"What's going on?"

Upon hearing this, the smile on Professor X's face instantly disappeared.

"Just now, Agent Coulson from SHIELD came to me and said that there was an international conference in New York two days ago, with leaders from more than 30 countries attending, but the person in charge of reception did not receive the leaders of these 30 countries, and even their plane disappeared."

"They searched for a long time but couldn't find it. Finally, they suspected that it was done by mutants. The President of the United States handed the matter over to S.H.I.E.L.D. for investigation, but Coulson was worried that their arrival would accelerate the deterioration of the relationship between humans and mutants, so they asked me to check it out. Professor, there should be no one else except Magneto who could have caused the complete disappearance of thirty planes, right?"

Suk said slowly. x~ When the professor heard this, his face suddenly turned ugly, and then he pinched his forehead and said with a headache,"Before Eric left a few days ago, he told me���He said he had found a way to transform humans into mutants. Since humans and mutants cannot live in peace, he would turn all humans into mutants...."

"But this kind of thing is really too unbelievable, so I didn't pay much attention to it at the time, just thought he was joking, but after hearing what you said, I suddenly realized that he didn't seem to be joking....This guy is really crazy, does he know what he is doing?"

At the end of the words, Professor X was about to roar!

Converting the leaders of thirty countries into mutants at once, this is such a crazy thing! If he really succeeds, the conflict between humans and mutants will become more and more serious, and then there will be no choice but to fight!

"No! We can't let this happen! We must stop him!"

Professor x~ looked at Su Ke and said seriously

"So do you know where he is?"

Su Ke asked. You know, although he has the Space Stone, one of the necessary conditions for space teleportation is that he must know the specific location of the teleportation. If there is no specific target location, even if he has the Space Stone, he can't find Magneto! x~ When the professor heard this, his face became a little ugly again.

"Although Eric and I have known each other for a long time, I have never known anything about his whereabouts. In order to avoid being found by me, he has been wearing the helmet that can prevent consciousness from invading, so I can't find him. But don't worry, I will try to use the brain wave amplifier. I will stop him no matter what!"

After saying this, Professor X~ left in a hurry.

Seeing this, Su Ke could only shake his head helplessly, and then went to find Qin.

Lying comfortably by the lake, with his head resting on Qin's legs, enjoying the treatment of Qin bringing the peeled grapes to his mouth, Su Ke really enjoyed it at this moment.

Qin brought the peeled grapes to Su Ke's mouth and said speechlessly:"I didn't expect that Magneto would do this. He kidnapped the leaders of thirty countries at once, and wanted to turn them into mutants. This is crazy."Eating the sweet grapes, Su Ke said:"It's a bit crazy, but this guy has been working hard for mutants. Everything he does is for mutants!"

That's right. From the perspective of humans, Magneto is undoubtedly a super villain. But from the perspective of mutants, Magneto is not only not a bad guy, but a hero. That's why so many mutants follow him!

Jean paused and suddenly said,"Actually, I suddenly feel that this is not so bad, right? Turning the leaders of those countries into mutants and letting them feel our unfair treatment is not a good thing. Maybe humans will change their attitude towards us by then?""

"How can it be that simple!"

Su Ke shook his head and said,"The reason why mutants are mutants is because their genes are different from those of humans. If you want to turn humans into mutants, you need a complete genetic change. This kind of thing is not so easy, and it is very dangerous!"

In the original plot, Magneto successfully transformed a human congressman into a mutant, but not long after, this human congressman died. This is because Magneto cannot completely change human genes. If he really succeeded in transforming those 30 national leaders into mutants, then there is no doubt that these people will die!

But it is obvious that Magneto does not know this flaw.

I have to say, this is really a crazy plan!

But for Su Ke, this is not a troublesome thing, because he has the power of the Time Stone. Even if Magneto really turns those national leaders into mutants, he can easily change this kind of thing.... etc....

Just when he thought of this, Su Ke's heart suddenly moved again.

If that's the case, then why should he stop Magneto?

Let Magneto finish this matter, and then he will appear as the savior, isn't it better?

Apart from anything else, at least he can control the leaders of those 30 countries and do some other things....

Thinking of this, Su Ke began to have an idea in his mind....

At the same time, he began to hope that Magneto could succeed, and even when necessary, he would help Magneto....

Time passed quickly, and it was night in the blink of an eye. At this time, Professor X~ finally received good news.

Although Professor X~ did not find Magneto, he found the little rascal who was secretly taken away from the school by Magneto. At this moment, they are on an isolated island in the Atlantic Ocean!

Because of the long-term use of the brain wave amplifier, Professor X~ fell asleep after telling everyone the news. In addition, it was too late to act, so everyone planned to wait for Professor X~ to wake up before discussing the next step.

As for Suk, he had already set off when he just got the news, because he felt that he needed to have a good talk with Magneto!

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