A moment later, Suke and the Guardians of the Galaxy gathered at the Collector's house. Before leaving, Suke had something to ask Star-Lord and Gamora!

"So, you are really from Earth? And now Earth has its own team of heroes?"

After listening to Suke's brief introduction to the current situation on Earth, Star-Lord shouted in surprise. When

Star-Lord was kidnapped by Yondu, he was only a dozen years old, which was around the 1990s. At that time, the technology on Earth was not very developed, and there were not many heroes. So when he heard that Earth already had its own superhero team, he was really surprised!

Seeing this, Suke smiled and said,"Not long ago, Prince Loki of Alaska once invaded the Earth with the Chitauri, but was defeated by the Avengers of the Earth. That is a very strong team. With them, the Earth is very safe!"

"Really? It seems I really need to go back. Thinking about it carefully, it seems like I haven’t been back for 30 years. I don’t know if my grandpa is still there...."

When Star-Lord said this, he couldn't help but feel a little lost.

When he was kidnapped by Yondu, his mother had just passed away, so even after he became an adult, Star-Lord never thought about returning to Earth, because it was a place that would make him sad. However, when he heard Suk talk about the changes on Earth, he suddenly felt a little more eager.......

After looking at Star-Lord for a while, Su Ke smiled and said,"It seems that you haven't found your father yet!"

"My father?"

When Xing Jue heard this, he was stunned for a moment, then he thought of something, and then he looked at Su Ke in surprise and said,"Wait a minute....Are you trying to tell me that you just happen to know who my father is?"

"Of course!" Su Ke smiled and said,"And I can tell you for free!"

As soon as these words came out, not only was Star-Lord a little surprised, but even Gamora, Rocket and others on the side came over. Everyone was very curious about who Star-Lord's father was.

"His father shouldn't be a human, right? Not even an ordinary alien. As early as the first time I saw this guy, I found that he seemed to have a trace of strange power. This power is very ancient, even older than me!"

Then at this moment, the collector on the side suddenly spoke again.

This time, Star Lord and others became even more curious, and all their eyes stared at Su Ke....

Seeing this, Su Ke didn't keep the secret any longer and said directly:"Your father is no other than a living planet named Ego. This guy is also a god, so in a way, you are actually half a god!"

Ego? Living planet? God?

After mumbling these unfamiliar words, Star-Lord became more and more confused.......

But at this time, the collector on the side stood up excitedly, then walked to Star-Lord and looked at him in surprise and said,"Yes, Mr. Suk is right, he does have the power of God, and this is a kind of creative power, this kind of power only Ego has, you are indeed his son!"

Star-Lord's face was confused for a while, and then he suddenly thought of something, and then murmured,"No wonder, when I was very young, my mother told me that my father came from the stars......."

Compared to the excitement of Star-Lord and the Collector, Drax and Rocket on the side were puzzled.

Because what Suk meant was that Star-Lord's father was a ball?

Then Rocket asked:"Wait a minute..."...If what you said is true, then this guy's father is actually a planet? A planet with self-awareness? But I'm really curious, how can a planet give birth to a child with humans?"

Rocket said, and suddenly laughed meanly.

When Star-Lord heard this, he immediately became angry, because in his heart, his mother is his only one, and he will never allow anyone to insult her!

"Rocket, you damn guy, don't you dare say that about my mother, or I will never forgive you!"

As if he realized that Star-Lord was really angry, Rocket waved his hands and said,"Don't get excited, don't get excited, I just asked a question that everyone is curious about, at most I won't ask!"

Suke listened helplessly, and then explained,"Ego is a god, and the abilities of gods are very powerful. He can change into any form and appear anywhere!"

"Yes, from what I know, this guy likes to go around in human form....Travel everywhere!"

The Collector had just said half of his words when he suddenly thought of something and changed his words in an instant.

As a cosmic elder, the Collector naturally understood Ego. At the same time, he also knew that Ego had not only been with Star-Lord's mother, but also with all species in the entire universe. Similarly, he also had countless children, and Star-Lord was just one of them!

Although it was unknown what Ego's purpose was in doing this, there was no doubt that, given the current situation, these words were really not suitable to be said.......

Similarly, Suk also knew everything about Ego. He even knew the purpose of Ego's sowing seeds everywhere in the universe, which was to give birth to a child with the same power of God as him, and then use the power of this child to achieve his goal of ruling the universe!

Unfortunately, except for Star-Lord, Ego's other children did not inherit Ego's power of God, so Ego ruthlessly killed them.���He piled their bones on his own planet...

It is worth mentioning that the reason why Star-Lord's mother died of cancer was also because of Ego....

Although he knew everything, Suk didn't intend to tell Star-Lord about it, because this was Star-Lord's own story and the plot of the Guardians of the Galaxy, and Suk didn't want to get involved!

Anyway, after listening to Suk's words, Star-Lord had made up his mind, that is, he was ready to take everyone to find his father.

Suk knew that the plot of Guardians of the Galaxy 2 was about to unfold........

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