Marvel's Umbrella

Chapter 108 Norman is captured

Protected by several loyal bodyguards, Norman avoided the protesting crowd outside and returned home.

As soon as he returned to his villa, Norman, who was in a very bad mood, saw his son, Harry, and his classmates, Peter, walking over.

"Father, the news is all lies. You didn't harm anyone, right?"

Looking at his son's expectant eyes, Norman reluctantly showed a smile.

"How could I harm others? I am saving the world, saving this world that is terminally ill."

At this time, Peter, who was still about ten years old and 1.5 meters tall, came over and called "Uncle" obediently.

Norman rubbed Peter's little head.

"Little Peter, good evening. I'll have someone prepare delicious food tonight. You can stay and eat."

"No, Uncle Osborne, I have to go back, Aunt May is still waiting for me at home."

After saying goodbye, Peter left Osborne's villa.

Seeing Peter's leaving figure, Norman smiled slightly.

"What a well-behaved and sensible boy."

An hour later.

After dinner, Norman asked Harry and the tutor to study hard, and then returned to the bedroom.

After making sure there was no one around, he changed into long-collared clothes and then drove back to Osborne Tower.

Because he had just been kicked off the board of directors, his authority had not yet been taken back.

So Norman used his ID card to come to the laboratory smoothly.

Seeing that the flying skateboard and armor were still in the experimental stage in the laboratory, Norman turned his head and looked at another research.

Super soldier serum.

Since the assassination of Abraham Erskine, only fragmentary information has been left about the super soldier serum.

Osborn has always been cooperating with the military to study the super soldier serum based on this incomplete information.

However, the current super soldier serum has just been developed and has not yet been tested on humans.

The original plan was to find a time to apply to the military for human experimentation and then wait for the military to approve it.

But now he couldn't wait any longer.

He wants to kill the obstructive shareholders on the board of directors and take back his own company.

After a while, Osborne, who had stripped naked, was about to enter the experimental chamber, but suddenly an alarm sounded and all the surrounding lights turned red.

"What's going on?"

Before he could figure it out, the door to the laboratory was pushed open and a group of security guards broke in.

The security guards couldn't help but push him down and control him after coming in.

"You can't arrest me! Do you know who I am! I am Norman Osborne, chairman of Osborne Enterprises!"

The security guards ignored him until he was completely tied up, and then a middle-aged man walked in.

"It's you! Andre!"

When Norman saw the other party, his face suddenly turned pale, knowing that he was finished.

Because the other party is the second largest shareholder of Osborne Enterprises, and he is also the person who has been competing with him for the right to speak in the company.

Andre smiled slightly.

"Mr. Osborne, as the current CEO of Osborne, now declares that you have seriously damaged the interests of Osborne Enterprises and broke into Osborne Enterprises' laboratories without permission to steal confidential documents. and research results.

take away! "


Soon, Norman lowered his head and was escorted out of the laboratory by security guards without any resistance.

When Andre saw that everything was over, he immediately took out his mobile phone and made a call.

"Mr. Li, as you expected, Osborne really came to the company's laboratory."

"Don't worry, I will definitely accomplish what I promised, and I won't go back on it."

"Tomorrow you will have someone come and copy the data, but let's make it clear first that the core data will not be used."

Noon the next day.

In the Middle East, Sildamu Country, over the city of Anai.

As soon as SHIELD's space carrier arrived, they saw thick smoke rising from below.

From a high altitude, you can see a large number of armed forces surrounding Anai City, which is blocking the place.

"Dong dong..."

"Come in."

Soon, Maria pushed open the door and entered.

"Director, there is news from China that Norman from Osborne Enterprises has been arrested."

"He was caught?"

Nick frowned slightly.

"What's going on?"

“According to the news, Norman’s research on zombie viruses in the country was exposed, so the second shareholder, Andre, led people to remove Norman from his position.

Unexpectedly, Norman returned to the laboratory that night, but was caught by Andre. "

After hearing this, Nick immediately rubbed his brow.

"Forget it, ignore him for now, things here are important.

How is the current situation? "

“The situation is still under control.

Although these stupid Damu soldiers are not good enough, the crack zombies have not run out of the city yet. "

"But with all the living people dying in Anai City, these rip zombies will come out sooner or later, right?"

Maria nodded helplessly.

"At present, it seems like this is the case."

"Have you found the mutated zombie?"

"not yet."

"Keep looking. I have a feeling that this mutated zombie is a huge crisis."

"Yes, Director."

As Maria left the office, Nick looked down at Anai City, feeling a strong sense of uneasiness in his heart.

Among the troops sealing the city outside Anai City.

At this time, the soldiers were smoking, their rifles were thrown on the ground, they looked bored, or chatting with each other, and then looking at the city in front of them.

These soldiers looked very casual, without any military discipline.

If it weren't for the military on their bodies, it would be no problem to say that they were armed forces.

In fact, they can't be blamed for all this.

Because of the long-term war in the Shadamu country, people's hearts were scattered and morale was extremely low.

Even if the United States barely established a new government here and transported a large number of outdated weapons and equipment, people had no sense of belonging to the new government, and the soldiers naturally became a place to punch in and out of work, without any fighting spirit.

At this time, the soldiers of the Shadamu country who surrounded the city of Anai were forced to do something under such circumstances.

They didn't even build any military defenses, and they didn't even dig trenches.

It's not that they don't know how to dig, but they don't want to dig at all.

They are all places to punch in and out, so why dig trenches so hard.

As time passed, the sun began to slowly set and night fell.

So the soldiers in the blockade turned on various searchlights to prevent danger from occurring.

In one of the lines of defense, a group of soldiers were chatting.

"What do you think happened in Anai City?"

"Did those dark elements use some biological weapons here?"

"Not really, after all, they are all stupid people..."

"Who knows, in the propaganda, aren't those dark elements the same as crazy people?"

"You believe what they say too."

"Haha, it doesn't matter whether you believe it or not, anyway, we all go to work and get paid, whoever works hard is stupid."

This remark immediately attracted a round of approval from the surroundings.

At this moment, a shrill and desolate alarm sounded.

"Woo woo woo..."

Thank you very much for the confused, drank this cup of Pepsi, book friend 20211001114301345's monthly ticket

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