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Actually, Quicksilver's original plan was to seek help from Professor X~. He even went to the mutant school, but was told that Professor X~ was in a meeting in Washington, so he rushed all the way to Washington, but after seeing Professor X~ again, he was greatly disappointed.

Here, Quicksilver saw that Professor X~ and other mutants were treated like prisoners by humans. Faced with all kinds of unfair treatment from humans, they only knew how to accept it. This made him completely disappointed in Professor X~.

But when he saw Suke, hope suddenly ignited in Quicksilver's heart......

Walking to Professor X~, Su Ke casually pulled off the suppressors on Professor X~ and Qin's necks, and said slowly:"Professor, let's go. There is no point in staying here any longer. Believe it or not, humans will never truly accept mutants. There may be a short period of peace between you, but this peace will never last too long!"

Professor X~ felt bitter in his heart. How could he not know this truth? But for the sake of peace, he had been enduring it all the time. Even though he was treated like an animal and had a suppressor put on his neck, he still tried to make humans believe in mutants!

But it was obvious that everything was in vain....

Humans don't trust mutants....

There will be no peace between mutants and humans...

Unlike Magneto, he has always insisted on a path opposite to Magneto. Even if he sometimes thinks Magneto is right, he still insists on his own path....

But now, he suddenly doesn't want to persist...

Professor X took another look at the Mutant Registration Act in his hand, shook it gently, and then threw it on the ground like trash.

"Sorry, I don't agree!"

"We don't agree either!"

All of a sudden, all the mutants present threw the mutant registration bills in their hands to the ground. The whole place was in chaos again. The humans present were panicked because they were really worried that the mutants would hurt them.

"Professor x~, you...How could you reject us?...Don't you know what the consequences will be?"

A congressman asked bravely, his trembling voice showing his mood at the moment.

"I know, but please don't forget, members of the Congress, we are mutants, we will not be slaughtered, although we look forward to peace, but if the war comes, then we will not hesitate to fight back!"

Professor X~ said coldly.

Hearing this, Su Ke smiled slightly. Professor X~ is finally not a saintly bitch.

In the entire X-Men, although Professor X~ is kind, sometimes his kindness is outrageous. He is almost a recognized saintly bitch, which has led to the destruction of his mutant school many times.

Now seeing Professor X~ say such words, Su Ke is still quite relieved in his heart. It seems that his arrival has changed a lot of things.

On the other hand, Tony is now extremely headache. He originally just wanted to pull Su Ke to be a listener, but he didn't expect to cause such trouble. If humans really go to war with mutants, Su Ke will definitely stand on the side of mutants. With Su Ke, how can humans be the opponent of mutants?

When Tony thought of this, he was so angry that he wanted to slap himself........

At this point, there was no need to say anything more. Then, Su Ke opened a passage leading to the mutant school with a thought.

""Let's go!"

After saying hello, Suke walked in first, followed by Professor X, Jean, Hank, and Quicksilver....

Soon, all the mutants in the conference room left, and even Tony left with Suke, because Tony felt that he needed to persuade Professor X~ and Suke, after all, war is not a joke.

The congressman and the remaining humans looked at each other, and finally shook their heads helplessly, because everyone knew that the world was afraid that another war would come........

In the mutant school, after all the mutants were settled, Professor X~ sat on the chair with a headache, pinching his forehead, and began to think about what to do next. If he directly rejected the mutant registration bill, the result would be that the human army would start to arrest mutants, and his mutant school would definitely be the first to bear the brunt. There were still hundreds of mutant children here, and he had to find a way to protect them!

"So what should we do next?"

Professor x~ frowned and looked at the people in front of him and asked

"What else can we do? Although we don't like war, if humans want to take action, then we will never back down!"

Wolverine said slowly.

Wolverine is notoriously bad-tempered, and Professor X~ didn't take him to the previous meeting for fear that he would cause something bad, but he still learned about the whole thing from Hank, which surprised him. He didn't expect that Professor X~, who always wanted peace, would reject humans.

But of course, this is definitely a good thing, because he would never sign that bullshit Mutant Registration Act!

Seeing that Professor X~ was having a headache, Hank immediately said,"Professor, don't be like this, you did the right thing. Although we hope for peace and hope to integrate into humans, humans really cannot accept us. Just like Suke said, there will be no peace between us and humans!"

"Hello..."Don't say that, okay? Not all humans are like this. There's no need to slam everyone. I just went through the Battle of New York and almost died there. I know what war feels like. Believe me, no one likes war!"

Tony shook his head and said with emotion.

"Tony, I understand what you said, but as you can see, do you think humans will really accept mutants? I have been trying to make humans and mutants live in peace, but I have never succeeded. Maybe...I was really wrong..."

Professor x~ looked at Tony and spoke slowly.


Tony heard this and suddenly thought of something. Then he looked around and asked,"Wait a minute....Where is Su Ke? I don't think I've seen him since I came back. Where did he go?"

"Not sure, I think he took the piano to play in space....."


Tony is a little drunk!

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