
For a moment, a look of surprise finally appeared on the calm face of the Silver Surfer. Although he knew that Suke was not simple, he did not expect that Suke's power had reached this level!

Before coming to Earth, he had been to countless planets. Although there were strong people on those planets, those strong people were insignificant to him. He defeated them with almost no power, and then his master, Galactus, would begin to devour those planets!

He had never met a strong man like Suke!

Just a light punch, but he could directly break a black hole. What a powerful force!

Although he was a little frightened, he was the servant of Galactus after all. Then, he reacted quickly, and then increased his strength and quickly rushed out of the black hole!

But it was obvious that Suke would not let him go like this....

Staring at Suke who was standing in front of him, the Silver Surfer was also very angry at this time. After all, after becoming the servant of Galactus, he had never suffered such a loss, which made him almost unbearable!

Then, he instantly began to attack!

Waves of special energy began to continuously flow out from the skateboard under his feet, and then began to spread throughout his body, making him look more dangerous.

This is a unique way of attacking him. He constantly draws energy from the skateboard and then attaches it to himself, making his body harder and the speed will increase tenfold. Under such an impact, even asteroids will be destroyed by him! And because the speed has exceeded superluminal speed, such an attack is almost unavoidable!

Next, without the slightest hesitation, the Silver Surfer rushed towards Suke!


When rushing towards Suk, the Silver Surfer was surprised to find that his speed had suddenly become extremely slow. Not to mention superluminal speed, he was like being frozen in mid-air. At the same time, he keenly realized that the energy in his body was also rapidly dissipating....

What on earth is going on?

The Silver Surfer was horrified, but there was nothing he could do.

"How boring! It seems that without the power of Galactus, you are nothing at all. You really disappoint me!"

Suke shook his head and looked at the Silver Surfer who was imprisoned by the power of time with contempt!

Then, he waved his hand, and the skateboard under the feet of the Silver Surfer flew towards him.

The skateboard is the source of power for the Silver Surfer. Without the skateboard, the Silver Surfer was suddenly horrified, and there was some fear in his eyes when he looked at Suke.

Next, Suke suddenly snapped his fingers again, and the time confinement around the Silver Surfer was instantly released. Then, the Silver Surfer began to fall to the ground at a loss....

Suk obviously noticed that the moment the Silver Surfer fell, the skateboard in his hand struggled to fly over, but of course, he would not allow this!

As for whether the Silver Surfer was alive or dead, Suk was too lazy to care about it. After all, it was this guy who brought Galactus to Earth. What does it matter if he died?

And this skateboard...What a good thing!

Sweeping his eyes over the skateboard, Suk's eyes showed a hint of surprise. You know, this thing is directly connected to the energy of Galactus, and the power in it is almost endless!

As one of the five great gods of creation, Galactus seems to have always been a universal existence, as if anyone can defeat him, but don't forget that this guy is always one of the five great gods of creation, and his own energy is almost unlimited, not even worse than Dormammu. In some events in Marvel, this guy once destroyed the universe! After getting the skateboard, what Suk has to do next is to wait quietly for the arrival of Galactus!

When Suk landed on the ground, the Avengers and the Fantastic Four had been found by Tony. In addition, Tony also fished out the Silver Surfer who fell into the deep sea, and this guy's life is really hard enough. He fell from such a high place and didn't even get hurt!

"So, what are we going to do with this guy now? We already have the skateboard, and this guy seems to be useless!"

Hawkeye took out an arrow from his back and knocked it on the Silver Surfer.

At this time, the Silver Surfer finally spoke, but of course, he didn't speak to Tony and Hawkeye, but to Suk.

"Human, you are making a serious mistake. When my master, Galactus, arrives, all of you will die!"

Suke found it funny and said,"To be honest, I would go find him even if he didn't come. He's just a creator god, right? I'll kill him anyway! Also, take a good look at me, am I really a human?"

Upon hearing this, the Silver Surfer looked at Suke again, and soon, he discovered the special energy in Suke, which was the energy that belonged exclusively to the Eternals!

"you...You are a Titan, a member of Thanos' tribe, why is this happening?...Didn't Thanos kill all his people?"

Silver Surfer said in great surprise.

As a being who often roams in the universe, he has naturally heard about the Mad Titan Thanos. Even his master has warned him that if he encounters Thanos, he must not conflict with him. Obviously, even his master Galactus is afraid of Thanos' power!

Now he actually saw a Titan from the same family as Thanos here, which really surprised him, because as far as he knew, Thanos seemed to have slaughtered all his people!

"I am lucky, so he couldn't kill me. But soon, I will go find him. But before that, I have to kill your master, Galactus, first!"

Suk said calmly.

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