Marvel's Super God Game Producer

Chapter 96 Be Sure To Find A Tricky Angle And Play This Game Again!

Definitely, it is impossible for "Sword of Heaven" to be released only in China. This is the operation of Antarctic Company, and it will be launched simultaneously globally.

Countless game fans are waiting for updates on Antarctic official website and platform every day.

Once the promotional advertisement is released, these obsessed game fans, no matter what type of game it is, the disc will be over!

Anyway, it is produced in Antarctica, did it trick people? No!

It is difficult for Western players to understand Eastern philosophy, they can only see the beauty of the surface, which is completely different from the previous style of Antarctic games!

A game company often creates games with similar styles!

But Antarctica is different. In this game, there is no big muscular man, no elf with pointed ears!

Yes, it's just the antique world that originated from China!

Even the irascible youngsters on the streets of the United States, when they open this game, they will change their usual rush, and their hearts will quickly calm down.

Make a cup of tea and watch the spring rain all night.

Although there are not many players in Europe, the evaluation of this "Heavenly Knife" on the forum is extremely high!

That's the kind, although I don't understand, but in order to highlight that I am very knowledgeable, I must find a tricky angle and play this game again!

John: This game has a very interesting setting, that is, when female players and male players ride horses, smaller women will ride sideways, but some female men will still ride astride! Oh, My God! The Antarctic Dad is extremely careful in setting this setting! A masterpiece! Full score out of 10, I give it 10!

linsen: At the beginning, let me say "Godfather of Antarctica, forever and ever"! As you can see, I am a Briton who likes Chinese culture very much. I have traveled the Great Wall of China on foot and lived in their ancient city Chang'an for a while. When I saw such a Huaxia Feng game produced by Anji Company, I knew that I had fallen! Very!

alasijia: I am a writer, and I usually like to play some games. From a writer’s point of view, this game can completely turn the script into a novel! I’m used to watching those psychopaths who want to destroy the world at every turn in World of Warcraft , I think the setting of the characters in this game is very rich, everyone has flesh and blood and feelings, it is like a society! If Anji Company allows, I am willing to ghostwrite for free! I don’t know if I have the qualifications Woolen cloth?

There is also a group of players that Xu Dan did not expect to give "Heavenly Knife" a good review-island players!

You know, in the background of "Sword of Heaven", the islanders are the "Japanese pirates" in the game, who are harvested and slaughtered by countless players as if they were wheat!

To be reasonable, he didn't give any hope to that tiny place from the beginning.

As a result, in the end, the 24-hour online rate of the island country region actually ranked among the top five in the world!

New York.

Antarctic Game Building.

"Tuk tuk tuk!!"

"Come in!"

Skye still looks the same, it's just that he has been enjoying nourishment for so many days, and now he looks good.

Holding a stack of report documents in her hand, she said: "Big boss, this is a proposal submitted by the branch office, please have a look!"

Xu Dan took the file while enjoying Mai Shiranui's service.

Skye is already used to this, who knows why Shiranui Mai's body is so strong, she claims to be the leader of the kindergarten, but she can't stand the continuous bombardment of Xu Dan's cannon!

Looking at the content on the document, Xu Dan's eyes gradually became weird.

"Life Foundation?"

His branch focuses on biotechnology research, and has now entered a normal operation mode, and all the first pot of gold has been invested in redevelopment!

As for the Life Foundation, Xu Dan naturally knows about it.

That is the life foundation in "Venom" who dared to go to space to collect alien symbiotes!

Definitely, right now they haven't made such a big move.

It's just that I didn't expect that the branch company could notice this life foundation with great potential in the future! (jdb)

"Have you read the document, do you have any suggestions?" Xu Dan asked Skye.

"I recommend the acquisition, definitely, it's my personal recommendation."

Hearing this, Xu Dan directly closed the half-read document and said, "Then buy it!"

"Ah?" Skye was taken aback by Xu Dan's domineering behavior, and murmured, "Or, are you thinking about it? I'm just talking nonsense.

"Don't think about it, just tell the truth and go to the doctor!"

"Oh.....yes, I got it!!"

"Anything else?"

Skeleton paused and adjusted his mood.

Afterwards, he slowly said: "The last time we talked about holding the Global Game Hegemony Competition, we have already contacted the venues in various competition areas around the world. Look..."

The Global Game Contest, this is no small matter.

After such a long period of development, Antarctica has already possessed such qualifications.

When "The King of Fighters" was a small hit, he also funded and held a "Fighting Conference".

Competitive games such as "Warcraft" and "Cross Fire" are already popular, and it's time to think about it!

"Then let's hold it!" Xu Dan directly knocked on the board and decided, and then seemed to remember something, "By the way, have you chosen the entertainment star for the opening ceremony of the final?"

The global hegemony contest is a long process. There are so many players in the world, and the teams they form are enough to circle the earth a dozen times!

And in the end, there are only two teams that can reach the finals!

There are too many teams to be eliminated, and it takes too much time!

I'm afraid that even if the competition starts today, it will be the end of summer by the time it reaches the finals!!

There is still so much time, but Xu Dan is already asking for the list of the opening ceremony of the final, which really stumps Skye!

"I... I haven't thought of that much yet!" she replied honestly.

Xu Dan didn't mean to pursue it, but said: "Give me a list as soon as possible.


"Go ahead!"

In the afternoon, an unexpected visitor came to the company.

That is, the chief of S.H.I.E.L.D who is known as the corned egg——— Nick Fury!

His sudden arrival made Xu Dan inexplicably feel some trouble.

As the saying goes, if you have nothing to do, go to the Temple of Three Treasures. This SHIELD Director is obviously a busy person, so how could he come to his game company casually on weekdays?

Sure enough, Nick Fury came with preparations!

"How are you? Xu Dan?"

Xu Dan ignored Nick Fury's farting greeting and looked towards his hand, "What are you holding?".

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