Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 106: Misconceptions in Thinking

The next afternoon.

The sun slowly set in the sky, and the last afterglow illuminated the world, like a layer of gold on the tall buildings.

Seeing such a beautiful scenery, Li Feng also raised his head from the documents and looked out the window.

"Such a beautiful world, it would be a pity if it was destroyed."

After he finished the inspection of the Umbrella Arsenal yesterday, he returned to New York this morning.

"Knock, knock..."

A knock on the door sounded.

Then Luna walked in wearing red high heels and a sexy red suit.

"Boss, this is the financial statement for the third quarter of this year."

Li Feng took the information and looked at it for a few times, and the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Because of the production of the sentinel robot and the big sales in Sakura Country, the financial statement for the third quarter of this year is very good.

The operating income is more than 30 billion, and the profit is more than 5 billion.

Compared with last year, it has increased by about 30%.

However, of the more than 5 billion profits, at least more than 2 billion must be given to Commissioner Smith.

After all, without them, Umbrella would never have grown to its current size, nor would it have been free of trouble.

Of the remaining 3 billion, more than 2 billion would have to be invested in new research, base maintenance, and armed forces maintenance.

In fact, the money he could really move freely was about 1 billion.

"Not bad, anything else?"

Seeing that Luna did not leave, Li Feng put down the financial statements.

"Just now, Stark Enterprises called and said that Tony wants to meet you."


After thinking for a while, Li Feng said, "Then tomorrow morning."


Watching Luna leave, Li Feng fell into deep thought.

"Red Queen, list the recent news about Tony."


The next second, all kinds of news about Tony appeared in front of him.

What about inviting many celebrities to a party together, showing off his armor, setting up a personal show in the company, etc.

"It seems that Tony's palladium poisoning can't be suppressed, and he wants to go crazy for the last time.

Then he came to me for nothing more than palladium poisoning."

Shaking his head, he no longer cared about this matter.

"Red Queen, where is the Alpha team?"

"The Alpha team has arrived in the territory of Shadamu Country and is preparing to go to Anai City.

But because of the isolation, they can only travel in the wild, which will take four more hours."

"What actions have the forces around the world taken?"

"Currently, most forces have sent teams to Anai City to check, and S.H.I.E.L.D. has already launched a space carrier last night."

This is the benefit of the Sky Eye Project.

With satellites in the sky, he can monitor the movements of major forces around the world at any time, and even use space-based weapons to provide support when necessary.

However, the US Congress is currently very envious of this space-based weapon, and it is estimated that their little money cannot sustain their greed for too long.

It seems that the construction of facilities in the North Bear Country must be accelerated to allow clones to be produced.

But these are all trivial matters.

The important thing is the research on viruses and genes.

I wonder if the researchers have made any technological breakthroughs in this month.

Thinking of this, he put down the documents in his hand and took the elevator to the underground base to check the research progress.


Time soon came to the next morning.

Tony wore a straight black suit, and then, with Pepper watching him, he left Stark Tower and drove towards Umbrella.

In fact, Pepper insisted on coming with him at first, but gave up after his persuasion.

Because he didn't want Pepper to know that he was suffering from palladium poisoning and make her worry.

Sometimes he felt very entangled in his thoughts.

He would rather Pepper worry about his daily life of drinking and partying, just not wanting her to worry about his health.

In his wild thoughts, he soon came to Umbrella Tower.

"Mr. Stark, long time no see.

The last time we met was a year ago."

Looking at the man in front of him with a kind smile, Tony could not connect the other party with the word ruthless.

However, when he thought that the other party had taken tens of billions from his company and caused him to be unable to enter the company for more than two months, he threw the word kind aside.

"Mr. Li, sorry to bother you."

After chatting for a while, Tony got straight to the point.

"I came to you this time because I want to ask you for help."

"What is it?"

"I need a drug that can cure palladium poisoning."

"Palladium poisoning? I can try, but I need to know the specific situation."

Tony hesitated for a moment, but still untied his tie and buttons.

Seeing this, Li Feng hurriedly said: "Wait, what are you doing? Although homosexuality is legal in the United States, I don't like men."


Tony choked on his saliva when he heard it.

But he still opened his collar and revealed the Ark reactor on his chest.

"A year ago, I was attacked by the Ten Rings Gang in the Middle East..."

After briefly describing his situation, Tony looked at Li Feng with expectation.

After thinking about it, Li Feng asked with a puzzled look: "I am very sorry for your experience, but I don't understand one thing. You made the Ark reactor to provide electricity and absorb the metal fragments around the heart to prevent them from flowing into the heart.

But now that you have returned to civilized society, why do you still need the Ark Reactor to provide electricity? You can use household appliances as energy.

Although it is a bit unsightly to have a wire on your chest, doesn't it completely solve the problem of palladium poisoning?

When you need to wear a battle armor and go out to play, can't you just install the Ark Reactor? "

In fact, when watching the plot of Iron Man 2, Li Feng was very confused about this.

Tony is not a street hero. He faces danger every day or has to go out to save people.

Why do you have to carry the Ark Reactor every day?

Don't say it's a question of power.

It's just to absorb the metal fragments around the heart. It doesn't require too much power at all. The 110V power of an ordinary American family can do it.

Even if it's really not enough, with Tony's wealth, it's not easy to get 220V or 380V.

After listening to Li Feng's words, Tony was stunned.

A very complicated look flashed in his eyes.

There was surprise, annoyance, excitement, regret, excitement, etc.

"Yes, why do I have to use the Ark Reactor? Although it's ugly to have a wire hanging on my chest, can't I use an ordinary battery?

Even if charging is a little troublesome, my life is not in danger.

When needed, I will use the Ark reactor to charge the armor, and I will still be Iron Man. "

Although he was enlightened, he still asked: "Thank you for your idea, but I still want to ask, is there a medicine to cure palladium poisoning?"

"Yes, but it will take time to develop, about a month later, 100 million per tube of medicine, how about it?"

"100 million, why don't you rob it?"

"I am robbing it, and besides, we are businessmen, you can bargain."

Hearing this, Tony said cautiously: "One million?"

"Deal, pay first, and give it to you in a month."

Looking at the smile on Li Feng's face, Tony always felt how evil he was at this time, and he was no longer as kind as before.

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