Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 102 Desert Adventure

Time goes back to one day ago.

In the Middle East, in the west of Sildamu Country, in the desert of West Asia.

An off-road vehicle was moving quickly in the desert.

Inside the car, you can see a woman wearing white clothes and a plaid headscarf, and a man wearing black clothes and a headscarf.

There were also many guns and ammunition visible in the back seat of the car.

After a while, the vehicle stopped at an oasis. A man and a woman got out of the car tiredly, started to refill their water supply, and then ate.

In this silent atmosphere, the man finally spoke after a while.

"Ruth, this West Asian desert is too big. We must get more accurate information."

Ruth's eyes dimmed for a while, but she shook her head firmly.

"Jack, the informant is dead and there is no more accurate target."

"But if we keep searching like this, even if we find next year, we may not be able to find Alina."

“If you can’t find it next year, then find it the year after next, or even ten years later, or a hundred years later.

I must find my sister! "

"But what if Alina is already dead."

Hearing this, a trace of sadness flashed in Ruth's eyes.

"Then let those traffickers bury my sister with her!"

Seeing that the other party was so determined, Jack couldn't say anything.

After a while, the two of them finished their rest and came to the car.

But the car didn't start immediately.

Ruth, who was sitting in the driver's seat, suddenly whispered: "Jack, if you want to give up, you can go back first.

I'll be fine looking for it by myself. "

When Jack heard this, he immediately shook his head, and then looked at Ruth affectionately.

"No, your sister is my sister, there is no way I will give up."

After finishing speaking, he also grabbed Ruth's little hand.

And Ruth was immediately moved by the other party's affectionate words, and slowly leaned towards the other party's lips.

Just when the two were about to kiss each other, they suddenly heard the sound of a car engine outside.

So the two people immediately separated and looked in the direction of the sound.

However, they were in an oasis at this time, surrounded by trees and tall grass, so they couldn't see what was going on outside at all.

At this time, Jack suddenly said: "Maybe it's the human traffickers. They also need to replenish the water supply. They can't stay in the desert forever."

Upon hearing this analysis, Ruth immediately nodded excitedly.


Soon, the two men took their weapons and ammunition and climbed up the tree, waiting for the other party to appear.

After a while, an ordinary-looking open-top off-road vehicle drove over.

There were only two men wearing gray cloaks and scarves, and the back seats of the car were just buckets. They looked very ordinary and normal.

This immediately gave a look of disappointment in Ruth's eyes.

But Jack became a little excited, and whispered in Ruth's ear: "The two of them have to fetch so much water, and judging from their looks, they are very familiar with this place. They have obviously not been here for a day or two.

It must be someone from a certain organization, maybe the same people who captured Alina. "

These words immediately cheered up Ruth again.

After a while, the two people below fetched water and drove away.

After a while, Ruth and Jack drove far behind each other.

There are not many roads in this desert, so just follow them from a distance.

But even if he followed from a distance, he might be discovered, so Jack stretched out his hands.

As a wave of transparent energy appeared, the car suddenly merged with the surroundings. If you hadn't looked closer, you wouldn't have been able to spot the car.

His superpower is light refraction, which can deflect the surrounding light to achieve an effect similar to invisibility.

He just used this ability to prevent others from discovering their car.

Ten minutes later, the vehicle in front suddenly left the road and entered the desert.

Seeing this, Ruth immediately followed.

After a few minutes, the vehicle in front disappeared behind a hill.

When they crossed the hillside, they saw a dilapidated house surrounded by barbed wire, with several off-road vehicles parked outside the house.

As for the two people from before who were gone, they probably entered the house.

Seeing this lonely house, Ruth was again disappointed.

"How many people can live in this shabby house?"

Jack's eyes sparkled, and he took Ruth's hand.

"There must be something wrong here. The two people just received so much water, they must not be able to finish it. It means there must be a base down here."

"They took so much water, maybe they were preparing to drink it for a longer time."

"That's even more problematic. Why do they want to stay in this place with no village or store for so long?"

Under Jack's persuasion, Ruth reluctantly regained her confidence, so the two got out of the car and began to walk slowly towards the dilapidated house.

But after walking for a while, Jack took Ruth's hand.

"There are cameras, and lots of them."

Looking along Jack's finger, Ruth saw several cameras placed above the barbed wire, and her expression began to grow serious.

Various cameras can also be seen in other directions of the barbed wire fence.

These cameras monitor almost everything around you.

If it weren't for Jack's superpowers, they would have been discovered long ago.

After walking slowly and carefully, the two approached the wire fence, and then Ruth took a step forward and directly broke the chain on the door with her hands.

Looking at her strength, it is obvious that she is not an ordinary person.

When the two entered the dilapidated house, they were stunned for a moment.

Because there was no one inside.

The two people who just received water disappeared.

Jack took Ruth's hand and pointed down.

"They went to the underground base."

Ruth nodded, came to the door, and was about to open the door with her hand, but was stopped by Jack.

"No, if you open the door like this, if there is a camera inside, we will definitely be discovered."

"Then how do we get in?"

"If there is an underground base, there must be a ventilation duct, otherwise the people below will be suffocated to death. We will go in through the ventilation duct."


After a while, the two found the ventilation duct next to the dilapidated house.

So after Ruth broke the railing with her bare hands, the two climbed in smoothly.

After climbing down carefully all the way, I don’t know how long it took, I finally touched the bottom.

At this point, the two of them were at risk of being exposed at any time.

So they stopped talking and communicated with sign language.

Jack made a gesture to follow me and started to climb in front.

After climbing for a while, they finally heard the voices of several people talking.

"Hurry up, the doctor asked us to finish burning before we go over."

"Alas, I don't want to do this job anymore. There are endless corpses to burn every day. It's really unbearable."

"Shh, keep your voice down. If you don't want to do it, just wait to be burned."

"We have handled so many corpses this month, and these corpses are getting more and more terrifying."

"I heard that the experiment is about to succeed, and we will be relieved then."

"If the experiment succeeds, can we become like those people?"

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