By the time Obadi understood the plan, it was too late. His giant armor instantly froze and took him down from the sky, and Obadi struggled to regain its power, but to no avail.

With a loud bang, the giant armor fell to the ground, directly smashing the ground into a large pit with a diameter of 30 meters, and the glass of the houses on a street was all shattered.

With this heavy fall, the mecha was seriously damaged, and Obadi inside was injured by the shock force and vomited blood.

Obadi hadn’t hung up yet, he struggled to control the mech to get up, and in the distant sky, Tony flew over with a liquid nitrogen car on his back.

Tony, who was flying in the sky, threw the liquid nitrogen cart at Obadi and completed the final mend.

With a loud bang, after the liquid nitrogen car fell from the sky, it hit the shell of the giant mecha, and the tank on the car broke through, and white gas gushed out like smoke, instantly covering the giant mecha.

Liquid nitrogen is an industrial ice making agent, and when it comes into contact with air, it will immediately form a terrifying low temperature, and the lowest temperature reaches -196 °C.

In the movie “Terminator”, the liquid robot T1000, which can recover itself infinitely, is not afraid of any weapon attack, even if it is broken, it can automatically recover. But after being frozen by liquid nitrogen, as long as it moves, the body will immediately turn into pieces.

The strong freezing power of liquid nitrogen can completely ice the steel, and after being impacted, it will shatter like glass.

At this moment, Obadi, who was trapped by liquid nitrogen, found that the mecha had all been frozen to a silvery white, and the joints of the mecha’s hands and feet became stiff. The entire mecha was completely disabled at extreme low temperatures, and all power systems were completely disabled.

“Obadi, you’re finished, this is liquid nitrogen, you’re dead.”

In the sky, Tony, who completed the mending blow with liquid nitrogen, hung in the sky, looking at Obadi, who was still struggling the most, his face was cold.

“Tony… Save me, I was wrong, I was confused for a moment, you spare me. ”

In the mecha, Obadi asked Tony for help in horror, he shed crocodile tears, but he couldn’t beat it, and he admitted that he was wrong, and this old fox was very cunning.

“Obadi, I have always regarded you as a second father, I trusted you, but you betrayed me. You took advantage of my feelings for you, I hate betrayal, send you to hell. ”

Tony was furious, his right hand slammed, and at a distance of 100 meters, an electromagnetic bombardment hit the mecha that was frozen into silver.

There was a loud bang, as if a glass bottle had been broken. Originally strong. The giant mecha that was extremely hard and super defensive shattered into pieces at once.


Mecha, naked. As soon as Obadi, who was exposed in liquid nitrogen, roared out a word in despair, his body was also frozen in liquid, and the whole person turned into a silver-white ice sculpture, and his body still maintained that expression of panic and struggle.

“Farewell, Obadi.”

Tony walked up to the ice-like Obadi and stretched out. After taking out his right hand and lightly throwing a punch at the ice sculpture.

With a bang, the ice-carved Obadi’s body turned into pieces at once, and he couldn’t die anymore.

Obadi has hung up, and the guy who threatens Tony the most has finally been taken out.


In the distance, Lin Feng flew over, and saw that Obadi and the mecha turned into pieces together, and Lin Feng was relaxed.

Tony hung his head in frustration and received a heavy blow: “Obadi betrayed me, and the person I trusted the most betrayed me.” Lin, I have everything but nothing, I am simply a poor worm. I don’t even have a loved one now, except for Pepper and you, I… There is no one to trust anymore. ”

“Tony, don’t be frustrated, it’s not to blame you, you’re very good to Obadi, it’s his own ghost obsession, let’s go back.”

Lin Feng grabbed the frustrated Tony, and the two flew to the villa.

After returning to the villa, Tony is in low spirits, and Obadi’s betrayal hits Tony hard.

“Lin, you saved me again, and without you, I might have died at the hands of Obadi. Thank you! ”

“Tony, everything is gone, don’t be sad about the past, even if there is no world, I am still standing by your side.”

“Lin… Thank you! ”

Tony cried and hugged Lin Feng.

“This battle is too tired tonight, Tony, rest well, I’m going to sleep.”

Lin Feng patted Tony’s shoulder, smiled and returned to the room to rest. Lin Feng just returned to the room, a strong reminder sounded in his head, this time after killing Obadi and saving Tony, Lin Feng won a reward of 2,000 talent points.

“Cool, I actually earned another 2,000 talent.”

Lin Feng was extremely excited, temporarily saving the talent points, and Lin Feng, who was already tired, fell asleep quickly.

Early the next morning, the whole of America boiled.

On television and in the media, there are all pictures of streets destroyed, houses bombed, and countless deaths, which is almost the most horrific attack in the United States except 911.

In addition, the scene where Tony wore a steel suit and smashed a liquid nitrogen car towards Obadi was photographed by many people.

People call Tony ‘Iron Man’ and say he saved Americans, and without him, no one would be able to stop Obadi, and more Americans would have died.

“Tony is Iron Man, he saved us.”

“Tony is a superhero, he is almost invincible.”

“Tony, can you come forward and explain the function of your suit of warframe?”

“Tony, do you like the name Iron Man?”

“Tony, you are my idol, I am your fan, I want to meet you.”

“Tony, I love you and we will always support you.”

The media and television were full of fans who were crazy to show affection to Tony, and the Stark Group’s phone was bursting, millions, tens of millions of Americans, frantically dialing the Stark Group’s phone, wanting to confirm whether Tony was Iron Man.

In the villa, Tony, who saw the news, was a little crying and laughing.

“Lin, I don’t deserve the name of Iron Man, take out Obadi, you have the most credit. The title of Iron Man, only you deserve it. ”

Lin Feng smiled: “Tony, I don’t want to attract too much attention for the time being, I’m not as powerful as you, if I’m too famous and targeted by terrorists, then I’ll be in danger.” Tony, you better come forward and admit that you are Iron Man. ”

“Lin… It’s not fair, you are the real Iron Man. ”

“Tony, do me a favor, I don’t want to get myself in trouble.”

If Lin Feng wants to be Iron Man now, Tony can only step aside, but in fact, Lin Feng does not want to grab the title of Iron Man.

After Tony became Iron Man, it attracted the attention of two strong enemies, the first was Ivan, who designed the Ark reactor with Tony’s father, this Russian is very powerful, he colluded with the arms dealer Hammer to develop dozens of sets of Mountain Race versions of steel suits, wanting to kill Tony.

Another enemy is called Killian, who controls the copycat version of Mandarin and provokes Tony, an evil scientist who has developed a virus that can make humans heat up and explode, and in Iron Man 3, almost killed Tony and Pepper.

If Lin Feng becomes Iron Man, these troubles may appear on him, which is the reason why Lin Feng does not want to become Iron Man, how good it is to be a big boss behind the scenes.

Lin Feng’s refusal made Tony helpless.

“Okay, Lin, since you don’t want to be Iron Man, I’ll be. Lin, come with me to Stark Group, I’m going to hold a press conference. ”


Lin Feng smiled and followed Tony out of the villa.

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