was a Croatian agent, a veteran in his 40s, with a lot of combat experience!

After fighting against Xu Dan for many times, he gradually figured out the way, and even slowly defended himself!

He no longer suffers from Xu Dan's attack in vain, the two fight back and forth!

However, his physical strength is almost unlimited, and he also has a very strong self-recovery ability, he can consume Xu Dan to death no matter how he consumes it!

Definitely, Xu Dan understands this too!

What kind of abomination is he probably knows better than Bronski!

Therefore, after a long and fruitless battle, he began to think of other ways.

In his memory, Hulk fought against the abomination, but he was also unable to kill the abomination, and finally relied on brute force to knock the abomination unconscious.

Now he is also thinking about how to knock out this Dogecoin!



His Lingtai was clear for a while, and instantly turned off the way to defeat the abomination!

For such a long time, after accumulating a certain amount of points, he often enters the point mall to buy a batch of skills to strengthen himself!

In addition to Juggernaut's skills, and some passive abilities!

Definitely also has other magic skills, control skills... Yu....

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